

Ácoma, 20–21
adaptability (of Indians), 14, 124
adoption (by Indians), 34, 123–24
affordable housing, 114
African Americans, 70–71, 115–16, 122
agriculturalists, 79, 80, 82–83, 93, 98
agriculture, 5, 12, 25, 29, 49, 90–91, 103
challenges in, 7, 82–84
Great American Desert and, 80
Alaska, 87
alcohol, 28, 67, 75, 123
Algonquians, 27–28
alliances, 27–28, 38, 40, 114
American expansion, 45, 120. See also westward expansion
American Progress, 118, 118–19
American Revolution, 31–32, 37–42
Amherst, Jeffery, 33–34
Anasazi, 10, 11
anti-Chinese movement, 69, 71–72, 95
antislavery cause (1850), 71
Apache Indians, 21–22
Appalachians, 34–35, 37
archaeologists, 6
Army, US, 41–42, 64, 71, 99–100, 104
Asian Americans, 106
atomic weapon testing, 104


banditry, 76
baptism, 21
barter. See trade
Basques, 76
Battle of Point Pleasant, 36
battles, 36, 64–65, 67, 77
beavers, 27, 48–49, 82
Beaver Wars, 28
betrayal (of Indians by British), 42, 45
Bierstadt, Albert, 86, 88
biotic transoceanic migration, 15
Bisbee, Arizona, 96
bison, 65
boarding schools, 65, 68
boomtowns, 80–81
Boone, Daniel, 37, 41
border patrol, 97, 107, 125
boundaries, 36
Boyle Heights, 114–15
bracero program, 103
Britain, 55
British colonies, 24f
British people, 33–34, 36, 38, 43, 45
brutality, 20–21
Buffalo Bill. See Cody, William
burial practices, 6


Cahokia, 9, 12, 117
comparative views of, 11–14
continental views of, 7–11
diet and, 5
domination and, 6
Europe and, 3–4, 8
excavations in, 5–6
fall of, 7
farming in, 5
food supply and, 7
men of, 8
mounds of, 3–5, 7–8, 10
population of, 7–8
social hierarchies in, 6
warfare and, 6
women of, 5, 8
Cahokians, 5, 8
defense of, 6–7
rituals of, 6
well being of, 7
California. See also Hollywood; Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California
citizens of, 62
Mexican, 60
population in, 103
capital and labor battles, 77
Captain Pipe, 39
captives, 6, 34, 123–24
casinos (Indian), 122–23
Catholicism, 21, 23, 55
Catholic Mexicans, 55
cattle, 81–82
cattlemen, 76, 81–82
census, 106, 117, 122
Centralia, Washington, 96
Chaco Canyon, 9–10, 11
Cherokee Indians, 37–39, 51
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 70
Chinese laborers, 69–71
Chinese people, 69–70, 72
Christianity, 23, 26
citizenship, 62, 67, 68, 97
civil rights, 114
Civil War, 56, 70, 86
Clanton, Billy, 74
Clark, William, 47–48, 50
climate change, 5, 7, 8
coal, 81
Cody, William, 111, 112
Cold War, 99, 100–101, 103–4
colonial era, 12
colonialism, 67, 120
colonies, 16, 19–20, 24f
colonization, 19–20, 37, 40
Columbus, Christopher, 14–16, 29, 31
Comanche Indians, 28–29, 53–54, 65
communal landholdings, 123
communism, 100–101
comparative views, 11–14
competition, 37, 82
concentration camps. See internment camps
condemnation (of Mormons), 70
Confederation of Ohio Indians, 31
conservation, 83–88, 89–90
conservationists, 91–92
consolidated monarchies, 13
conspiracy, 33–34
continental views, 7–11
corn, 5, 8–11
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 18, 20
corporations, 76–77, 79, 82–83, 96
corruption, 79
coureurs de bois, 26, 27
cowboys, 75, 111, 111
Cuba, 88
cultivation, 5, 8, 9
cultural adaptation, 124
cultural blending, 25, 27, 114, 123–24
cultural development, 12
cultural productions, 110
cultural purification, 33–34
cultural renaissance, 122
cultural revolution, 16–17
Curtis, Edward, 66


