
All families have their stories. Over the years, as they are passed from generation to generation, these stories can become ornately embroidered—so much so that those who actually experienced the events would probably not recognize themselves in the telling. It doesn’t mean that the tales should not be told.

Many of the stories in this book were inspired by accounts passed down from my family and the family of my partner. A few are partly true, none are absolutely true, and one or two I only wish were true. I simply took those seeds that had been planted in my imagination and went on from there.

I’ve been helped by many people along the way.

First, all the family members whose stories I listened to, remembered and misremembered, stretched and remade, in order to create these histories: the Krasnoffs, the Novicks and Novacks (don’t ask!), the Schwartzes, the Gritz’s, the Freunds, and all the other aunts, uncles, and cousins of varying degrees whose legacy I hope I have honored here in some small measure.

My friend Catherine Guido, who has patiently listened to my various stories over the years.

Carolyn Fireside, who first helped to give this book shape, and who I wish were still here to see the results. She is truly missed.

Bill Contardi, who read my proposal for the book, listened to my ideas, and freely shared his advice and experience.

The members of the Eighth of February and Tabula Rasa writing groups, whose critiques improved many of my stories over the years, with a special shout-out to Rick Bowes, whose insights I could not have done without.

Mercurio D. Rivera and Kay Holt, who were kind enough to do beta reads of the manuscript.

Jane Yolen, Samuel R. Delany, Carlos Hernandez, James Morrow, Jeffrey Ford, Rick Bowes and C.S.E. Cooney for writing such lovely sentiments about these stories.

Mike and Anita Allen, without whom this book would not exist.

And all the other friends, colleagues, talented writers and independent publishers who have encouraged me over the years. You know who you are. Thank you so much.
