In the coolness before dawn, Ki’s strangely vivid dreams broke and dragged against her like cobwebs. Gently she drew away from Vandien and pulled on her clothes. The camp was silent; Gotheris slumbered deeply by the dead ashes of the fire, his arms flung wide in sleep. Ki took the kettle and water bucket and headed for the spring. She considered waking Vandien to share the quiet with her but decided against it. She needed this solitude; the rest of the day would offer her little enough.

On her way back to camp she passed Vandien. His hair was tousled, his eyes vague with sleep. He greeted her silently and moved on toward the spring. In camp, she found a few embers buried in the ash and coaxed them into blossom. She set the dripping kettle atop the small fire and mounted the wagon step.

The door was jammed. She tugged at it futilely several times before she realized that Willow had latched it. Suddenly irritated that anyone could lock her out of her own wagon, she pounded on the door. There was no response. ‘Willow!’ she shouted. ‘Unlock this door!’ Goat rolled over and opened his eyes.

There was a muffled reply, but Ki fumed on the step for several moments longer before a yawning Willow slid the door open. ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked sleepily.

‘Why didn’t you open the door?’ Ki demanded, pushing in past her. ‘And why was it locked at all?’

‘I wasn’t dressed.’ Willow sat down on the tousled bedding. ‘And you know why I locked it. Because he’s out there.’

Ki glared at the girl, who sulked back at her. The silence was thick as Ki shrugged into a fresh tunic. Ki gathered up travelling bread and cheese from the food bins. Willow was still pouting on the bed when Ki left the wagon. The door slammed and latched behind her. Almost she turned back; but she set her teeth and let it pass. Foolish, to make a fuss over a latched door. But she hated its assumption, that the wagon space was Willow’s, and Ki could be locked out of it. Forget it. Ki made a conscious effort to loosen the muscles in her shoulders and set her irritation aside.

She set the bread and cheese on a wooden platter from the dish-chest, and had just found the tea when an arm fell across her shoulders. ‘I’m hungry!’ Gotheris announced in her ear. The sack of tea leaped from her hand as she startled.

‘You spilled it all over!’ he exclaimed, pushing forward to gaze at the wrinkled balls of leaves and herbs littered across the jumbled dishes.

Ki’s hands were fists at her sides. She spoke each word separately. ‘Don’t creep up behind me and grab me like that.’

‘I didn’t!’ Goat protested. ‘I only …’

A thudding of many hooves interrupted him. Ki held up a hand for silence while her eyes grew wide. Stepping around the tail of the wagon, she stared up the long flat road. Her heart leaped painfully, then began to hammer in her chest so that she could hear nothing else. Rousters.

There were six – no, seven – Brurjans, and two stout, ugly Humans, all mounted on great black horses with scarlet hooves. She gripped the corner of her wagon, watching them come, knowing there was no place to flee to, no place to hide. Childhood memories flooded her mind, of wagons set ablaze in the dark night, of Romni women fleeing with their children caught up in their arms, of men struck down by flying hooves as they stood, not in hopes of defending their lives, but only to buy their families time to escape. Rousters, come by nightfall or in the bright day, to put the Romni trash on the road again, to steal their bits of things and drive them away.

The Brurjans rode high and catlike on their peculiar saddles. Their huge jaws were wide with their hissing laughter, and their myriad pointed teeth flashed in the new sun that stroked their glossy hides. Their quilled crests were high. They did not pull up as they approached the camp, but rode full tilt into it, great hooves tramping Goat’s bedding and the small fire, and sending the hissing kettle flying. Vandien emerged from the trees, a strangely small figure before the tall horses with their massive riders. The riders milled through the camp. Ki could not speak. Goat was plastered up against the wagon, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open. The world tilted around Ki. One of the Humans rode close to her, sneered down at her disdainfully. Let Willow remain silent within the wagon, she begged the Moon. Her beauty was too fresh for one such as that to resist bruising.

One of the Brurjans snarled something, and the sea of rousters and horses was suddenly still. All eyes went to him, a great black-pelted creature with deep-set black eyes. His battle harness was scarlet and black leather, broken by threads of silver. A red cloak spilled down his furred back. His black-nailed hands gripped his mount’s reins lightly. His horse had wicked eyes, and its ears were tilted back toward its master, waiting for a command to lash out with hooves or teeth.