dams, 85, 91–92
Dawes, Henry, 66–67
Dawes General Allotment Act (1887), 66–67
death, 61, 64, 120
decimation, 61
defense industry, 100
deforestation, 7
deindustrialization, 107
de la Guerra, Pablo, 62–63, 68, 72, 77
demand, 101–2, 103
demographic changes, 105–7
depletion of resources, 7, 27–28, 48, 82–84
deportation, 97–98, 99, 103, 107
de Soto, Hernando, 18
detribalization, 66–67
diet, 5, 7
discrimination, 69–71
disease, 20, 60–61, 120
diversification, 68–69. See also multiethnic neighborhoods
diversity, 2, 4, 12, 114–15, 117, 125
Doc Holliday. See Holliday, John
Dodge City, Kansas, 75
domination, 6, 20–23, 25, 27
drought, 10, 22, 83, 98
dry farming, 83
Dust Bowl, 98


Earp, Morgan, 74–75
Earp, Virgil, 74–75
Earp, Wyatt, 74–75
economic boom, 92
economic development, 76–77
economic difficulty, 54
economic oppression, 22
economic revival, 122
economic shifts, 107
economic stimulus, 104
economy, 96–97, 105
Edmunds Act, 70
England, 32
English colonization, 19–20
entertainment industry, 110, 112. See also film
environmental challenges, 82–84
environmental changes. See climate change
essays, 86
ethnic cleansing, 50–51, 100–101. See also Indian removal
ethnic enclaves, 113–14
ethnic tension, 77
Europe, 13
colonialism of, 16, 120
goods of, 17
towns of, 8
Europeans, 12
Cahokia and, 3–4, 8
colonies of, 16, 120
hunting and, 13
Indians and, 13–14, 16–17, 19–20, 124
New Mexico and, 21
North America and, 19
technology and, 14
tools of, 19
excavations, 5–6
exclusion, 59–60, 70, 95
Exclusion Act (1882), 95
executions, 15, 23
Executive Order 9066, 101, 115
expansionism, 87. See also American expansion; westward expansion
exploitation, 22, 82, 85–86
explorers, 16, 25. See also Lewis and Clark
exports, 107–8
expulsion, 59–60
extermination, 59–61, 63–65. See also genocide


factory jobs, 107
Fallen Timbers, 42
family preference rule, 105–6
farmers. See agriculturists
farming. See agriculture
fascism, 100–101
federal funding, 100, 104, 122
federal government. See government, US
film, 74–75, 112. See also Westerns
fire, 12
first impressions (of Indians by Europeans), 16–17
First West, 31, 39, 43, 45, 47–52, 95
food. See diet
foreigners, 59–60
Forest Reserve Act (1891), 88
Forest Service, US, 88, 90
Fort Stanwix, 35
Four Corners region, 10, 11
France, 25–28, 32–33, 36, 43
French and Indian War, 32
French colonists, 25–28
French traders, 26–27
fur trade, 26–27, 34–35, 47–49


Gage, Thomas, 35
Gasden Purchase (1853), 124
Gast, John, 118, 118–19
Gateway Arch (St. Louis), 3, 109
genocide, 47, 61
geographic depictions, 29
Germany, 100–101, 112
germs, 18–19, 28, 61
Geronimo, 111
Ghost Dance, 67
gifts, 34, 36–37
globalization, 107–8
gold, 18, 25, 47, 56–61, 80–81
Gold Rush, 47, 57–61, 80
Gorras Blancas, 76
government, US, 79, 82, 89f, 95, 98–99
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 98
Great American Desert, 46, 78, 80, 83
Great Depression, 97–99
Great Plains, 48, 65, 83, 98
The Great Train Robbery, 110
gunfight at OK Corral, 74–76
gunfights, 74–76
guns, 27–28, 87
Guthrie, Woody, 98


