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Annabelle came out of the movie theater shaking, tears rolling down her face. If she was alone, she might have sulked off on her own, hoping no one else saw her while she processed what she’d just seen on the big screen. But Elizabeth was with her and she looked just as affected. Her eyes were red and watery, though she’d managed to wipe away most of her tears.
“That was incredible,” Elizabeth whispered. “Thank you so much for bringing me.”
“You’re welcome.” She was right. It had been incredible. The entire movie from start to finish left Annabelle breathless with anticipation for the conclusion of the final trilogy. She hated realizing this was the second to last movie in the franchise as far as the Skywalkers were concerned. Sure, there would be other Star Wars movies, but none like this. “It’s so sad, like everything about my childhood all rolled into one moment of nostalgia, of realizing I will never see Princess Leia again, you know?”
“I know.” Now the waterworks did turn on and tears flowed down Elizabeth’s cheeks. It felt good to have someone who commiserated with her, whose heart was as affected by the loss.
Annabelle turned to put her arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders. “We’re a mess,” she declared through her sniffles. “But at least we’re a mess together.”
They made their way out of the cinema with the rest of the crowd, and it gratified Annabelle to see they weren’t the only people affected. Some people were talking about how great the movie was, others talking about how sad it was that Carrie Fisher would no longer be a part of future works, and still others were speculating about the final movie.
“What’s a couple of weepy Star Wars fans to do?” Elizabeth asked. “And why am I hungry again? I swear, we must have gone through two extra-large popcorns.”
“It’s that buttery smell.” As if to prove her point, Annabelle sniffed at the air. Sure enough, it smelled like classic movie theater and her stomach gave a little growl. “I know what we should do. Let’s go to the pub since it’s nearby, drink a toast to Princess Leia and General Organa, grab a pizza, and then go back to my place.” It was probably the boldest proposition Annabelle had ever made to any woman, and she did her best to lace it with suggestion.
Her flirtation must have worked, because Elizabeth edged closer and her voice took on a husky quality. “That sounds like a great idea. You’ve thought of everything.”
When they arrived at the pub, they stuck to soda for their toast. Danny and a few of the regulars tried to pump them for information about the movie, but Elizabeth put a stop to that with her queen voice. “Go see it for yourselves,” she commanded. “It’s not the same if we tell you about it. Do the right thing and honor Princess Leia with your presence.”
Annabelle almost laughed, but Elizabeth sounded so serious, she had to bite her lip. Everyone else slunk away, put in their place by the queenly persona. Annabelle offered her a high five. “From one devoted fan to another, that was right on,” she said.
“Thank you.” Elizabeth met the high five and then nodded toward the door. “How about that pizza?”
Even though it was well after ten o’clock on a Thursday night, the pizza place was still open and packed for a change. It must have been a post-movie crowd, Annabelle realized, since the cinema was so close.
“Star Wars is good for business,” Elizabeth commented, before ordering their pizza.
“Yeah, staying open extra hours is probably the best thing they can do this weekend.” There was nowhere to sit while they waited after placing the order. Annabelle was grateful they decided to get it to go. Her apartment would be much less crowded – just the two of them.
When they got in Elizabeth’s car, Annabelle set the hot pizza box on her lap. It provided extra warmth the entire drive to her apartment.
As she handed it over to Elizabeth so she could unlock the door, Annabelle said, “I hope you don’t have to go into work early tomorrow. It looks like it’s going to be a late night.”
“Oh, really? Do you have special plans for when we’re done with the pizza?” Elizabeth sounded playful and she held up the square, white box.
“Maybe I have special plans involving the pizza itself.”
Annabelle suppressed a snort and stepped aside to let Elizabeth into the apartment. Still energized by the movie and everything there was to say about it, they made short work of the pizza. It wasn’t until close to midnight that their excitement wound down, and Annabelle glanced at Elizabeth from beneath half-closed eyelids.
“I think it’s time for bed,” she said, rising to her feet and reaching for the buttons on her shirt. “But do you know what I really want to do before we sleep?” She took a step back toward her bedroom, releasing one button and then the next.
“I have an idea.” Elizabeth stood, her eyes sweeping up and down her body. Annabelle made sure to unbutton her shirt and slide it down off her arms slowly. She would make this last, make sure it was a night to remember. Or was it morning now? Either way, she wasn’t about to go to asleep just yet.