Like a stray cat strolling insolently into a strange butcher shop came Vandien. He slipped between two great horses fully as large as plow beasts, unmindful of their restive scarlet hooves. Ki wondered what magic kept him safe as he moved boldly through the rousters to confront their leader. He took up his stance, arms crossed on his chest, slightly to the left of the horse’s head. He looked up, raising his chin as he struck eyes with the Brurjan. His brow was unlined as he said, ‘Good morning.’

‘Is it?’ the Brurjan asked with callous humor. His Common was thickly accented.

‘Isn’t it?’ Vandien asked calmly. Ki winced. Three Vandiens rolled together might make up the bulk of one of the Brurjans. His rapier, she realized belatedly, was in its sheath on a hook in the wagon. The Brurjan stared down at him.

‘You Romni?’ one of the Human rousters suddenly demanded.

For a second Vandien didn’t move. His gaze remained locked with the leader’s. He didn’t even turn to the Human as he asked contemptuously, ‘Do I look Romni?’ Vandien paused, then asked the leader coldly, ‘Did you want something of us?’

The Human broke in. ‘They aren’t the ones we want, but it don’t mean we shouldn’t shake them down. Woman there looks Romni, Allikata. I’ve seen her kind before, up North. Duke doesn’t want Romni coming into his holdings.’

The leader’s eyes flickered briefly to his man. Then he stared at Ki as he asked Vandien, ‘Papers?’

‘Ki. Fetch the papers.’ Vandien didn’t look at her, didn’t move from where he stood.

Ki turned to the wagon, stepped up on the step and tugged at the door. It jarred against the latch. A trickle of icy sweat ran down Ki’s ribs. If Willow would unlatch it, she could step in, grab the papers, and step out without the rousters even knowing Willow existed. But if she didn’t open the door … Ki rattled the door against the lock softly, hoping the girl would unlatch it. There was no sound from within the wagon.

‘While you’re here, can you tell us if the road is good as far as Villena? We’re taking our boy to visit kin there. We’d heard rumors of thieves, but then someone said the Duke’s roadguard had cleared them out. That would be you, wouldn’t it?’

Vandien was speaking more rapidly than he usually did, trying to keep their attention away from Ki. It wasn’t working. Ki could feel the silence as the rousters stared at her.

‘Fine tack,’ Vandien observed. ‘Good leather like that’s hard to come by.’ Reaching up, he took a sudden grip on the bridle of Allikata’s horse. Ki gasped, knowing as well as he did what would happen. The battle-horse screamed angrily, struck out with front hooves and teeth. All eyes jerked to Vandien as the great beast lifted him clear of the ground and with a shake flung him aside. He landed, rolling, near another horse, which immediately struck out at him. She knew why he had done it, and didn’t waste his dare. Ki turned her back on him, and with a muscle-ripping wrench tore the door open.

She pushed past the dangling hook and snatched up a roll of papers from a shelf. Of Willow the only sign was a slipper peeping out from beneath an untidy heap of bedclothes. Someone cursed loudly in Brurjan, and a Human laughed sadistically. Ki leaped from the wagon, the papers held aloft. ‘Here they are!’ she called loudly, and strode between the dancing horses of the two nearest rousters.

Vandien got up slowly, one arm wrapping his ribs. As Ki approached he slowly folded his arms across his chest. She didn’t look at him, but walked straight up to Allikata and thrust the papers up at him. He unrolled them carelessly, glanced at them, and tossed them back. ‘It says two travelling. There’s three of you.’

Ki opened her mouth, but Goat answered, his voice cracking with excitment. ‘Maybe. But there must be twenty-five of those filthy Tamshin in the caravan that passed us yesterday. They’re who you’re supposed to be after. For those horses! I bet those horses were stolen! I knew that big roan stallion was too fine a beast to belong to Tamshin!’

‘The white mares!’ A Brurjan suddenly demanded gutturally. ‘They still had the white mares?’

‘Yes!’ Goat answered happily. ‘They passed us just before dusk. They couldn’t be far away; maybe at a place with more water, and trees for shade.’ Goat’s face had taken on a dreamy expression, as if he could see the place he was describing. The faces of the patrol lit up evilly. Vandien looked ill.

‘No, Goat, you’re mistaken. The Tamshin passed us before noon, moving north and fast. They are long gone by now. The wine merchants passed us just before nightfall.’

