Thank you for reading Whiskey & Mistletoe and the Near and Far Christmas Magazine series!
First off, apologies to anyone who considers how horribly I murdered these various accents. One of these days I will get over to Europe and will be able to confront first-hand just how badly I’ve interpreted them! I had a lot of fun trying, though!
And now, for those of you who made it all the way through this series, here is the secret reveal of what inspired these stories…
My fiftieth birthday!
Why, Leigh, I never would have guessed you as a day over fourty. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I’m not really one who has traditionally been so much for Christmas novels. I just don’t really tend to go for the trope. I had a lot of fun writing these ones, though, and love all three of my couples. And yes, the first novel, Feathers in the Snow, was released on my 50th birthday.
Do you have a favourite Near and Far Magazine couple? I’d love to hear who and why. Just drop me a line at any of the links below to let me know. Also, don’t forget to sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter to get all the updates and special deals coming up.