Harlins, Latasha, 116
Hermana, New Mexico, 96
Hetch Hetchy Valley, 91–93
heterogeneity, 114, 118, 125
Higley, Brewster, 118–19
Hispanic families, 97–98
historians, 119–20
historical presentations, 118–20
history, 1, 8, 15
Holliday, John, 74
Hollywood, 109–14
Homestead Act (1862), 79, 82
homesteaders, 90
Hoover, Herbert, 97–98
horses, 29
housing, 103, 114
hunter-gatherers, 11–12
hunters, 35
hunting, 13, 29


immigrants, 46, 59–60, 91, 96, 98, 123
Chinese, 69–71
restrictions on, 97
as scapegoats, 95
immigration, 46, 52, 105–8, 114, 115
patterns of, 94
population and, 106
restrictions on, 99, 107
Immigration Reform Act (1965), 94, 105
Imperial Japan, 100–101
imperial rivalries, 31–37, 42
imports, 107–8
Indian America, 11, 15–16
Indian prophets, 67
Indian removal, 47–52
Indian renaissance, 33–34
Indian reservations, 121f, 123
Indian resistance, 40–41
Indians, 11–12, 71, 112, 121, 125. See also specific tribes
achievements of, 14
adaptability of, 14
American society and, 65–67
boarding schools and, 65, 68
British and, 33–34, 36, 38
brutality to, 20–21
citizenship of, 97
Clark and, 50
colonial domination of, 20–23, 25
Columbus and, 15–16
cultural revolution and, 16–17
de Soto and, 18
development and, 122
disease and, 120
English colonies and, 19–20
European colonialism and, 120
Europeans and, 13–14, 16–17, 19–20, 124
execution of, 23
extermination of, 63–65
France and, 25–28, 32–33
horses and, 29
Jefferson and, 49
Lewis and, 50
mobility of, 13, 14
population of, 60, 65, 123
poverty and, 123
rebellion of, 23
revolt and, 22–23
saviors of, 65–67
societies of, 8
sorcery and, 22–23
survival of, 65
traditional life of, 60, 65
of trans-Appalachia, 42
unemployment and, 123
war parties, 33–34
women and, 48–49, 68–69
Indians, Californian, 61
Indians, Mexican. See Comanches
Indian Wars, 64–65
International Workers of the World (IWW), 96
internment camps. See concentration camps
Interstate Highway Act (1956), 105
Irish, 71–72
Iroquois Confederacy, 35
Iroquois Indians, 27–28, 35
irrigation, 84–85, 89f


Jackson, Andrew, 50–51, 54
Japanese Americans, 99, 101, 102, 115
Jefferson, Thomas, 42–43, 48–49, 79, 81, 91
Jeffersonian persuasion, 42–45
Jews, 115–16
Johnson, William, 35


Kentucky, 37
King, Rodney, 116, 117–18
King George III, 40
King’s English, 13
Korean Americans, 116


laborers, 69–71, 76–77, 91, 98
labor unions, 69–70, 77, 96
land, 43, 48, 79–83, 123
land policies, 41
landscapes, 110
Lange, Dorothea, 98, 102
language, 13
Latinos, 106, 116
laws, 13, 42–43, 68, 79, 82
Leone, Sergio, 110, 112
Lewis, Meriwether, 47–48, 50
Lewis and Clark, 47–48
Limerick, Patricia, 120
literacy, 13
Little Big Horn (1876), 65
livestock, 5
lobbying, 79
looting, 116
Los Angeles, California, 101, 104, 109–10, 113, 114–18
Indians in, 123
population of, 92–93, 106
Los Angeles Riot (1871), 72; (1965) 115–16, 117; (1992), 116, 117–18
Louisiana colony, 36, 41
Louisiana Purchase, 32, 43
Louisiana territory, 43, 48, 50


