Micah 1

a 1:1 (2 Pet. 1:21); Jer. 26:18

b 1:1 2 Kin. 15:5, 7, 32–38; 2 Chr. 27:1–9; Is. 1:1; Hos. 1:1

c 1:2 (Ps. 11:4)

d 1:4 Amos 9:5

e 1:5 Deut. 32:13; 33:29; Amos 4:13

f 1:6 2 Kin. 19:25; Mic. 3:12

g 1:6 Ezek. 13:14

h 1:7 Hos. 2:5

i 1:7 Deut. 23:18; Is. 23:17

j 1:8 Ps. 102:6

k 1:9 2 Kin. 18:13; Is. 8:7, 8

l 1:10 2 Sam. 1:20

1 1:10 Lit. House of Dust

2 1:11 Lit. Beautiful

3 1:11 Lit. Going Out

m 1:12 Is. 59:9–11; Jer. 14:19; Amos 3:6

4 1:12 Lit. Bitterness

5 1:12 Lit. was sick

n 1:13 Josh. 10:3; 2 Kin. 14:19; 18:14; Is. 36:2

o 1:13 Ezek. 23:11

p 1:14 2 Sam. 8:2

q 1:14 Josh. 15:44

6 1:14 Lit. Possession of Gath

7 1:14 Lit. Lie

r 1:15 Josh. 15:44

s 1:15 2 Chr. 11:7

8 1:15 Lit. Inheritance

9 1:15 Lit. Refuge

t 1:16 Job 1:20

u 1:16 Lam. 4:5

v 1:16 2 Kin. 17:6; Amos 7:11, 17; (Mic. 4:10)

Micah 2

a 2:1 Hos. 7:6, 7

1 2:1 Plan

b 2:2 Is. 5:8

c 2:3 Ex. 20:5; Jer. 8:3; Amos 3:1, 2

d 2:3 Amos 5:13

e 2:4 2 Sam. 1:17

2 2:4 Lit. portion

3 2:4 Lit. one turning back, an apostate

4 2:5 Lit. one casting a surveyor’s line

5 2:6 Or preach, lit. drip words

6 2:6 Lit. to these

7 2:6 Vg. He shall not take shame

f 2:10 Deut. 12:9

g 2:10 Lev. 18:25

h 2:11 Is. 30:10; Jer. 5:30, 31; 2 Tim. 4:3, 4

8 2:11 Or preach, lit. drip

9 2:11 concerning

i 2:12 (Mic. 4:6, 7)

j 2:12 Jer. 31:10

k 2:12 Ezek. 33:22; 36:37

10 2:12 Heb. Bozrah

l 2:13 (Hos. 3:5)

m 2:13 Is. 52:12

Micah 3

a 3:1 Ezek. 22:27

b 3:1 Ps. 82:1–5; Jer. 5:4, 5

1 3:2 Lit. them

c 3:3 Ps. 14:4; 27:2; Zeph. 3:3

d 3:3 Ezek. 11:3, 6, 7

e 3:4 Ps. 18:41; Prov. 1:28; Is. 1:15; Jer. 11:11

f 3:5 Is. 56:10, 11; Jer. 6:13; Ezek. 13:10, 19

g 3:5 Matt. 7:15

h 3:5 Ezek. 13:18

2 3:5 All is well

3 3:5 For those who feed them

i 3:6 Is. 8:20–22; 29:10–12

j 3:6 Is. 29:10; (Jer. 23:33–40); Ezek. 13:23

4 3:6 Prophetic revelation

k 3:7 Amos 8:11

l 3:8 Is. 58:1

5 3:9 Lit. twist

m 3:10 Jer. 22:13, 17

n 3:10 Ezek. 22:27; Hab. 2:12

o 3:11 Is. 1:23; Mic. 7:3

p 3:11 Jer. 6:13

q 3:11 Is. 48:2; Jer. 7:4

6 3:11 Lit. silver

r 3:12 Jer. 26:18

s 3:12 Ps. 79:1; Jer. 9:11

t 3:12 Mic. 4:1, 2

7 3:12 Lit. house

Micah 4

Micah 5

a 5:1 1 Kin. 22:24; Job 16:10; Lam. 3:30; Matt. 27:30; Mark 15:19

b 5:2 Is. 11:1; Matt. 2:6; Luke 2:4, 11; John 7:42

c 5:2 Gen. 35:19; 48:7; Ruth 4:11

d 5:2 1 Sam. 23:23

e 5:2 Ex. 18:25

f 5:2 (Gen. 49:10; Is. 9:6)

g 5:2 Ps. 90:2; (John 1:1)

1 5:2 Lit. the days of eternity

h 5:3 Hos. 11:8; Mic. 4:10

i 5:3 Mic. 4:7; 7:18

j 5:4 (Is. 40:11; 49:9; Ezek. 34:13–15, 23, 24); Mic. 7:14

k 5:4 Ps. 72:8; Is. 52:13; Zech. 9:10; (Luke 1:32)

