Bambridge had spent only a few minutes in his office, making sure everything for the cyberconference was in place for later this morning. He was giving a short presentation at the Bubble once the PowerPoint and video had been played, emphasizing the necessity for boots on the ground in the likely spots where such acts of terrorism might originate. Like Beijing. He knew the reaction he would get, but what he had to tell them needed saying. Even Page had agreed.
“You’ll be ruffling some feathers, Marty, but maybe someone from the Hill will sit up and take notice, toss us an extra few millions to fight the good fight.”
“More like billions,” Bambridge had replied glumly. His mood, like everyone else’s in the Company, was in the toilet. Change was coming, that much was for sure, but no one was looking forward to what it would bring.
He passed through the main gate, and at the bottom of the slight hill he turned right onto the Parkway, traffic even less at this hour than it had been when he’d come in. By rights he should have stayed till the conference—he still had plenty to do, including rereading the dossiers on all the conferees, to refresh his memory. But he’d told Blankenship the truth: he needed to go home and take a shower to get rid of the stench of death that hung around him like a dark cloud.
Never in his life had he seen or even imagined anything so gruesome as what had been done to Walter Wager. It was beyond his comprehension that one human being could do something like that to another.
Blankenship had called in every available security officer as Bambridge was heading toward town, and dozens of cars were converging on the main gate. If the killer were still on campus, he would not be getting out anytime soon.
Bambridge’s phone went off, and for just an instant he debated not answering it, but the caller ID read Blankenship.
“Something new?”
“There’s been another one,” the chief of security said. He sounded seriously pissed off.
Bambridge’s heart lurched. “Who?”
“Istvan Fabry. One of my people found his body—what was left of it—in his car, parked in front of the Scattergood-Thorne house.”
“What the hell was he doing there at this hour of the morning?” Bambridge shouted, but Fabry was the front man on the PowerPoint and video presentation, and would have gone over to the house to set up for the second part of the conference.
“We’re checking. But it was the same MO. Whoever it was waited in the backseat for Mr. Fabry to come out of the house and then attacked him.”
“Are the cops at the OHB?”
“They’ll be here all morning. The Bureau sent out a CSI unit, and they’ve taken control. Special Agent Morris Wilkinson is in charge.”
“Has he been told about the second … incident?”
“I wanted to talk to you first, sir.”
Bambridge came to a narrow gravel pass over through the median, and he took it. “I want our people to collect whatever evidence they can first.”
“We’re already on it.”
“Soon as you’re ready, turn it over to the Bureau. I want the campus locked down. No one in or out without personal recognition. Get two of your people on both gates to make sure it gets done.”
“What about the conference?”
“It’s canceled. In the meantime, I want a room-by-room search of every square inch of every building. That includes elevator shafts, air ducts, closets, maintenance spaces, all the subbasements. Every cabinet, under every desk, on top of the roofs, and when your people are finished, I want you to do it again. And again. And again.”
“We have a lot of acreage, lots of places to hide.”
“Make sure there are no loops or any other glitches with our fence-line video cameras and motion detectors. I want as many helicopters with infrared detectors in the air right now, and I want our K-9 people on it too. This guy has to be covered in blood. Give the dogs the scents of Wager and Fabry.”
“It has to be one of us,” Blankenship said. “I don’t see how anyone else could have gotten in here this morning. It means it has to be someone on the night schedule.”
“Plus people like you and me who are bound to show up at any hour of the day. Narrows field,” Bambridge said. “Pull the personnel records of everyone, including mine, see whose psych evals have come up shaky in the past six months. And find out who had connections with Wager and Fabry—not just either of them. I want a common denominator.”
“The shift change starts in a few hours. What do you want to do about it?”
Bambridge’s knee-jerk reaction was to keep everyone on campus and hold the new shift from coming to work until the buildings and grounds had been sanitized, but he thought better of it. “Let it go on as normal. If we get out of our routine, someone is going to sit up and take notice. Whatever happens, we need to keep the media out of this for as long as possible. We’re already in enough trouble as it is.”
Two years ago the scandal about the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans had bled over to the CIA. The Agency’s charter specifically forbade any operations on U.S. soil, but that hadn’t been the case since the Cold War days. The CIA went wherever its investigations led, including the continental U.S.
“We’ll be letting the suspect walk out the gate.”
“What suspect?” Bambridge demanded angrily.
“The killer.”
“Give me a name. Everyone on the grounds at this moment is a suspect.”
“That’s a lot of people.”
“Besides anyone with connections to Wager and Fabry, I want the names of anyone who’s ever worked as an instructor at the Farm or served time in the field, either working for us or for the military—special forces. Both of those guys were NOCs, too highly trained to let someone come up on them so easily.”
“I’ve already started on that list. Anyone else?”
“Guys just about set to retire.”
“I don’t follow you.”
“It’s about stress. A lot of guys are burned out after twenty—especially Watch officers. And we’ve made some pay cuts and we’ve reduced hours. Check those people.”
“We don’t have the personnel to do this very quickly,” Blankenship said. “Could take a month or more of cross-checking.”
“Then I suggest you get started right away,” Bambridge said, and hung up.
He came to the main gate and stopped directly across from the gatehouse until one of the security guards came out.
“Mr. Bambridge, is there a problem, sir?”
“Yes, why wasn’t I stopped for a positive ID?”
“Your tag came up, and you showed positive on the facial recognition program.”
“I could have been an imposter in disguise who killed the deputy director and stole his car. I want everyone coming through this gate to be checked.”
“Yes, sir,” the security officer said. “Is there a problem we should know about?”
“Just a drill. So keep on your toes. There’ll be an eval tomorrow.”
As he drove the rest of the way through the woods to the OHB, where he parked in his slot in the basement, he could not remember hearing or reading about anything like this ever happening. No business seemed to be immune from the disgruntled employee coming to work with a loaded weapon, or weapons, and opening fire. Or setting off a bomb. Movie theaters, schools, federal building—no place was safe. Except, until now, for the CIA.
Upstairs in his office, he powered up his computer to see what Blankenship was up to, but except for a personnel list with about one hundred names highlighted, there was nothing else. So far the chief of security had not come up with any connections between Wager and Fabry or anyone else except for the people in the sections where they had worked.
He phoned Page at home. “There’s been another murder,” he told the director.
“My God, who?”
“Istvan Fabry. Looks like the same guy probably did it.”
“Has the Bureau been contacted?”
“They’re here along with one of their CSI units,” Bambridge said. “I’m going to text and e-mail everyone involved that we’re postponing the conference this morning.”
“Don’t do that,” Page said. “There’ll be too many questions. And make sure the officers on perimeter duty—especially at the Parkway and Georgetown Pike gates—maintain a low key. We don’t want to tip off anyone—not the killer, and sure as hell not the media.”
“Yes, sir.”
“What about everyone else out there at the moment?”
“Assuming the killer hasn’t already left, someone else could be a target. Double up everyone—no one goes anywhere alone. Tell them it’s a drill; tell them anything you want to tell them: we’re beefing up security because of our VIP guests coming this morning.”
“I’ll tell them the vice president might drop in unannounced.”
“I’ll be in my office in one hour. I want you up there, along with Bob Blankenship, and see if you can get Rencke to come in.”
“I don’t think including him is such a good idea, sir.”
“Do it,” Page said. “I want answers.”