Ki’s voice rang clear, but no one turned to it. Allikata only laughed, a short fierce sound. His tongue was red behind his white teeth.

‘If we hurry, they’ll just be rousing from sleep,’ a Human added appreciatively. Allikata gave a shout, and the horses wheeled suddenly and left the camp at a gallop. One rider’s boot caught Ki’s shoulder as he passed, shoving her nearly into the path of another horse. Then they were gone, the thunder of their hooves fading, and only the trampled camp to show that they had been there at all.

She scrabbled to her feet. In two steps she was beside Vandien. ‘That was stupid,’ she said tersely.

‘You’re welcome,’ he gasped. He let his arms hang at his sides and she tugged his shirt free of his belt, to lift it carefully. He flinched as her fingers gently prodded. ‘Bruised,’ she said in a tight voice. ‘Maybe cracked, but not broken.’

‘Same ones,’ he said, trying to make his voice light, but she could hear the effort it took for him to speak. ‘And that was a Brurjan, too. You remember that tavern in Silva?’

‘Where I had to pay for the hole in the wall?’ Ki asked.

‘Yes. Guess I just don’t make a good impression with Brurjans.’

‘No. You should stick to walls. You made a hell of an impression on that one.’

He made a vague effort to tuck in his shirt, then gave it up with a twisted smile. Ki touched his face, and when he lifted his eyes to hers, she kissed him softly. He caught her hand.

‘That’s twice,’ he said, his voice still breathy with pain. ‘Twice in two days that you’ve kissed me. I remember a time when if you kissed me twice in a month, it was remarkable.’

Ki shook her head at him silently, finding no words for her thoughts.

‘What about me?’ Goat demanded suddenly. ‘Isn’t anyone going to thank me? If I hadn’t sent them after those Tamshin, they’d have wrecked this place. And probably killed Vandien and raped you and Willow.’

Ki rounded on him. ‘And what do you think they’ll do to the Tamshin? What you did was cold and disgusting.’ She choked into silence, unable to speak her anger.

Vandien’s eyes were hard and black as he stared at the boy. ‘We were handling it fine, until you stepped in. If there’s ever a next time, you remember that Ki and I handle things, while you keep silent and unobtrusive. Understand me, boy?’

There was a whip’s edge to his final question. Goat both flinched and bristled. ‘Oh, yes,’ he spat bitterly. ‘I’ll remember. I’ll keep silent and unobtrusive while they kick the snot out of you, I will, and with pleasure, and when they …’

‘Fine. That would be wonderful. I’m pleased we understand one another.’ Vandien’s voice was cool, every trace of anger gone from it. He turned from the boy’s ranting as if it were the humming of a mosquito. ‘What was wrong with the door?’

‘Willow latched it,’ Ki said tersely.

‘Willow!’ Vandien exclaimed, remembering the girl. ‘She must have been terrified. Is she all right?’

Ki looked disgusted. ‘Willow!’ she called. ‘You can come out now. They’ve gone.’

In an instant the disheveled girl appeared in the door of the wagon. She raced across the trampled earth to fling herself into Vandien’s arms. He exclaimed with pain, but didn’t push her away. ‘I was so scared, I was so scared!’ she sobbed into his shoulder. ‘All I could think of was to hide.’

‘Are the Duke’s patrols always so threatening?’ Ki asked. ‘I would rather have faced the robbers.’

‘She doesn’t have travelling papers,’ Goat guessed suddenly. ‘You thought they were after you, didn’t you, Willow?’ His voice was snidely speculative. ‘Why would the Duke’s patrol be interested in a little girl running away to her lover? Or is Kellich starting to take his big talk seriously?’

‘Shut up! Shut up!’ Willow screeched savagely, and Vandien held her firmly to keep her from going after the boy.

‘Quiet!’ Ki bellowed, her voice cracking on the word. Silence fell. Vandien looked astounded at the command. Ki took a breath, feeling her throat’s rawness. ‘Now. Quietly,’ she said. ‘Tell me. I knew Vandien and I needed papers because we had the wagon and were doing business with it. I thought it was sort of like a trade permit. It seems I was wrong. Are you two supposed to have travelling papers, just to go from town to town?’

‘Of course,’ Goat answered. ‘Or how would the Duke know where anyone was? How could they tell good citizens from rebel scum? I have my papers. My father got them the morning we left. I have no reason to sneak from town to town. Not like some.’