maize. See corn
Man and Nature (Marsh), 84
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 1
maps, 2, 24f, 29, 30, 44f, 120
Marlboro Man, 111, 113
Marsh, George, 84, 86
Massachusetts, 15, 19–20, 23, 29
massacres, 58, 64, 67
May, Karl, 112
media, 1, 73
men, 58–59
of Cahokia, 8
mountain, 48–49, 68–69
white, 110
Mexican Americans, 60, 76, 97
Mexican-American War, 72
Mexicans, 62, 97, 98, 99
Mexico, 52, 55–56, 96
citizens of, 62
economic difficulty in, 54
political instability of, 54
Texas and, 53–54
United States and, 103, 124–25
war and, 47, 54, 72
Mexico City, 54
microbes, 15, 17
migrants, 57–59, 91, 123
migration, 20, 21–22, 45
biotic transoceanic, 15
of Mormons, 57–58
to Pacific coast, 57
seasonal, 11
mines, 80–81
mining industry, 80–81
mining towns, 75
missionaries, 20, 21, 26
Mississippi, 4, 37
Mississippi River, 3, 4
Missouri, 3–4, 50
Missouri River, 4
Missouri Territory, 50
mobility (of Indians), 13, 14
Monk’s Mound, 4–5
Moran, Thomas, 86, 88
Mormons, 71
condemnation of, 70
irrigation and, 84–85
migration of, 57–58
polygamy and, 70
settlements of, 80
mounds, 3–5, 7–8, 10
Mountain Meadows, Utah, 58
mountain men, 48–49, 68–69
Mt. Lee, 109
Muir, John, 91–92
multiethnic neighborhoods, 125
Murray, Hugh, 69
My Western Home (Higley), 118


Napoleon, 43
Narragansett Indians, 19
National Bureau of Reclamation, 78
National Origins Act (1924), 97
National Parks, 88, 91
Native Americans. See Indians
native trading routes, 17
natural resources, 82, 84, 85–86
nature, 82, 84, 85–86, 88
Navajo Indians, 21–22
Nazi Germany, 100–101
negotiators, 41
Nevada, 104
New Deal, 98–99
New England, 20, 40. See also Massachusetts
New France, 24f, 25, 26
Newland, Francis, 78
Newlands Act. See Reclamation Act
New Mexico, 15, 20, 21, 23, 30, 96
nonwhites, 103
North America, 15, 19
nuclear weapons, 104


Ohio Indians, 38–39
Ohio River, 38
Ohio Valley, 32–35
OK Corral, 74–75
Okies, 98
Old Hickory. See Jackson, Andrew
Old Southwest, 50–51
Oñate, Juan de, 20
101 Ranch Company, 111
opportunity, 2, 71, 101–2
Oregon, 58–59
outlaws, 76
overtrapping. See depletion
Owens River, 92–93


Pacific coast, 57
Pacific Rim, 107
painting, 86, 118–19
Pearl Harbor, 99, 101, 102
People v. Hall (1854), 69
Phelps Dodge Corporation, 96
Pico, Pio, 46, 52, 57, 60
Pilgrims, 19–20
Pinchot, Gifford, 88, 91
Platte River, 57–58
Plymouth, 19–20
political instability, 54
politics, 54–55, 79, 113
Polk, James, 54–56
polygamy, 70
Popé, 22–23, 67
population, 12, 13, 21, 41
of Cahokia, 7–8
in California, 103
decline of, 7
diversification of, 68–69
immigration and, 106
of Indians, 60, 65, 123
of Los Angeles, 92–93, 106
post–World War II American West, 104–5
poverty, 97–99, 113, 123
Powell, John, 84, 86
Praying Towns, 20
precious metals. See gold
precolonial American history, 8
precolonial development, 14
prejudices, 103
Proclamation Line, 35
projections, 2
prophets, 33–34, 67
prospectors, 59, 80
Pueblo Bonita, 10–12
Pueblo Indians, 21–23
Pueblo revolt (1680), 22–23
pyramids. See mounds


race, 67–73
race relations, 62–63
race riots, 115–17
racial ordering, 68–69
raids, 21–22, 28, 33–34, 38, 39
railroad corporations, 79, 82–83
range wars, 75–76
reclamation, 78, 83–88, 89–90
Reclamation Act (1902), 78–79, 85, 90–91, 93
Red Scare (1919), 96
regulations, 78–79, 90–91
religious repression, 22
removal, 47–52, 99
Removal Act, 51
resistance (of Indians), 20–21, 32, 40–41, 45
restrictions, 97, 99, 107–8
restrictive covenants, 103, 114
Revolutionary War, 37. See also American Revolution
rights, 67–73, 114
Rio Grande, 54
riots, 72, 115–17
rituals, 6
Roosevelt, Franklin, 99, 101
Roosevelt, Theodore, 85, 86–88, 87, 91, 119


