Index of Names

Ackerman, Bruce

Adair, Douglass

Amar, Akhil Reed

Antieau, Chester

Aquinas, Thomas

Ashurst, Henry

Balkin, Jack

Barnwell, Robert

Bedford, Gunning

Benson, Egbert

Berger, Raoul

Bernstein, David

Bestor, Arthur

Biden, Joseph

Bingham, John

Bismarck, Otto von

Blackstone, William

Bork, Robert

Bowdoin, James

Bradley, Joseph

Brandeis, Louis

Brest, Paul

Breyer, Stephen

Brilmayer, Lea

Brown, Benjamin

Burke, Edmund

Burnley, Hardin

Butler, Pierce

Cabell, Joseph Carrington

Calabresi, Steven G.

Calamari, John

Caplan, Russell

Cass, Ronald A.

Chase, Samuel

Chemerinsky, Erwin

Clinton, George

Clinton, Robert M.

Conrad, Clay S.

Cooley, Thomas M.

Corbin, Francis

Costigan, Edward

Cox, Tench

Crosskey, William

Currie, David

Curtis, Michael Kent

Cushman, Barry

Davie, William

Dawes, Thomas

Dickenson, John

Douglas, William O.

Dworkin, Ronald

Easterbrook, Frank

Elsworth, Oliver

Ely, John

Engdahl, David

Epstein, Richard

Field, Stephen

Fleming, James E.

Franklin, Benjamin

Friedman, Barry

Fuller, Lon

Fuller, Melville

Gardbaum, Stephen

Gerry, Elbridge

Ghorum, Nicholas

Giles, William

Gillman, Howard

Goldberg, Arthur

Goodrich, Elizur

Graglia, Lino

Granger, Patricia

Grayson, William

Grey, Thomas C.

Gunther, Gerald

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Walton

Harlan, John

Hart, H.L.A.

Henry, Patrick

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Hoover, Herbert

Howard, Jacob

Hummel, Jeffrey

Hyneman, Charles S.

Innes, James

Iredell, James

Jackson, Andrew

Jackson, James

Jay, John

Jefferson, Thomas

Johnson, Andrew

Kay, Richard

Kennedy, Anthony M.

King, Rufus

Knight, Frank H.

Lansing, John

Lawrence, William

Lawson, Gary

Lee, Richard Henry

Levinson, Sanford

Liggio, Leonard

Livingston, Robert

Locke, John

Lofgren, Charles A.

Lynch, Joseph

Macedo, Steven

Maclaine, William

Madison, James; on acquiescence; on bills of rights; on censorship; on commerce; and the Commerce Clause; on constitutionality of a national bank; on faction, the problem of; and freedom of speech; on the interconnected economy; on interpretation; on judging one’s own case; on judicial review/nullification; on majoritarianism; on McCulloch v. Maryland; on natural rights; on the Necessary and Proper Clause; on the Ninth Amendment; on popularly elected House; on “retained” rights; on private rights and justice; on the Senate; on slavery; on the Tenth Amendment; on the vagueness of commerce

Marshall, John

Martin, Luther

Mason, George

McAffee, Thomas B.

McConnell, Michael

McReynolds, James

Meese, Edwin

Mercer, John

Meyer, David N.

Miller, Samuel

M’Kean, Thomas

Monroe, James

Morgan, Edmund S.

Morris, Christopher

Morris, Gouverneur

Nasson, Samuel

Nelson, Grant S.

Newsom, Kevin

Nicholas, George

Nozick, Robert

O’Connor, Sandra Day

Page, John

Peckham, Rufus

Pendleton, Edmund

Penington, Jr., Isaac

Perillo, Joseph

Perry, Michael

Phillips, Wendell

Pinckney, Charles

Powell, H. Jefferson

Pushaw, Robert, Jr.

Rakove, Jack N.

Randolph, Edmond

Rawle, William

Rawls, John: on just constitutions, on the duty of fair play

Raz, Joseph

Reed, Stanley

Rehnquist, William

Reiman, Jeffrey

Roosevelt, Franklin

Rosen, Jeffrey

Rothbard, Murray

Rutledge, John

Scalia, Antonin

Schauer, Frederick

Sedgwick, Theodore

Shapiro, Martin

Sherman, John

Sherman, Roger

Simmons, John

Smith, George

Smith, Melancton

Smith, William

Solum, Lawrence B.

Spencer, Herbert

Spooner, Lysander

Stevens, John Paul

Stone, Harlan Fiske

Stone, Michael

Sutherland, George

Swayne, Noah

Taylor, John

Thayer, James

Thomas, Clarence

Tiedeman, Christopher

Tighman, William

Tribe, Laurence

Trumbell, Lyman

Tucker, St. George

Turner, Charles

Waismann, Friedrich

Warren, Earl

Washington, Bushrod

Washington, George

West, Robin

Whittington, Keith

Williams, John

Williamson, Hugh

Wilson, James

Wilson, James F.

Woodbridge, Frederick

Yoo, John Choon

Zywicki, Todd