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Elizabeth was pissed.
More pissed off than she had ever been in her entire life. It wasn’t that she rarely got angry or stifled her emotions. Throughout her life, she’d simply been the person who took control of a situation she didn’t like. However, there was no controlling the behavior of the person who had made her so angry.
So much for leaving her emotions and personal life at home. She dragged both to work on Monday and greeted George with every bit of baggage.
“You did that intentionally,” she said as soon as she shut her office door behind George. “Sit.” It sounded like she was commanding a dog, but Elizabeth was beyond caring. She was going to say her piece and she didn’t care about sparing George’s feelings, just as George didn’t care about Annabelle’s.
“I...” George turned and looked up at her, beautiful dark eyes so like Annabelle’s, now brimming with tears.
“Sit,” Elizabeth said again, more forcefully than the first time. She folded her arms and glared at her subordinate.
George finally sank into the chair and clasped her hands in her lap. She might have known she was in trouble, but she still had composure. Elizabeth had to grant her that.
“What you did was absolutely unforgivable,” Elizabeth stated, pacing behind the chair. No reason for George to see her, she decided. Not just yet. Sometimes, it was nice to make someone sweat a little.
“I didn’t do anything.” Although George faced away from her, her voice came out strong and clear.
When Elizabeth finally walked around to her desk, there was a defensive pout on George’s pretty face. Apparently she wasn’t about to capitulate.
Elizabeth might have admired her stubbornness under different circumstances, but this was too much. “You tried to break up my relationship with Annabelle by behaving in a way that was completely uncalled for at a public party. Had you handled the situation with more maturity, this wouldn’t be happening to you.”
Now the sulking gave way to panic as George’s hands clutched at the arms of her chair and her eyes widened. “What do you mean? Are you firing me?”
“Of course not. As I told you before, I keep my work and personal lives separate. You are the one who is incapable of that, of maintaining such a distinction.” Still standing, Elizabeth turned, punched at her keyboard, and pulled up her email. Turning her monitor to face George, she said, “I’ve recommended you work directly under Frank’s tutelage from now on, just as I did after my first year here.”
It gratified her to see the way the skin tightened over George’s knuckles, as her subordinate continued to grip the chair. “Why? What did you tell him?”
“Worried about yourself and your future, are you? Well, don’t let it upset you. Unlike you, I’m not dragging personal feelings into this matter. Though my feelings about you, I’m sorry to say, have changed drastically since the weekend.” Elizabeth looked at the computer screen and folded her arms as she read the exchange of emails. “To summarize, I told him you would benefit from his vast experience and this move was best aligned with your career growth. You’re on the exact same trajectory I was on at your age and he agreed. Better start polishing off your study skills. He’s going to want to see you in an MBA program by the middle of next year.”
George relaxed a tad, but she still looked ready to bolt. It was like being a lion who had cornered prey, and Elizabeth relished that sense of control for the moment.
“Though my opinion of you has deteriorated considerably, I see no professional reason to hold you back from advancement. And, like I said before...” Elizabeth turned to face George, pressed her palms to the top of her desk, and leaned forward. “That’s what this has always been all about. When I’m in the office, I’m here to work, not put up with your temper tantrums. I’ve asked this before and I’ll ask it again: Have I made myself clear?”
Something sparked in George’s eyes and she rose slowly from the chair. “Clear as a bell, as always, so let me make myself clear. The girl you are dating is going nowhere in life. She’s a spoiled brat who could have had the best of everything, but chose to throw it all away for no good reason whatsoever. You could have done better, Elizabeth. You could have had me.”
“If you think I ever wanted you – that I even considered you attractive – think again, George. Your beauty is only skin deep and it takes a lot more than that to win me. Now gather your things. You’re moving up in the world, all the way to the fourteenth floor.”
Elizabeth turned away from her and began organizing the papers on her desk. She’d had her say and there was no reason to prolong it. For a moment, it seemed George was inclined to stay and add something, but as the silence stretched awkwardly between them, she finally turned and left the office. Her last word on the matter was to slam the door behind her.
