A slightly built man in khaki slacks and white shirt was getting into a cab in front of the prison’s main gate, another similarly built man getting out, when McGarvey, riding shotgun, and Pete, sitting in the backseat, arrived in Detective Moshonas’s battered old Volvo station wagon.
They were met at the gate by a man introducing himself as Hristos Apostoulos, who was a representative of Nikos Hondros, the chief of prison security, who apologized that neither his boss nor Warden Kostas could have met them in person.
“We’ve had something of a tragic afternoon,” Apostoulos said. “Our chief medical officer had a heart attack in his office less than an hour ago, and his wife and sons are here already. Tragic.”
“In English please,” Moshonas said. “We’re here to interview one of your prisoners.”
“Yes, Livermore Cooke, a British citizen. We’ve set up a room where lawyers usually meet their clients.”
They headed on foot through the gate and then across to the main administration building, where they were searched, and Moshonas had to give up his weapon. McGarvey and Pete had left theirs at the hotel.
“It’s doubly difficult for us,” the aide said on the way down a long corridor.
“How’s that?” Moshonas asked.
“With Dr. Lampros gone, it leaves us very shorthanded. Except for Dr. Cooke, who’s been a real help, we’d have to send our serious cases up to Athens.”
“I didn’t know he was a medical doctor,” McGarvey said.
The aide gave him a sharp look. “A psychiatrist, but he’s had medical training. A great man. We’ll miss him when he’s served his time.”
“Because of his medical help?”
“Yes, and he’s a generous man.”
The prison was noisy, someone was shouting in one of the cellblocks, and the place stank badly of human waste and of diesel fumes. But they encountered no one. Except for the noise and odors, the prison could have been deserted.
Moshonas asked about it.
“We’re in temporary lockdown.”
“Because of your doctor?”
“No, one of our inmates hung herself last night, but there may be some evidence that she was murdered.” They came to the interview room, and the aide gave them a hard look. “This is a placed filled with very bad people. And until now, Dr. Cooke’s presence has had an almost calming effect. Don’t ask me how, but the past five months have been easy for us.”
He opened the door for them. The room was small and contained only a table and two chairs.
“Unless you need my presence, I have other duties to attend to. I’ll have Dr. Cooke sent over.”
“Dr. Cooke and a guard?” Moshonas asked.
The aide smiled slightly. “He has respect here. There’s no need for him to walk through the prison with protection.”
Moshonas started to say something, but McGarvey interrupted.
“That’s good to know. Thanks.”
The aide turned to leave.
“Who was with your medical director when he had his heart attack?”
“Dr. Cooke. In fact, he performed CPR, but it was too late.”
“They were friends?”
“Of course. As I said, Dr. Cooke is very well respected.”
“What was that all about?” Pete asked when the aide was gone.
“We’re going to find out when Coffin, or whoever is here serving time for him, walks through the door,” McGarvey told them. He’d had a feeling when Moshonas explained about Coffin’s sentencing that the man would never have let himself be sent to a place like this unless he needed to disappear for some reason. Nor could a man of Coffin’s training be kept under lock and key.
“You think he has escaped?” Moshonas asked.
“I have a feeling he comes and goes anywhere he pleases, including out the front door.”
“Then why hasn’t he just disappeared?”
“I don’t think he’s needed to do it until just now.”
“He killed the medical director,” Pete said.
“I think it’s a good bet,” McGarvey said. “Probably because they found out he wasn’t a psychiatrist.”
“Who is this guy?” Moshonas asked.
“He was a deep-cover spy for the CIA. Part of a team in Iraq several years ago. Seven operators, two of whom were murdered recently. I have a feeling he knew it was going to happen, and maybe even who would do it, so he committed a crime and got himself sent here, where he figured he’d be safe for at least a year.”
“But his story started to unravel,” Pete said.
“If his real identity got out, this place wouldn’t be safe for him. It’d be like shooting fish in a barrel.”
“You think he’s gone?” Moshonas asked. “Then what are we doing here?”
“I want to see who comes through that door.”
“The security officer to admit that Cooke has somehow escaped?”
“Maybe not,” McGarvey said.
“You’re not making sense.”
“I think Cooke walked out the door from time to time to test the waters, or maybe just to have a nice dinner and a couple of drinks somewhere. I don’t know if I could stay here very long without a break.”
“He would have been reported missing.”
“Not if he hired a substitute.”
“Mother of God,” Moshonas said. “The guards would have to be in on it.”
“Apostoulos said Cooke was generous.”
A slender man dressed in gray scrubs came to the door. “You wanted to speak to me?”
“Dr. Cooke?” McGarvey asked.
The substitute nodded. “Yes?”
“Come in and sit down. I’d like to ask you a couple of things.”
The substitute did as he was told, but Pete took the chair across from him.
She smiled. “Are you being treated well here?”
“As well as can be expected in a place like this.”
“How did he first contact you?” she asked.
“I don’t understand.”
“I think you do. Your name is not Cooke, but then neither is it the real name of the man who paid you to stand in for him from time to time. But none of that is of any real interest to me. I merely want to know how he first contracted you? How much he paid? What were the arrangements? And how was it that the guards allowed this to go on?”
The substitute said nothing.
“Detective, since this guy is a stand-in, could he be charged as an accessory to the murder of the medical director here?”
“Yes,” Moshonas said.
She smiled again. “In that case, you would come here for real, and most likely for a very long time.”
“Wait a minute,” the substitute blurted. “I don’t know anything about a murder. You can’t pin something like that on me.”
“The man who hired you probably killed the medical director this afternoon, and is gone, leaving you holding the bag. He won’t be coming back. And now we need your help to find him. It’s the only fair deal you’re going to get today.”
“Help us find him, and you’ll walk out of here a free man. And even get to keep the money he’s already paid you.”
“I have something to say about that,” Moshonas said.
“No,” McGarvey told him. “Trust me: if we can get to Coffin, you’ll have your murderer.”
“You’re an American?” the substitute asked.
“We’re CIA, and so was the man who hired you,” Pete said. “Help us, and we’ll help you.”
The substitute had no way out, and it was obvious he knew it.
Pete took a notebook and pen out of her purse and laid them on the table. “Dates and places you met. Money he’s already paid you, and the bank and account number it was paid into, unless it was cash.”
“In an account he set up for me.”
“We’re not interested in the money—only the account number. We have someone who can trace it back to him.”
“Christ, he said he’d kill me if something went wrong.”
“We’ll see that it doesn’t,” Pete said. “The bank?”
“Piraeus Bank.”
“Do you live in Piraeus?”
The substitute nodded. “I think it’s why he picked me, because I was so close to the prison.”
“The account number,” Pete said, “and then we’ll see about getting you out of here.”
“It’s electronic,” the substitute said. He told her the bank’s e-mail address, then his online account name and password. “I don’t want to spend another night here,” he said.
“You’re coming with us,” McGarvey said. “But if you’ve lied to us, we’ll turn you over to the Greek cops, and you’ll end up back here” He turned to Moshonas. “Can you get him out of here?”