She’d worn a set of matching silver panties and bra that gleamed in the low light, much like a holiday decoration or wrapped gift under the tree. Even though she’d only set up a small tree in a corner of her living room, she backed up to it and then pushed her pants down over her legs to reveal her lingerie ensemble. “Isn’t it nice when a present unwraps itself?”
“Oh yes, very nice, though I do like doing the unwrapping.” Elizabeth followed at a distance, her hungry gaze still focused on Annabelle.
“I’m sure you want to play with your present.” Annabelle tossed her long, dark hair, and then closed her eyes when Elizabeth leaned forward to kiss her shoulder. It was warmer than usual in the apartment and the delicious scent of her favorite candle filled the air.
Elizabeth let out a low “Mmm” against her skin and, even though the apartment was cozy, Annabelle shivered. She’d gotten ready for the date by layering the same vanilla scent all over her body, from her shampoo to her lotion.
“I’ll never look at vanilla or cupcakes or sugar cookies again without thinking of you,” Elizabeth said.
“Good, because that’s what I was going for,” Annabelle flirted, arching her body just a bit and fitting herself against Elizabeth’s still-clothed form. “Sweets, sex, me – that’s all that should be on your mind from now on.”
Elizabeth smiled at her, eyes narrowed as they swept over her body once more. Her hands drifted down Annabelle’s sides, then slid over the silken fabric of her underwear. Annabelle trembled at every touch, every whisper of skin along skin. She’d felt lust many times in her life, but this see-sawed on the very edge of it, tipping into need. If there were any other woman with her now, they couldn’t satisfy her the way Elizabeth could.
“That won’t be a problem.” There was a hint of urgency in Elizabeth’s voice. She lowered her mouth to Annabelle’s for a kiss and steered her back toward the bedroom.
Annabelle loved this version of Elizabeth, the one who took control. The one who played the queen with authority. This was a woman who knew what she wanted, and Annabelle was happy to be the object of her desire. With dim awareness, she felt Elizabeth’s fingers move beneath her panties and then slip them off over the curves of her hips and thighs. Annabelle stepped out of them just as the backs of her legs hit the bed.
To her delight, Elizabeth pushed her down onto it, the soft mattress cradling Annabelle’s body while her lover continued to devour her mouth. Now her hands moved to the bra, unhooking it and then sliding it over Annabelle’s arms. Annabelle gasped against Elizabeth’s lips when the redhead’s soft hands brushed over her bare nipples. Then she was able to drink in a long, deep gulp of air, as Elizabeth brought her mouth elsewhere.
It was a good thing she was already on the bed, because Annabelle’s entire body went weak with desire while Elizabeth’s seeking mouth kissed her breasts. Her tongue curled around one nipple slowly, teasing it, drawing it into a stiff bud.
“You’re absolutely killing me,” Annabelle told her, a shiver of pleasure claiming her body.
“Good.” Elizabeth moved to her other breast, giving it equal care and attention. “And I can multitask very well.”
Before Annabelle could ask what she meant by that statement, Elizabeth’s hand dropped between her legs and found the wetness there. Annabelle leaned back, both hands bracing her against the bed, as Elizabeth’s mouth and tongue lavished attention on her breasts. While her hand – oh, that wicked hand – slid two fingers up her valley, then circled the wetness over Annabelle’s clit. Sensation centered on that sweet little area, increasing in intensity with each measured stroke.
When she lost the strength to keep herself upright, Annabelle lay back and Elizabeth followed. She fastened her mouth over one of Annabelle’s breasts, her tongue flicking at the nipple, while her fingers continued to glide over Annabelle’s needy sex.
Annabelle clutched at the blankets and hissed out a long breath. The tension was spiraling higher and higher, nearly out of her control. Her hips rocked up against Elizabeth’s hand and she gasped for breath. Bliss was just barely out of reach, lingering where she could almost touch it. Just a few more strokes, a few more licks of that agile tongue...
...and Annabelle was crying out in pleasure, her entire body tensing and shuddering as waves of ecstasy washed over her. It was the kind of orgasm that energized her, that left her wanting more. When she relaxed, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth, she raised her hands to Elizabeth to get her attention.
“Again,” she demanded, “but together.”