“Now who’s the ungrateful, spoiled brat?” Elizabeth muttered, relieved to be alone. She sank down into her chair, closed her eyes, and then reached for her cell phone. After a few rings, someone answered the number she’d dialed. “Good morning, may I please speak with Danny?”
ANNABELLE HADN’T ANSWERED any of her earlier texts while Elizabeth was on the phone. Now that she’d finished her conversation with Danny, she stared at the phone, lips puckered in frustration. Something was certainly up if Annabelle wasn’t even responding with a request for a little more time to think.
As often as she’d left work early to spend time with Annabelle over the past month, Elizabeth pondered doing it now. Her workload had lightened considerably by passing George on to Frank. That meant Frank was the one personally overseeing the big accounts on her behalf. She also knew it would only be a matter of time before she was on her next proposal, trying to land another big fish for the company.
Elizabeth took advantage of the moment to tuck her phone into her purse, grab her coat, and leave. She knew exactly where she would find Annabelle.
The parking lot of the store was absolutely packed, even though it was a Monday afternoon. With Christmas looming, Elizabeth realized there was no escaping it. The shopping traffic would only get worse, but that didn’t matter. She needed to get to Annabelle and let her know she was still on her side, no matter what.
A quick scan of the store didn’t reveal Annabelle at any of the cash registers. Elizabeth knew she couldn’t just walk around and expect to see her. The store was too large. So she took a deep breath and went to the one place she thought she might find her.
Her body sagged with relief as she found Annabelle in the electronics section, scanning barcodes on video game consoles. Elizabeth wondered what stroke of luck she’d had to end up here, instead of at the overflowing check-out lines. Not that Annabelle looked any happier than she did when she was at the cash register.
“Hey,” Elizabeth said, her voice coming out breathier than she expected. She realized her heart was beating hard in her chest and she felt so light-headed, her mind swirled dizzily.
Annabelle turned and blinked at her, surprise evident in the way she gasped. “Elizabeth. What are you doing here?”
“I’m in the market for shopping carts full of bargain-basement Chinesium. Why do you think I’m here?” She stepped closer and reached for Annabelle. “I’m here for you.”
The hand holding the scanner dropped and Annabelle’s lips quirked slightly, but then the miserable expression returned. “What about George?”
“Oh, sweetie, George was never anything more to me than a co-worker, someone I could mentor and help grow. She was never an option, not for a single moment. Remember when I told you about dating other women – the polite ones?”
Annabelle nodded.
“If I wanted dull and boring, then I could have kept right on dating them. But I didn’t want that, and I certainly didn’t want George. Had I known she harbored romantic feelings for me, I’d have shifted her off on someone else sooner, rather than later.”
“Are you saying she’s not working for you anymore?” Now misery appeared to give way to panic and Annabelle took a step back.
“No, no, I didn’t fire her or anything.” Elizabeth reached out to clasp Annabelle’s free hand between hers. “She’s now another executive’s responsibility, not mine. Trust me, Annabelle, I meant what I said about keeping work and love totally separate. Since George couldn’t do the same, I placed her with a different mentor. It will work in her favor. He’s one of the top executives. It’s going to position her for the advancement she deserves as a hard worker, but it’s also going to put some distance between me and her.”
Doubt clouded Annabelle’s face and Elizabeth reconsidered her words.
She let out a little snort and added, “Mind you, I’m not so sure she deserves that kind of good fortune as a person anymore, especially after trying to make you look like a bad guy in front of your father and stepmother. But I’m not playing her little game. This was strictly a professional decision and that’s how it went on the record. As far as love, she was never an option. I love you and only you. There is no other woman for me.”
Annabelle’s eyes closed briefly and when she opened them again, Elizabeth saw hope in them. “Thank you. I need that, but what I’m feeling right now isn’t just about us.”
“Then what is it? Tell me what I can do for you.” It broke Elizabeth’s heart just a little when Annabelle tugged her hand away and held it behind her. How could Annabelle not want to touch her?
