
There never would have been letters, never mind a P.S., without my incredible agent, Brianne Johnson, who fell in love with this story from the start, read an early revision on vacation, and encouraged me to raise the stakes until it became so much more. To Jean Feiwel and Christine Barcellona, I could not ask for more incisive, encouraging, sensitive, and brilliant editors. I could tell from the start that you were the right home for this book and your enthusiasm and care has made everything about this journey wonderful.

Thank you to the stupendously marvelous staff at Feiwel and Friends. There are so many of you who have championed, celebrated, and worked so hard on this book. I literally squealed out loud when I first saw the cover designed by Liz Dresner and drawn by Alice Willinger, and Carol Ly helped the interior look just as amazing. I have endless gratitude for Alexei Esikoff, Kim Waymer, Veronica Ambrose, Patricia McHugh, Kiffin Steurer, Val Otarod, and Erin Sui for their work through the numerous stages of bringing this book to life, and I am so lucky to have the wonderful Kelsey Marrujo and Melissa Zar behind me as my publicist and marketer.

Thank you to Taylor Templeton at Writers House, for her work during initial revisions and her suggestion that sparked a crucial plot point. More thanks to Allie Levick, for all her help.

A huge hug of gratitude to Kelly Hager, who read this book before I queried, encouraged me to keep going, and checked for any issues with representation.

Thank you to Erin Dionne for her constant encouragement and belief over the past six years. You answered my questions, counseled me on my career path, and helped with the parent/writing balance. You are truly a mentor and a friend.

To Lynda Mullaly Hunt, whose generous scholarship to the Whispering Pines Retreat came at a time when I was close to giving up. Your belief led me to revise this book. You are a shining star in the KidLit community.

Thanks to critique partner Jenn Bishop for helping me grow as a writer, to the New England chapter of SCBWI, and to the 2017 Debut Group and the Electric Eighteens. Having a group of writers to share this crazy journey with adds to the fun and lowers the anxiety.

To “Book Twitter,” especially Rachel Simon, for making me feel like a “real writer” before I really considered myself to be one, and to the staff of the Chelmsford Public Library, for being such a wonderful day job while I wrote this book.

Thank you to Team Unicorn: Kristi Chadwick, Rachel Keeler, Margaret Willison, Amy Conway, Jeremy Goldstein, Anna Mickelsen, and Sara Marks. From grad school to Google Buzz to TMI Thursdays, you have always believed in and supported me.

Endless appreciation for my TSG girls: Patricia Moore, Erin Holt, Wendy Silver, Amy Derickson, Amanda Snow, Mollie Lancaster, and Nicole Thomas. Thank you for listening at two in the afternoon or two in the morning and for being there through the parenting and life roller-coaster.

To my Sisters of the Traveling Anxiety: Kate Averett, Jena DiPinto, and Pam Styles. You girls listen to my crazy and tell me I’m a wonder. I could not get through this life without you. You are my lighthouses in the dark.

To my parents, Ann and Jack Clancy, and parents-in-law, Ann and Tom Petro-Roy, whose love, belief, encouragement, and babysitting hours helped this book get written and edited. Even before I was published, you believed in me enough to give me that time. My extended family has echoed my goal of being an author back to me for so long that I had no choice but to do just that. Thank you all.

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to my husband, Brian, and to my daughters, Ellie and Lucy. Thank you for understanding when Mommy had to go write. Thank you for saying you were proud of me when I first received my ARCs. Thank you for giving me time, never letting me give up, and always believing. You are my everything. I love you.

To those who feel like they can’t reveal their true selves or question authority, I send you strength. You can love who you love and be who you are. You are wonderful.

P.S. To my readers, thank you for picking this book up and letting Evie into your hearts.