sacrifices, 6
Salem, Massachusetts, 15, 23, 29
Sand Creek, Colorado, 64
San Francisco, California, 91–93, 101, 104
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 15, 23, 30
savages, 64
saviors, 65–67
Seattle, Washington, 101–2
settlements, 80. See also colonies
Seven Years’ War, 32. See also French and Indian War
sexual exploitation, 22
Shawnee Indians, 36
shipyards, 101–2
Silicon Valley, 104
Sioux Indians, 28, 67
Sitting Bull, 67
slavery, 56, 70–71
slaves, 28, 45
social hierarchies, 6
social instability, 9
society, American, 65–67
sorcery, 15, 22, 23
South Dakota, 67
Spaghetti Westerns, 112
Spain, 32, 36
Spaniards, 20, 28, 92
attack of, 22–23
dependence and, 22
Pueblo Indians and, 21–23
Spanish conquest, 18
Stanford University, 104
Steinbeck, John, 98
St. Louis, Missouri, 3, 109
stock market collapse (1929), 97
strikes, 77, 96
suburbanization, 104–5
Supreme Court, 51
survival, 65
Sutter, John, 56


taxes, 59
Taylor Grazing Act (1934), 99
technology, 14, 16–17, 104
Tejanos, 52
television, 112–13
territories, 2, 43, 48, 50, 70
Tewa Pueblo, 22
Texas, 53–54
Thanksgiving, 19
Tombstone, Arizona, 74–75
tools, 19
torture, 22
trade routes, 17, 107
traders, 26–27
Trail of Tears, 51–52
trans-Appalachia, 37, 41–43
Transylvania Company, 37–38
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848), 56, 62, 72
Treaty of Paris (1763), 33, 39
tribal communalism, 66–67
tribal government, 123
Trist, Nicholas, 55–56
Tuolomne River, 91
Turner, Frederick, 86, 119


unemployment, 107, 123
United Nations Genocide Convention, 61
unity, 114–15
urban dwellers, 81
Utah, 58, 70–71
Utah Territory, 70


victims, 120
vigilantism, 74
violence, 9, 73, 96–97, 112, 115–17
violence of 1992, 116–18
vocational training, 68
voting, 62, 73, 113


wages, 96, 102
Wall Street, 95
Wall Street Journal, 94
Wampanoag Indians, 19–20
war, 20, 32–34, 36, 55–56. See also specific wars
between, 95–99
beavers and, 28
Cahokia and, 6
Indians and, 64–65, 67
Mexico and, 47, 54, 72
opportunities and, 101–2
war industry, 101–2, 104
War of 1812, 49
warriors, 36
Washington, DC, 95, 99–100
Washington, George, 34, 37–38, 42–43
water, 78–93, 89f
water projects. See irrigation
water wars, 90
Watts riot, 115, 117
Wayne, Anthony, 42
Wayne, John, 110, 111, 113
culture of, 2
foreign influences and, 94
Great Depression and, 97–99
legend/myth of, 1
maps of, 2
as Promised Land, 79–83
Washington and, 99–100
watering of, 78–93
westerners, 98–99
western goods, 96
Westerns, 110–13
westward expansion, 44f, 87
white, 62–63
Americans, 45
men, 110
women, 73
white supremacy, 74
Wild West, 73–77
Wild West shows, 73, 111, 112
witchcraft. See sorcery
witches, 23
Wobblies, 96
Cahokian, 5, 8
cultivation and, 8
horses and, 29
Indian, 48–49, 68–69
migrants, 58–59
paid workforce and, 102
sexual exploitation of, 22
voting and, 73
white, 73
World War I, 95–96
World War II, 99, 100–101, 103–4, 115
Wounded Knee, 67
Wovoka, 67


Yellowstone National Park, 88
Yosemite National Park, 88, 91
Young Hickory. See Polk, James