“It’s me. In a way, what went down at the gala was something I needed to hear. My dad took me out to lunch the day after the party to apologize for Georgina’s behavior and try to figure out why I’m ‘the way I am’.” She held up her hand and curled her fingers in air quotes.
Elizabeth wasn’t sure if that was sweet or shitty of Annabelle’s father, so she simply nodded in hopes that she would continue.
“So, yeah, I’m screwed up, even according to him.” Annabelle fiddled with the scanner and rolled her eyes. “And maybe I am, but it’s on my own terms, you know?”
“You aren’t screwed up, Annabelle. It’s not that at all.”
“But it’s something.” Annabelle lifted her gaze to Elizabeth’s. “I just knew it. Everyone thinks it’s something.”
She was treading on rocky terrain here, Elizabeth knew, but she reached out to place her hands on Annabelle’s shoulders. “Annabelle, your mother died when you were barely an adult. Add that to the challenge of being young and gay. You lost her at a time when you were still trying to figure yourself out. What I think is that there is an amazing woman somewhere inside of you, just waiting to emerge. A smart, confident lady who is going to step up one day and finally take on the world.”
“So what you’re saying is I’m not amazing or smart now? I’m not doing things my way?” Annabelle stepped out of her hold, shaking her head.
“No, what I’m saying is we’re all trying to figure ourselves out every day of our lives, but it’s even harder when we’re young, like you,” Elizabeth began.
“Yeah, yeah, and you’re older and wiser.” Annabelle cut her off and turned away with a wave of her hand. “Just give me some time and space, okay?”
Elizabeth couldn’t believe what she was hearing, all because of one woman who’d tried to break them up, a woman who was no longer a factor. Hell, she’d never been a factor. “Are you calling it quits on me?” she asked. “Because breaking-up won’t get us anywhere.”
“No, not that. I’m sorry for making you think that. I just need time to process some things.” Annabelle’s back remained to her.
“Time?” The very notion unsettled Elizabeth and her stomach turned nauseating somersaults. “You’ve had two whole days.”
“Yeah, and I spent them here at work.” Annabelle turned and waved to indicate the entire electronics area. “This isn’t exactly conducive to sorting stuff out, you know.”
“Okay, what do you need me to do for you?” At least Elizabeth had reassurance that this wasn’t the end of their relationship. “I can respect your need for time and space, but tell me what you want from me.”
Annabelle’s throat worked as she swallowed. “I can’t think of anything. It’s just that a whole bunch of things have come up ever since we started dating and I realized they’re things I should address. Dad trying to ‘understand’ me was the icing on the cake. It made me see that even in running away, I wasn’t gaining control over anything in my life. I was giving it up to other people.”
That made much more sense than simply asking for space and Elizabeth’s mind eased somewhat. “Okay.”
“Anyway, look at you.” Annabelle gestured at her with the scanner. “You don’t run away from things. You take control of them. I can’t be just like you, but I can learn something important from you. Maybe if I can put my foot down and set my own terms, I’ll be able to actually appreciate my family and have them show me some respect. I do want to keep seeing you, but first let me figure this out. Is that okay with you?”
Elizabeth was glad Annabelle seemed to have eased away from her initial knee-jerk reaction. “Yes. I mean, you never need my permission to do anything in life, but yes. I absolutely give you my blessing or whatever it is you need to do this.”
“Thank you.” Annabelle finally looked at least somewhat relieved. The corners of her mouth twitched, though she didn’t quite smile. “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“Me too. Call me if you need anything or when you’re ready. I’m behind you one hundred percent.” She leaned forward to press her lips to Annabelle’s cheek in a quick kiss, grateful her girlfriend accepted the affection.
As Elizabeth left the store, her chest tightened. She wouldn’t be just another person who treated Annabelle like she was always in the wrong. Just as she’d told her before, she would let go of that which she couldn’t control. In this case, she couldn’t control Annabelle’s need to learn and grow from her own experiences.
But she could be someone who believed in her and trusted her judgment. That was the best thing she could do as someone who loved another person.