‘Willow?’ Ki asked.

The girl buried her face against Vandien’s shoulder. ‘I didn’t have time! I didn’t have enough money!’ she wept. ‘If I’d waited for the papers, you’d have gone. And I needed the money to pay you to take me. I didn’t think anyone would stop us or check us. What are you going to do?’ She lifted red-rimmed eyes to gaze into Vandien’s face. ‘Are you going to leave me here? Do you know what they’d do to me if they caught me, alone on the road, with no papers?’ She was shaking.

‘They might think you were a rebel,’ Goat observed heartlessly. ‘Or a sympathizer, carrying information. Or maybe just a roadside whore and …’

Ki’s look shut him up.

Vandien put steadying hands on Willow’s shoulders. ‘No one’s leaving you,’ he said softly. ‘But don’t you see the danger you put us all in? If you’d told Ki and me, we would have been prepared. It’s not like the Romni don’t know how to handle harassment. Ki knows a dozen tricks, and I have a few of my own. But we need to know what we’re up against. We’re strangers to your Duke’s holdings.’

His voice was calm, reasonable. Willow lifted her tear-stained face. ‘The Duke’s patrol,’ she faltered, ‘keeps the roads clear. Of robbers, and Tamshin, and such … those without papers. Rebels, they call them. Rebels. As if just being too poor to afford papers, or not wanting to account for every step of your life, should be a crime. And the Duke lets – if they find anyone without papers – they can take what they wish from them. Even their lives. It’s how they’re paid. Oh, the Duke pays them some, but that’s how he keeps them eager. If you don’t have papers, you’re game for the patrol.’

‘Eager.’ Ki said the word flatly. She looked at Goat. ‘You knew that?’

The boy shrugged carelessly. ‘Everyone knows that.’

‘And you still put them after the Tamshin.’ There was disbelief in her voice.

‘They’re only Tamshin!’ he protested hotly, while Willow cut in with, ‘You’d rather they had me?’

‘I’d rather they had no one. I’d rather I’d never heard of your Duke of Loveran.’ She turned away and picked up the battered kettle. She examined it to see if it would still hold water. For a moment Vandien watched her, then took Willow’s shoulders and gently pushed her aside from him to walk over to the trampled quilts. Cautiously he bent down, his hand against his sore ribs. He picked up a quilt and shook it.

‘It’s mendable,’ he said, and began to fold it up.

‘Most things are,’ Ki agreed. ‘But not all.’

He knew what she meant. ‘They’re young, both of them. It’s easy to forget that.’

‘Especially when they nearly kill you because of it. Vandien, I am full of an evil feeling. A foreboding.’

He nodded slowly. ‘This Duke of Loveran … This doesn’t seem a good place for folk like us, does it?’

‘My mother was a full-blooded Romni, even if Aethan wasn’t. It shows in my face. The next patrol won’t be so easily fooled.’

He sighed. ‘Maybe not. What do you want to do? Take Willow and Goat back to Keddi, give the money back, and get away from Loveran and its Duke?’

‘And go where?’ She squared her shoulders, took the quilt from him. ‘No. We’ll go on. There can’t be many patrols, or there’d be no Tamshin at all. Maybe we won’t meet any more. And if we do … well, the Tamshin survive. We will, too.’

‘Maybe,’ he said. He touched her, but she pulled away, too upset to share her fears. He sighed and let her go. Still cradling his ribs, he turned, to find Willow and Goat staring at them. The scrutiny suddenly annoyed him.

‘Can’t you see there’s work to do?’ he demanded. ‘Willow, go in the wagon and put together something we can eat. Goat, tidy up the camp. I’m going for the horses. The sooner we’re on the road, the better.’

Both young faces clouded with rebellion, but they grudgingly moved to their chores. Vandien ignored them as he got the grain sack and went after the team. Sigmund stopped cropping the grasses and lifted his great head as soon as Vandien appeared. Sigurd only swung his body so that his broad rump was toward him. Vandien wasn’t fooled. He shook the grain sack once. Sigmund came eagerly, his muzzle nudging Vandien’s shoulder, and Sigurd trailed reluctantly behind him.

A new quarrel had already broken out at the wagon. Willow’s face was pink, while Goat glowed with satisfaction. Ki stood between them, fists on hips. ‘The wagon seat holds three people. Someone has to ride inside. That’s all. You two work it out.’