Elizabeth smiled down at her and then straightened. Her clothes were on the floor in the span of two heartbeats, revealing her slim, almost boyish figure. Annabelle liked that Elizabeth had smoother planes than her and harder, more compact muscles. They fit together perfectly, Annabelle the soft and Elizabeth the hard. It was so funny that their personalities weren’t like that at all, as Elizabeth was far more open and forgiving than Annabelle. But maybe that was one of the many reasons they belonged together, Annabelle mused. Why they’d found each other in a world full of romantic options.
Elizabeth joined Annabelle on the bed, her knees dipping the mattress on either side of Annabelle’s head. Annabelle could not wait to touch her, to taste her, so she reached up and curled her hands over Elizabeth’s slim hips. She drew her down and let out a moan as sweet, hot flesh met her eager tongue. In another moment, she was rewarded with the same, Elizabeth’s head between her thighs, mouth tasting the creamy evidence of Annabelle’s first orgasm.
They both trembled as they made love to one another, and Annabelle knew it wouldn’t take long to lose control. Still, she did her best to draw it out, to give Elizabeth that memory of being loved. She wanted to ensure Elizabeth experienced everything – all of the sounds and scents and tastes that made the sensations of sex that much sweeter.
Just as she loved it when Elizabeth took control, she also loved it when she lost that control. Having the power to do that to Elizabeth, seeing her composure slip and feeling her entire body go loose over Annabelle’s, gave her a heady rush. Like now, as Annabelle glided her tongue over Elizabeth’s welcoming warmth, over her intimate flesh. Evidence of that loss of control was in the way Elizabeth’s breath caught for a moment and then released with a moan. Then Elizabeth relaxed atop her, legs giving way just a bit.
That pressed her even more firmly against Annabelle’s lapping tongue and she took advantage of the angle to delve inside Elizabeth’s soft pussy. The way Elizabeth’s thighs tensed and released, Annabelle knew it was only a matter of moments before she lost herself to the same ecstasy. She loved knowing she was the person who would drive Elizabeth over that precipice.
Her own body quivered uncontrollably at the combination of Elizabeth’s tongue furling around her bud and two fingers sinking deep inside her. Annabelle moaned against her skin, knowing she was lost.
Together they came, clinging to one another with both arms and mouths, their bodies grinding closer together, as if they could occupy the same space. After long, sensuous seconds of bliss, of exchanging heat and pleasure, Annabelle relaxed and felt Elizabeth do the same. They each let out long, audible sighs of satisfaction.
Soon, they snuggled under the blankets, and Elizabeth drew Annabelle into her arms. It was well after midnight when Elizabeth kissed the top of her head and asked, “So, did my girlfriend get everything she wanted out of tonight’s date?”
“Ooh, am I your girlfriend, now?” Annabelle looked up at her and scrunched her face in pleasure when Elizabeth kissed her nose.
“Yes, if you’d like to be.”
“I’d like that very much.” Annabelle nestled back against her. “Yes, I did get what I wanted. I got to share the most important event of the year with someone I love.”
She felt Elizabeth’s body tighten behind hers and then her girlfriend let out a long breath. “I love you too, Annabelle. And I love that we’re free to say so to each other.”
“Me too.” Annabelle didn’t think it was possible to snuggle any closer to her girlfriend, though she tried. “You know, growing up I thought maybe I was weird for being different. But it was my mother who told me I absolutely was not abnormal. She told me it made no sense for people to be limited to just the opposite gender, that our minds and hearts aren’t like that. I think she was the first person I ever heard use the sentiment ‘love is love,’ and she really meant it.”
Elizabeth murmured against her hair, a soft, sympathetic sound. “Mine too.”
“We’re a couple of the lucky ones.” Even though her eyes were drifting shut, Annabelle couldn’t help but mumble, “Man, woman, cis, trans. Love really is love. What matters is how two people know they belong together.”
“Two or more.”
Annabelle released a sleepy chuckle. “Or more?”
She felt Elizabeth shrug. “Let’s not leave out our polyamorous friends.”
Annabelle nodded. Or perhaps she imagined it, she was so tired. Either way, she agreed wholeheartedly with the sentiment. She hoped in bleary, half-articulated thoughts, that there were other people around the world feeling as content and loved as she did at this very moment.
They drifted off to sleep, entangled in each other’s arms. Annabelle’s last thought was how glad she was that the entire encounter with her sister was a thing of the past, a non-issue. Everything was going perfectly.