
Elliot Allagash

As manipulative as Cruel Intentions, as competitive as Election, as geeky as Napoleon Dynamite. Hilarious, ingenious and tightly plotted, Elliot Allagash reminds you what your teens were like, and why growing up is so hard to do.

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What in God’s Name

A woman’s life becomes a mystifying puzzle in this electrifying literary thriller.

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The Last Girlfriend on Earth

It doesn’t matter if you’re a caveman, a time traveller or a regular person. Sooner or later, someone’s going to break your heart.

The sketches in Simon Rich’s new book are bizarre, funny, and if you’ve ever been in love, all too familiar. From the invisible man stalking his ex, to Sherlock Holmes’ only blind spot, The Last Girlfriend on Earth is always enchanting, often sweet, though occasionally awkward. Just like love itself.

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Spoiled Brats

Growing up is hard to do, and generation Y seem to be finding it harder than ever. Meet Simon Rich’s latest creations in these very funny short stories: anxious parents, ungrateful kids and a well-meaning angel of death.

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