To Julie Matysik, whom I cannot thank enough for being such a huge champion of my books, thank you for believing in me and in the Riven Chronicles series. The Almost Girl and The Fallen Prince would not have found a home at Sky Pony Press without you. To Alison Weiss, editor extraordinaire, working with you has been everything an author/editor relationship should be—fun, challenging, and instructive. The Fallen Prince wouldn’t be the book it is without your insightful notes. Thank you. To my longtime friend and agent, Liza Fleissig, you know I have nothing but mad love for you. Thank you for saving the orphans and for being such a tenacious, passionate advocate of mine for so many years. To Angie Frazier, thanks for reading and blurbing both books in this series! I am so grateful for your friendship. To all the bloggers, booksellers, librarians, conference leaders, educators, and readers who spread the word about my books and humble me with your unwavering enthusiasm, thank you so much for doing all that you do. To my extended family, and all my wonderful friends and fans—online and off—so much gratitude goes out to you for being so generous with your love and friendship. I’m thankful to have you in my corner.
Lastly, to my wonderful family—Cameron, Connor, Noah, and Olivia—thanks for all the hugs and the love and the never-ending encouragement. You are my heart.