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FOURTEEN GRUELING HOURS later, I dragged my dog-tired self from the elevator of my apartment complex and turned the corner of the hallway. Joseph was kneeling at his door, a screwdriver in hand and his trusty Champion toolbox at his side on the floor.
“Hey,” I said in surprise. “Watcha doin?”
He glanced up and smiled. “Hey. Just changing my lock. How was your day?”
Mondays always prove to be busy and tiresome. A great thing for an entrepreneur like myself. But hearing Joseph was changing his locks, because of the stunt Caroline pulled last week, totally made my day. No one could erase this self-satisfied smile off my face.
“It was good,” I tried to say without much enthusiasm. I didn’t want Joseph to know that I was practically dancing a jig on the inside. “How about you?” I slid down the wall beside him. “I didn’t expect you to be home so soon.”
He looked at me askance. “It is eight-thirty at night.”
“Oh, I know,” I sighed, closing my eyes. “I just thought you’d still be down at your sister’s. How did it go today?”
He made the final adjustments on the new door knob as he spoke. “Great. Your grandma’s sink doesn’t drip anymore and her door’s been squeak-proofed.”
“And Randi?”
“The first truck load is on its way to Colorado.”
I sat in awe. Joseph was the first guy I ever knew who could be so productive in a single day. Just hearing about how much he’d accomplished had me wondering how the man did it all. Not to mention, drive two hours back to Cincinnati and still beat me home.
He tossed his screwdriver into his toolbox and latched it shut. “You look exhausted, Sutherland.”
“I am.” He snagged my hand and helped me stand, all the while grinning at me. “What?” I finally asked.
“You haven’t said a thing about me changing the lock. You do realize I’m not doing it because it’s broken, right?”
I laid my head against his chest, hiding the grin on my lips. “I know why you’re doing it.”
“And I’m thoroughly happy.”
He pushed me away from his chest just enough to look in my eyes. “You are?”
“Well, any other woman might run outside, climb the Purple People Bridge and shout it for all the world to hear. But I’m not one to gloat. I’ll just celebrate in my own quiet way the day Caroline comes back and finds her key doesn’t work anymore.”
“Speaking of keys....” He reached into his back pocket. “This would be yours.” He took my hand and planted a shiny new key in my palm. “It’s only fair since I have a key to your apartment.”
I squeezed it tightly. “You sure about this?”
“I’ve never been so sure in all my life.”
He dipped his head and kissed my lips softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, letting him know just how happy he’d made my evening. When he ended the kiss, I staggered backward.
“Let’s get you off to bed,” he said, picking up the toolbox from the floor.
“You’re going to tuck me in?”
His snicker vibrated through me as he followed me to my door. “If that’s what you’d like.”
I’d like him to do more than tuck me in, but I wasn’t about to confess my most darkest desires to him. I was still a bit mortified about coming on to him last night to traipse down that wicked path again.
I let us into my apartment and turned to flip on the lights. Joseph’s hand closed over mine. I heard him set his toolbox on the entryway floor and he kicked the door shut. Holding my hand, he spun me into his arms and kissed me again in the dark. He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom.
My heart raced. My thoughts whirled. I tensed in his arms and I could feel the sharp edges of his key digging into my palm. I didn’t want to let go of it or him. Together, they were such a special gift that I would cherish always.
When we reached my bed, he laid me down. I watched him curiously, wondering what his intentions were. Like a gentleman, he took off my shoes and set them as a pair on the floor. Next, he unzipped my coat and slipped it off me. In seeing my pajamas on the chair, he brought them to me.
He knelt on the floor, between my legs. He reached up and released my ponytail, letting my hair cascade around my shoulders. He played with a curly strand, caressing it between his fingers. “I hope you sleep well, Jamie.”
The husky sound of his voice was the best lullaby in the world. Whether he called me by my first name or my surname, I loved the sound of it on his lips. I clutched my pajamas along with his key against my chest. His unruly lock of hair dared me to thread it through my fingers, but I didn’t reach out to hold him. I feared I’d not be able to let go.
“Jamie,” he said, looking downward.
My voice squeaked. “Yes?”
He looked puzzled or nervous, I couldn’t tell. But something consumed him. “Never mind,” he recanted, moving to stand.
I snagged his wrist to keep him from leaving. “What is it?”
He brushed back the hair from my face. “I just had a lot of time on my hands today. Thinking, you know. And...” He paused, sitting beside me on the bed. “And I guess I just missed you, that’s all.”
Amid the dark shadows of the room, I held his hand and gave it a loving squeeze. “I missed you, too. We’ve spent so much time together lately, it was kind of weird not having you around today.”
“Which leads me to my next thought.”
“And that is?”
He cupped my hand in both of his. “While I was down at your grandmother’s house today, I found a lot of things that needed urgent repair.”
“Okay...” I wasn’t sure where he was going with this. “So, can you fix them?”
“Sure, I can fix them,” he said, tilting his head in thought. “But it’s going to take some time. What I mean is, I’m going to be staying with Candace for the next two weeks so I can get them finished on time. You know, before your grandmother moves. I’ve talked to my boss here and he’s fine with that.”
“Oh,” I said, contemplating this news. “In other words, I won’t see you much after tomorrow.”
“Well, I could always come down on the weekends and help you.”
“Actually, I work better alone.” My face must have shown my disappointment because he amended his statement pretty quickly. “I’d love to have you there with me, Jamie, but...” His mouth twitched upward in a crooked smile. “I’m afraid you’d only be a distraction for me. I mean, when you’re around, I can’t seem to focus on anything but you.”
His compliment lifted my spirits. A little. “Okay, I get it. I think.”
Joseph cradled my face in his hands. “I’ll certainly miss you.”
I felt bad knowing he was only helping my grandmother because of me. What’s worse was knowing he’d not take a cent from her for it and that he was giving up his vacation time to do it. No one was better for the job, but I hated knowing he’d not get anything for his trouble. “I don’t expect you to do this, Joseph. I have money. I can hire someone else to do it.”
“You’re not hiring someone else. I told your grandmother I’d do it for her. I’m not going to back out now.”
I could tell there was no convincing him otherwise. “Two weeks, huh?” Saying it aloud sounded more like forever. Being away from Joseph for a few hours was hard enough. Whether he realized it or not, I craved his company.
“Two weeks,” he repeated, frowning. “I should get back in town the day before Christmas Eve. Want to get together then?”
“It’s a date,” I said, already longing for this two-week hiatus to be over.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and tugged me against him, kissing my forehead. “In the meantime, you can be thinking about my Christmas gift.”
I elbowed his ribs playfully. “What if I’ve already decided what I’m giving you?”
He laughed. “You so suck at lying, Sutherland.” He palmed my face and shoved me. I fell back into the pillows for effect, still clutching my PJs and his key.
“You’re so beautiful, Jamie.”
“Thank you,” I said, reeling inside.
He finally stood and walked to the bedroom door. The longing I felt watching him leave was greater than anything I’d ever felt before. I wanted him to turn around and say how hard it was for him to leave. I wanted him to suggest he stay. I wanted to invite him to spend the night so he’d know what was running through my head.
“Joseph,” I called in haste, bolting upright in bed.
He rotated on his heel and braced his arms casually on the doorframe. “Yeah?” His dark silhouette filled most of the opening. He was so gorgeous. What if he turned me down again? I couldn’t bear another disappointment.
“Don’t forget your toolbox,” I said at last.
Despite the shadows masking his features, I could still see the wicked grin on his lips. “Goodnight, Jamie.”