McGarvey and Pete showed up at the south entrance of Union Station by seven in the morning, and they had a clear sight line on the huge statue of fire above the main floor. The place was chockablock with commuters, mostly those coming into the city, and just about everyone was in a hurry.

Otto had sent them an old file photo of Schermerhorn that was useless except in a very general sort of way—mostly the man’s build and the shape of his head and face. But Otto had sent back decent photos of Mac and Pete.

“Makes us sitting ducks,” she’d said last night.

They’d agreed that once they’d made initial contact with the former Alpha Seven operator, they would move the meeting to her apartment. She’d not lived there very long, so it had only taken them a couple of hours to sanitize the place and move her things over to McGarvey’s apartment in Georgetown, a few blocks from the Renckes’.

He’d taken the couch and had pretended to be asleep the two times she’d gone to the bedroom door to look at him. She been wearing only a sleep shirt that didn’t reach her knees, and she had looked wonderful to him.

But he wasn’t ready. Especially not now in the middle of an op.

In the morning he was up first, and after she got dressed, she came out and had coffee with him.

“If the killer reads the same bulletin boards, he could show up at Union Station,” she’d suggested, and he’d agreed.

“As long as we can get to Schermerhorn first, he should be able to ID Alex or their control officer.”

Security was loose on the main concourse, only a few uniformed cops patrolling on foot, looking for needles in a very large haystack. They’d been trained to look for signs, even small signs, of developing trouble. Spot the face of the nervous man, or a woman wearing too many clothes for the weather. But someone reasonably well dressed walking up behind a person and firing one silenced shot into the small of their back and walking away, this would not be noticed until it was too late.

“There,” Pete said. She was looking across the concourse at a man standing directly below the statue of Prometheus.

“No,” Schermerhorn said behind them.

Pete turned and reached into her shoulder bag for her pistol, but McGarvey stayed her hand.

Schermerhorn appeared much older than in the photograph Otto had come up with, though his general build was the same, as was the shape of his face. He wore jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt, untucked, the sleeves rolled up above his elbows. It was impossible to tell if he was armed.

“I understand you’re wanted in Milwaukee for murder,” McGarvey said. “Might be a good idea if we got out of here and went somewhere more secure.”

“It was my girlfriend, and I think whoever murdered her murdered the others—and in just about the same fashion,” Schermerhorn said. His voice held the very slight British accent of a Londoner, and he could have been discussing the weather. It was an act.

“Whoever did it wanted you and has probably read the same bulletin board message and even hacked your contact with us. It’s possible they’re here.”

“Rencke’s better than that,” Schermerhorn said. “But they managed to penetrate the campus. Not so hard—all of us did it at one time or another as an exercise. A lot of NOCs have. Where do you have in mind?”

“I have an apartment not far from here,” Pete said.

“And who the hell might you be?”

“Could be one of your newest best friends.”

*   *   *

They drove over to Pete’s apartment in McGarvey’s Porsche Cayenne. He circled the block a couple of times before parking around the corner. The morning was starting to cloud over, and already it was sticky.

“You’ll be safe here,” Pete said.

“Yeah, right,” Schermerhorn said, laughing.

“Just until we can figure out what the hell to do with you,” McGarvey said.

“You wanted to talk to one of us—well, here I am. And when we’re done—which won’t take long, I guarantee it—I’m gone. So don’t be handing me any crap about protective custody or safe houses.”

“No, it didn’t work for you in Milwaukee. The question on my mind is if they wanted you, why didn’t they stick around after killing your girlfriend?”

Schermerhorn looked away. “I don’t know.”

“Maybe they were sending you a message,” McGarvey said. “Not to talk to us.”

“But here I am,” he repeated, “so let’s get on with it.”

*   *   *

McGarvey had made sure they hadn’t been followed; nevertheless, Pete went ahead to make sure the apartment was clean before she phoned the all clear. Upstairs, she was waiting at the end of the short corridor, her pistol in hand. The door to her apartment was open.

“What about the other people in the building?” Schermerhorn asked.

“This is a singles’ place; everyone is at work,” Pete said.

“Did you check all the apartments in the building?”


“Sloppiness like that might get you—maybe the both of you—killed one of these days. I suggest you tighten up your act. You have no idea who you’re up against this time.”

“This time?” McGarvey asked, once they were inside.

“I read your file, Mr. Director, or at least some of it—I suspect there’s more. You’ve been around, and you’ve survived. It’s the only reason I’m here for now and not long gone. But if you don’t watch your step with these people, you’ll be dead.” He glanced at Pete. “Both of you will be.”

He went to the window and looked down at the street and across to the apartment buildings.

“Do you want a beer?” Pete asked.

“No,” he said. He went to sit on the arm of the couch. “Not such a hot idea to drink when you’re on the run. Impairs the judgment.”

“Who’s after you?” McGarvey asked. “Let’s start there.”

“I don’t know. Could be Alex. She was capable of doing something like this. My girlfriend’s face was destroyed. Was it the same with the others?”


“Then it could be her, or George. They were the hot item at the end. I was—we all were at one point or the other. But it didn’t take very long for me to figure out that being with her was a guaranteed one-way street straight to hell.”

“Do you have any idea where she is?”

“In the States somewhere. Probably back here in Washington by now, if it was her in Milwaukee.”

“Who else could have done this?” McGarvey asked.

“George? It could have been him, too—or the both of them together. They were certifiable. George would do something a little outrageous, and Alex would jump in and top him. Then he would try to top her, and it just kept going. Crazy shit, you know.”

“No, I don’t know. But they’re the last two.”

Schermerhorn laughed. “Don’t count on it. If it was the Israelis, then they have the entire Mossad or even Aman to draw from. And some of those people are seriously disturbed. Just like a lot of our people.”

“Israeli military intelligence?” Pete said.


“Why? What are they protecting after all this time? Was it something they buried in Iraq? We were told there was a cache you guys discovered in the hills above Kirkuk.”

“I don’t know for sure. Could have been them, could have been Saddam. Hell, it could even have been us or the Russians, or the North Koreans.”

“But you do know,” McGarvey said. “It was you who changed the fourth panel on Kryptos.”

“Insurance,” Schermerhorn said. “But you contacted me, and that means you haven’t decrypted it yet.”