Vandien skirted the group, moving the horses into their traces. Ki turned her back on Willow as she indignantly exclaimed, ‘But why should I have to ride inside the stuffy old wagon all day? Why can’t we take turns, or Goat walk beside the wagon or something?’

‘My father paid for me to travel comfortably,’ Goat was saying at the same time.

Vandien parceled out grain to the team as Ki lifted the heavy harness into place. ‘Maybe,’ Vandien said softly, ‘we could put them both into the wagon, and shut the door behind the seat so we didn’t have to listen to them.’

‘Somehow I think we’d still hear them.’ Ki tightened the last strap. ‘But I know someone who’d better ride inside. You.’


‘Yes. You look green. Does it hurt much?’

‘Enough to make me want to puke, but I know that would hurt even more.’

Ki started to laugh, stopped abruptly. He knew what she was thinking. ‘Not a damn thing we could do for them. The rousters’ horses are twice as fast as Sigurd and Sigmund. And even if you could have warned them, where could they hide? Don’t let it poison you.’

Ki shook her head, not looking at him. He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned on her as they went to the wagon’s door.

Goat sat firmly on the wagon seat. Willow glowered up at him. Neither Vandien nor Ki said a word as they passed.

‘It’s not fair!’ Willow burst out suddenly, and then fell silent as she watched Vandien clamber slowly up the wagon step and inside. ‘Is he going to ride in there?’ she suddenly demanded.

‘Yes,’ Ki admitted. ‘So I suppose you can both ride up front with me. I’ll sit in the middle so you don’t have to look at one another.’

‘No. I’ll keep Vandien company, I guess.’

Willow’s sudden capitulation startled Ki, but it was a relief, too. The idea of spending the day seated between two squabbling children hadn’t been pleasant. But as she mounted the wagon, she considered that spending the day alone with Goat was not a happy alternative. He was already holding the reins.

‘I’m driving now, all right?’ he said as she seated herself beside him.

‘No.’ Ki tugged the reins from his grasp and kicked the brake off. She shook the reins and the greys stepped out. The wagon lurched from the turfy roadside back up onto the roadbed. After the shade by the spring, the sun was very bright. Ki squinted down the long, empty road.

After a long stretch of boring prairie, Goat asked suddenly, ‘Are you so mad you aren’t going to talk to me all day?’

Ki considered it. ‘Perhaps.’

‘Because of the Tamshin?’


A whimper came into Goat’s voice. ‘But I thought I was helping. It saved your life, you know that. Those Brurjans were about to make porridge of Vandien.’

Ki felt no mercy for him. ‘You know that, do you?’ she asked sarcastically. ‘You know so much of Brurjans, do you? I’d have said they were just about to ask us for a bribe.’

‘And you’d have been wrong!’ Goat broke in suddenly. There was no whimper to his voice now, only a boy’s wild anger. ‘Allikata had decided it would be interesting to break Vandien up slowly, to see how much pain he could take. And one of the Humans, it was his turn to be first at the women, and he was wondering if you’d fight or weep.’

There was a savage satisfaction in his voice that chilled Ki. Against her will she turned to meet his pale eyes, more yellow than brown. She did not like to admit her disgust was tinged with fear.

‘Believe your own wild stories if you like,’ she began in a shaky voice.

‘I believe what I know, and I know more than you like. More than anyone likes, and so they hate me. Would you like to hate me more? Then I’ll warn you that it isn’t wise to leave Vandien and Willow alone in the wagon together. Not when she is wondering if he would protect her if the Brurjans came again, and he is wondering if he is as old as he feels. Young enough to worry over foolish things … isn’t that what you told him?’

For an instant Ki was confused. Then a killing fury gripped her. So the boy had been awake last night, and listening to them. Blood suffused her face suddenly. And watching them, too? The team tossed their heads, baffled by the trembling that came down the reins to them. She would not strike him. She would force herself to remember that he was only a boy. But …

‘If ever …’ Anger made her voice crack. ‘If ever you spy upon us like that again, I shall …’

‘Shall what?’ Gotheris demanded spitefully. He stared at her. ‘What can you do to me? You already hate me. Every time you think of me, you are filled with annoyance and irritation. But you’ll keep your contract, you’ll take me safely to Villena. No matter how horrid I am, you’ll give me to my uncle. No matter how nice I am, either.’

