I am so grateful to all the people in my life who have supported me on this rocky journey, with special thanks to:
My husband, Michael Crumpton, for always believing the luck wave was about to change, and my dad, Herman Geerling, for the pep talks and prayers.
Kaitlyn Ballenger for so generously sharing your expertise, and to Rebecca San Juan and Joyce Sweeney for beta reading some pretty rough pages. To Omar Figueras for your kind explanations about real estate law, with extra props for wading through an early draft with editing pen in hand. Katy Yocom and Jenny Luper, thank you for reading early drafts and sharing your helpful insights.
Laurie Calkhoven, a constant source of inspiration and motivation. Long live the Job Quitters’ Club!
My Spalding University M.F.A. in Writing community, especially Sena Jeta Naslund, Karen Mann, Kathleen Driskell, Gayle Hanratty, Ellyn Lichvar, Jason Hill, Lynnell Edwards, Terry Price, and Nancy Chen Long for keeping the home fires burning. Your work means so much to so many.
My Spalding University M.F.A. in Writing mentors and workshop leaders: Luke Wallin, Joyce MacDonald, Rachel Harper, Robin Lippincott, Lesléa Newman, Beth Bauman, Kenny Cook, and Dianne April—your instruction and encouragement mean more than I can express.
My supportive Broward College colleagues and friends Erin Burns-Davies, Rowena Hernandez-Muzquiz, Jamie Martin, Sandra Stollman, Amanda Thibodeau, and Judi Tidwell; thank you for listening to So. Much. Drama.
Deb Werksman for taking a chance, and to the wonderful team at Sourcebooks, with special thanks to Susie Benton, Rachel Gilmer, Catherine Baccaro, Jessica Smith, Jocelyn Travis, Diane Dannenfeldt, and Sabrina Baskey.
Julie and Shepherd Edelstein and Nicole and Ray Cabrera for sharing your hotelier experiences and expertise. Christopher Leser, thanks for the poker tips! Any mistakes are totally mine.
Kay Rico Coffee in Hollywood, FL, especially owners J.R. and Elizabeth Mendez and their barista sons, Daniel and Timothy Aleman. Could this book have been finished without your dirty chai lattes with oat milk? Debatable. Thank you for the space on your couch and the excellent music selections.