Progressive Beginner Singing will give you an enjoyable and well rounded introduction to the basics of singing and reading music, as well as essential information on correct breathing and posture, how to develop your own interpretation of a song, and valuable tips on performing in public and how to use microphones.

This book is suitable for anyone who wants to learn to sing. No previous musical knowledge or experience is necessary. Each new technique or note value is introduced separately and all examples sound great and are fun to sing.

The book also features several well known popular songs sung in a variety of styles. On completion of the book, you will be ready to begin improvising, writing songs and playing with other musicians as well as being able to sing several popular songs and make great sounds.

The best and fastest way to learn is to use this book in conjunction with:

In the early stages it is also helpful to have the guidance of an experienced teacher. This will also help you keep to a schedule and attain weekly goals. To help you develop a good sense of time it is recommended that you always practice with a metronome or drum machine.

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