
Because there are some technical terms as well as Blackfeet words used in the story, the following is provided for the reader for ease in reading.

Aa—A Blackfeet word meaning “yes”.

Annisa—A Blackfeet word meaning “That’s it/okay now”.

Anthropology—A study of man and his societies, his way of life, his myths, etc. It differs from archaeology in that an archaeologist is concerned with man’s past societies.

Archaeology—The study of past societies by means of finding human-made objects and using these to draw conclusions about that past society.

Artifact—A relic from the past. It is something that is made by man. Thus, a rock, though it might be old, would not be an artifact.

Collector—A person who collects artifacts. He does not share them with the world for their greater knowledge. It is looked down upon for a professional archaeologist to become a collector.

Conservator—A professional in the field of archaeology who acts like a guardian for the artifacts found. Often such people work in a museum.

Grid—In archaeology, a method used to excavate the area to be dug. A grid or map of the excavation site is drawn up in what might be called boxed areas, and the area is then dug in sections. The other method of excavation is the vertical-face method.

Haiya—A Blackfeet expression used mainly by males.

Hannia—A Blackfeet expression used as though to say, “really”.

Ho—Another Blackfeet common expression.

Ikksisitsi’tsi—A Blackfeet word meaning “understand”.

Oki—A Blackfeet word meaning “hello”.

Omaniit—A Blackfeet word meaning “be truthful”.

Omaopaat!—A Blackfeet word meaning “stop”.

Otahkohsoa’ tsis—Blackfeet for Red Hawk.

Poohsapoot—A Blackfeet word meaning “come here”.

Puncheon logs—Wooden logs, roughly trimmed; one side is hacked flat.

Saa—Blackfeet for “no”.

Soka’pii—Blackfeet for “good”, usually said at the same time that the right hand, palm down and at chest level, is sent out in a quick motion forward—sign language for “good”.

Vertical-face—An excavation method used by archaeologists that is done in a horizontal direction. The general rule is to pick one side of the site and excavate across the site. The other excavation method is the grid method.