A different note entered the boy’s voice on his final words. For a long time Ki drove in silence. There were more trees now, in scattered groves set back from the road. Perhaps the remains of failed farming efforts. When she trusted herself to speak, she said, ‘I don’t think I hate you, Gotheris. Much of what you do makes me angry, but … what’s that?’

‘That’ was something in the distance, a scatter of objects beside and upon the road. They moved erratically. Ki settled back on the seat. ‘Looks like someone’s herd of swine loose in the road. Rolling in the dust.’

‘Close enough,’ Gotheris observed heartlessly. ‘Tamshin.’

At his words Ki stood, to peer ahead, and then startled the team with a cry. She slapped the reins on the grey backs, and the horses broke into a ponderous trot and then a heavy canter. She drove them standing, swaying with their rhythm. The entry to the caravan slid open behind her. Willow peered out. ‘What’s the matter?’ she demanded. Ki didn’t answer. The road stretched ever longer before her, making it seem as though she would never arrive.

When she did get there, she was too late. She pulled the team in to keep them from trampling the first of the bodies. From the way they lay, it was apparent the Tamshin had been moving when the rousters caught up with them. These were the stragglers, who had fallen as they fled, the first victims of the scarlet hooves and blades.

Ki stood frozen, staring down at them. Too vivid were the memories they stirred, of other bodies on a dusty road, of a man and two children she had called hers. Behind her she heard Willow’s rising pants, the beginning of hysteria. Beside her, Goat stirred restively and complained, ‘I smell shit.’

‘Shut up.’ Ki’s voice was dispassionate. ‘Willow. Close the door. And don’t waken Vandien. He doesn’t need this.’

She booted the brake on, wrapped the reins about its handle. Slowly she dismounted and walked over to the first body. The bloodstains on the pale robe were already turning brown in the heat of the sun. There was no need to check for signs of life. Flies buzzed angrily as she turned the body over. She refused to look into the face. With averted eyes, she lifted the shoulders and dragged the body from the road some little distance to the paltry shade of a dying oak. Beyond it was a scorched area where long ago a house might once have stood. She was too heartsick to be curious about it. Slowly she walked back to the road, went to the next body. A child. Unmindful of the blood and feces that fouled his little body, she picked him up and carried him to place him by the other. Goat watched her avidly from the wagon, silent but absorbed in her actions. She paid no attention to him.

She had moved the wagon forward and started to lift the shoulders of a third corpse when the woman came to meet her. She was Tamshin, tall and willowy, but the grace was gone from her movements. Her face was bruised to blackness, and blood had clotted in her long hair. Her thick accent and swollen lips made her hard to understand.

‘Stop. Stop, please. Leave them. Leave us and go away.’

Ki lifted her eyes to meet the woman’s, but she turned her head aside, refusing the communion of grief.

‘I would help you,’ Ki offered softly. ‘With the dead and with the injured. I have food, water, and bandages.’

A boy came up to stand beside the woman. His eyes were wide and empty. Ki glanced up the road, saw other survivors busy among the dead. They made not a sound.

‘No.’ The woman spoke with difficulty, swayed and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. He stood steady beneath her weight. ‘No. Go away. We are Tamshin, our dead are Tamshin. Go away.’

‘Please,’ Ki said. ‘There are so many …’

‘You are …’ The woman searched for the word. ‘Unclean. You must not touch our dead. Go away.’

‘I understand.’ Ki backed slowly away and stood at the side of the road as the woman and boy bent over the body of an old man. With difficulty they dragged him from the road.

‘Your way is clear now,’ the woman said. ‘Go.’

‘May I leave you water?’

‘Unclean. Unclean! Go away!’ The woman screamed the last words, and suddenly began to sob.

Ki spun away from her and fled toward the wagon. As she reached it Vandien stepped out suddenly and caught her in his arms. He held her close. ‘You should have called me,’ he said into her hair.

‘I didn’t want you to … They don’t want our help. We desecrate their dead. They want us to go.’

‘Then we’ll go. It’s the only thing we can do for them, Ki.’

She nodded slowly. He followed her up onto the wagon’s high seat, moved Goat over with a glance. He took up the reins and kicked off the brake. For once Ki said nothing about his driving. Only Goat dared to speak. Leaning forward to peer up into Ki’s striken face, he said, ‘You see how they are? Ungrateful. And filthy. You smell terrible.’

‘Shut up, Goat,’ said Vandien.