
This book would not have been possible without the resources and people at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. I’ve been ever amazed at how accessible and willing to answer my questions the scientists here are. I’d especially like to thank the many experts who looked over the manuscript and made suggestions; their help improved the book enormously. Any errors that remain are entirely my fault.

I’d especially like to acknowledge Miyoko Chu, the director of communications at the Lab. Her eagerness to share the Lab’s many scientific and educational resources with people everywhere is exceeded only by her commitment to excellence. She has been one of the most inspiring, dedicated, and helpful mentors I’ve ever had.

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a nonprofit, member-supported organization that solves critical problems facing birds and other wildlife by using the best science and technology — and by inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to care about and protect the planet. For more information, visit