
Acceptance and Commitment

Therapy (ACT), 61

Adderall, 99–100

amygdala, 50

anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 30–31

Bank of America, 101

Bejar, Arturo, 84

Bond, Frank, 60

the brain

anterior cingulate cortex, 30–31

hippocampus, 31–32

meditation’s effect on, 31, 32, 91–92

neuroscience experiments about mindfulness, 29–30

resilience and, 32, 50–52

training for focus, 50–52, 109

Brendel, David, 107–116

Brinke, Leanne ten, 80

“Building Resilience,” 49

Cable, Tom, 102

Carter, Jacqueline, 37–45

charisma and mindfulness, 9–10


availability of information and, 20–21

Conant, Douglas, 85

Congleton, Christina, 27–33, 55–70

cortisol, 31–32

David, Susan, 55–70

Davidson, Richard, 50–51

Deutsche Bank, 101

Docter, Pete, 87

email addiction, 42–43

emotional agility

accepting your ideas and emotions, 66–67

acting on your values, 67–68

benefits of developing, 60

effective leaders and, 69–70

inner experiences’ impact on control, 61–63

inner stream of thoughts and feelings, 57–59

labeling your thoughts and emotions, 64–65

patterns of thoughts and feelings and, 63–64

personal values and, 67–69

recurring emotional challenges and, 59–60

executives. See managers


acting on your values and, 68

attentiveness to other opportunities and, 22

availability of information and, 20–21

breathing and, 41, 78, 93

developing awareness skills, 40, 42–43, 44

mainstream movement about mindfulness, 102

meditation and, 112–113

productivity and, 100–101, 102

training your brain and, 50–52, 109

Gelles, David, 101

Goldman Sachs, 101

Goleman, Daniel, 21, 47–54

Gonzalez, Maria, 89–96

Google, 101

Grant, Adam, 81

Hammond, Gabriel, 8

Harris, Dan, 110

Hayes, Steven C., 61

HBO, 101

hippocampus, 31–32

Hölzel, Britta K., 27–33

Hougaard, Rasmus, 37–45

judgmental, versus being mindful, 10–11

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 51, 109

Keltner, Dacher, 71–88

Kraus, Michael, 82

Langer, Ellen, 1–25, 109

Langer Mindfulness Institute, 23–24

Lazar, Sara W., 27–33

Lieberman, Charlotte, 97–106

Liu, Chris, 80

Malone, Thomas, 81


addressing dissent mindfully, 14–15

advice on mindfulness for, 12–14, 25

being aware of others’ perspectives, 16

creating a more mindful organization, 17–18

importance of mindfulness for, 22, 32–33

interest in mindfulness, 53

stress and resilience and, 53–54

stress’s dependency on perspective, 13–14

techniques for being mindful, 12–14

value in honesty, 15–16

value in qualitative information, 19–20


effect on the brain, 30–31, 32, 91–92

focus and, 112–113

healing power of, 100–101

impact of practicing mindfulness, 51–53, 95

mainstreaming of, 101–104, 110

micro meditations technique, 92–94

mindfulness in action technique, 94–95

self-compassion and, 104–105

meetings, 43, 84

micro meditations, 92–94

“mindfulness in action,” 94–95

mindfulness practice

applying to meetings, 43

attention economy and, 40

basis of being judgmental, 10–11

challenge of being productive, 39

charisma and, 9–10

definition of mindfulness, 4

developing focus and awareness skills, 42–43

ending the day by, 44–45

innovation link to, 8–9

performance breaks and, 44, 52–53

potential of mindfulness, 7–8, 23–24

starting the day by, 40–41

stress’ dependency on perspective, 13–14

throughout the day, 94–95

value in qualitative information, 19–20

without meditation, 92–94

Mindful Work, 101

multitasking, 21, 42, 94

Neff, Kristin, 104

Personal Values Card Sort, 68

power paradox

avoiding, 77–79

consequences of the abuse of power, 76–77

impact of power on behavior, 73–76

practicing empathy and, 81, 83–84

practicing generosity and, 82, 86–87

practicing gratitude and, 81–82, 84–86

reflection and self-awareness and, 77–80

present, being, 5–7


applying mindfulness to focus and, 100–101

challenge of being productive, 39

dangers of artificial aids to, 99–100

mainstream mindfulness movement and, 101–102

meditation and, 103–104

self-compassion and, 104–105


leadership stress and, 53–54

neural key to, 50

practicing mindfulness daily and, 52–53

retraining the brain for, 50–53

steps to tackle distress, 51–52

ways to become more resilient, 49–50

risks to mindfulness

avoidance of critical thinking tasks and, 112–113

“cult of mindfulness,” 111

goal of mindfulness practices, 111, 115

groupthink and, 113–114

medical fields’ interest in mindfulness, 110

mindfulness described, 109–110

top-down direction on practicing mindfulness and, 114

Seattle Seahawks, 102

self-compassion, 104–105

self-regulation, 32–33

Seligman, Martin, 49

Sinek, Simon, 80

Srivastava, Sameer, 80

stability, counterproductiveness of, 4–5


dependency on perspective, 13–14

diagnosing leadership stress, 53–54

neurochemistry of, 31–32

steps to tackle distress, 51–52

Target, 101

Ten Percent Happier, 110

Wegner, Daniel, 60

Winters, Kelly, 87

Woolley, Anita, 81

workability, 68

work/life integration, 12–13