2 5:4 shepherd

l 5:5 (Is. 9:6); Luke 2:14; (Eph. 2:14; Col. 1:20)

m 5:6 Gen. 10:8–11

n 5:6 Is. 14:25; Luke 1:71

3 5:6 devastate

o 5:7 Mic. 5:3

p 5:7 Gen. 27:28; Deut. 32:2; Ps. 72:6; Hos. 14:5

4 5:7 wait

5 5:7 delay

q 5:8 Gen. 49:9; Num. 24:9

6 5:9 destroyed

r 5:10 Zech. 9:10

s 5:10 Deut. 17:16

t 5:10 Is. 2:7; 22:18; Hos. 14:3

7 5:10 destroy

u 5:12 Deut. 18:10–12; Is. 2:6

v 5:13 Zech. 13:2

w 5:13 Is. 2:8

8 5:14 Heb. Asherim, Canaanite deities

x 5:15 (2 Thess. 1:8)

9 5:15 obeyed

Micah 6

a 6:2 Ps. 50:1, 4

b 6:2 (Is. 1:18); Hos. 12:2

c 6:2 (Is. 1:18)

1 6:2 bring charges against

d 6:3 Is. 5:4; Jer. 2:5, 31

e 6:3 Is. 43:22, 23; Mal. 1:13

f 6:4 (Deut. 4:20)

g 6:5 Num. 22:5, 6; Josh. 24:9

h 6:5 Judg. 5:11

2 6:5 Heb. Shittim, Num. 25:1; Josh. 2:1; 3:1

i 6:7 Ps. 50:9; Is. 1:11

j 6:7 Job 29:6

k 6:7 Lev. 18:21; 20:1–5; 2 Kin. 16:3; Jer. 7:31; Ezek. 23:37

3 6:7 My own child

l 6:8 (Deut. 10:12; 1 Sam. 15:22); Hos. 6:6; 12:6

m 6:8 Gen. 18:19; Is. 1:17

4 6:8 Or lovingkindness

n 6:11 Lev. 19:36; Hos. 12:7

o 6:12 Is. 1:23; 5:7; Amos 6:3, 4; Mic. 2:1, 2

p 6:12 Jer. 9:2–6, 8; Hos. 7:13; Amos 2:4

q 6:13 Lev. 26:16; Ps. 107:17

r 6:14 Lev. 26:26

5 6:14 Or Emptiness or Humiliation

6 6:14 Tg., Vg. You shall take hold

s 6:15 Deut. 28:38–40; Amos 5:11; Zeph. 1:13; Hag. 1:6

t 6:16 1 Kin. 16:25, 26

u 6:16 1 Kin. 16:30; 21:25, 26; 2 Kin. 21:3; Hos. 5:11

v 6:16 Is. 25:8

7 6:16 Or object of horror

8 6:16 So with MT, Tg., Vg.; LXX nations

Micah 7

a 7:1 Is. 17:6

b 7:1 Is. 28:4; Hos. 9:10

c 7:2 Ps. 12:1; Is. 57:1

d 7:2 Hab. 1:15

1 7:2 Or loyal

e 7:3 Amos 5:12; Mic. 3:11

f 7:4 Is. 55:13; Ezek. 2:6

g 7:5 Jer. 9:4

h 7:5 Deut. 28:56

i 7:6 Matt. 10:36; Mark 3:21; Luke 8:19; John 7:5

j 7:7 Ps. 130:5; Is. 25:9; Lam. 3:24, 25

k 7:8 Prov. 24:17; Obad. 12; (Acts 10:43)

l 7:8 Ps. 37:24; (Prov. 24:16); 2 Cor. 4:9

m 7:9 Lam. 3:39, 40; (2 Cor. 5:21)

n 7:9 Jer. 50:34

o 7:10 Ps. 35:26

p 7:10 Ps. 42:3

q 7:11 Is. 54:11; (Amos 9:11)

2 7:11 Or the boundary shall be extended

r 7:12 (Is. 11:16; 19:23–25)

3 7:12 Lit. he, collective of the captives

4 7:12 Heb. arey mazor, possibly cities of Egypt

5 7:12 Heb. mazor, possibly Egypt

6 7:12 The Euphrates

s 7:13 Jer. 21:14

t 7:14 Is. 37:24

7 7:14 Alone

u 7:15 Ps. 68:22; 78:12

v 7:15 Ex. 34:10

8 7:15 Lit. him, collective for the captives

w 7:16 Is. 26:11

x 7:16 Job 21:5

y 7:17 Ps. 72:9; (Is. 49:23)

z 7:17 Ps. 18:45

a 7:17 Jer. 33:9

9 7:17 Lit. crawlers

b 7:18 Ex. 15:11

c 7:18 Ex. 34:6, 7, 9; Is. 43:25; Jer. 50:20

d 7:18 Mic. 4:7

e 7:18 Ps. 103:8, 9, 13; (Is. 57:16)

f 7:18 (Ezek. 33:11)

10 7:18 Or lovingkindness

11 7:19 Lit. their

g 7:20 Luke 1:72, 73

h 7:20 Ps. 105:9

12 7:20 Or lovingkindness