
Chapter 17 Lasseter


Rick looked directly at Collier and said, “Thank you.”

All conversation was suspended until later. As they exited the shuttle they were greeted by the Captain.

“Permission to come aboard Sir,” said Rick as he went up to the Captain.

“Granted Sir,” said Mac with a smile. “We have done as requested and the room is clear.”

“Thank you, I need some quarters for my assistant please, and then if you would you show me and my prisoner to my quarters I would be grateful.”

Mac had a strange look on his face. It was like he was thinking that this was not wise but had the good sense not to ask. “I’ll take you there myself.” He turned to lead the way. “Sir I know you want to get back as soon as possible. Still, I would feel better about the situation if we stayed long enough to allow Jennings to get his jump engines online. I would hate to leave him stranded out here with hostile ships in the area.”

“I agree. Stand by, at least until the good Captain can jump into Wilson territory.”

It was obvious that Mac was glad that he didn’t have to argue with Rick. “Thank you Sir.”

“Mac, after what we just went through together I consider Captain Jennings a friend. I don’t want to see any harm come to him any more than you do.”

“I understand. Here are your quarters.” Mac opened the hatch for Rick and Collier.

Collier went in and Rick stood outside and asked Mac, “Is this the only exit to the room?”

“Yes it is, why?”

Rick nodded and turned to the security. “You two stand out here. As this the only exit, the prisoner will have to come by you to escape.” He saw understanding in Mac’s face. “Thank you for your cooperation Captain. I would like it if we were not disturbed please. Unless we have a Rossom fleet jumping in.”

Mac Stood at attention and saluted and said, “Yes Sir.” Then turned and left.

Rick went in and closed the hatch.

“Maybe you are right,” said Collier. “A little respect seems to go a longer way than fear.”

“What are you talking about?” Rick was confused.

“That Captain. He seemed to be willing to go out of his way for you. People did what I told them because they feared me.”

“True, but that’s not why we are here. I’ve met your demands, so tell me why everyone in the galaxy is trying to kill you? Why is Rossom willing to go to war to keep you quiet?”

“Wow,” said Collier. “Where to begin.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “The history books talk about the great expansion. Each new world found had new hope. They also had disappointment. We as a race needed to know that we were not alone in the universe. No intelligent life like ourselves were ever found.” Collier seemed to be looking inward.

“What has that got to do with anything?”

Collier sighed. “It has everything to do with everything. Yes, you are right I was trying to cause an insurrection. Ridges just thought I was trying to overthrow my own government. He wanted a more agreeable government from Wilson. What he didn’t know at the time was that he was at the top of my list. Rossom had been hording medical technology the likes of which could have saved billions of lives across the galaxy.”

“How humanitarian of you. Start a war to save lives. That has a logic to it.”

“Laugh if you want, but do you know why Rossom is the #1 leader of medical technology?”

“No. Why is that?” Rick wanted Collier to get to the point, but it seemed like he was going to take the long way around.

“Because, all of the tech was developed to keep Ridges alive.”

“Yeah, I think they are running out of options. He’s old and can’t even get out of bed.”

Collier was instantly alert. “You’ve seen him?”

“Yes,” Rick was confused.

“Did he touch you?”

“Yes he wanted to shake my hand and thank me for putting Nash away. Why?”

“You’ve been tagged. We need to get home as soon as possible.”

“What do you mean by ‘tagged’?”

“That whole meeting was a setup. The biotech used to keep Ridges alive leaves a tracer on anyone he touches. That’s why the Rossom Ships were able to find you. You are a homing beacon.”

Rick didn’t know if he believed Collier or not. Still the fear factor went way up. “We are in a battleship Rossom is not going to attack us in this ship.”

“You don’t understand,” said Collier. “They know you have me. Ridges will send 5 battle ships just to get at me. The only place we will be safe is on Anteagen. We have to get home!”

If what Collier was saying was true, then Jennings would be safer if they jumped away now. Rick got up and opened the hatch. He spoke to one of the security guards, “I need to see the Captain right away.” Rick noticed that Collier had visibly relaxed.

Rick thought about an old saying. ‘The best way to win a war is to avoid the battle.’ Everything Collier told him fell in line with the chain of events. “Okay, what is this all about?”

“First,” said Collier. “I never once fired on any research station.”

“Do you know who did?” It was a pointed question that would handle the situation.

“Yes. Unless you hear the whole story, you are not going to believe the answer.”

Before Rick could ask any more questions the buzzer sounded that let him know the Captain had arrived. Rick opened the hatch and let Mac in. “Good Captain. We need to jump home immediately.”

“What about Jennings?” Rick could see that Mac was concerned about his friend.

“If my information is correct, he will be safer with us gone. He won’t be harassed.”

“I kind of figured this was coming when you called for me.” Mac walked across the room to a panel Rick hadn’t noticed. “Everything’s on standby. Command deck this is the Captain, Jump.”

The lights went dim, and when they came back up a voice came from the panel, “Captain we are entering the airspace of Anteagen Prime.”

“Very well. Get us into a parking orbit and get the Directors shuttle ready. Mac out.” He turned to Rick. “So do you mind telling me what this is all about?”

Rick couldn’t tell him the truth, because in fact he didn’t know the whole truth. Yet he had to give him something. “Captain. Mac, we have uncovered some classified information that needs to get into the hands of the CEO as soon as possible. Because of the situation I will talk to the CEO and have him send you back out to help Jennings.”

“Yeah, I thought as much when you had me make the special arrangements for Collier.” Mac said the name with as much disgust as he could muster.

This fact was not lost on the ex-director. Yet he didn’t seem to take it personally.

“Command deck to Captain.”

“Go ahead.”

“We have CEO Hobbs on command channel one wanting to talk to you.”

“Put it through to my cabin. I’ll be with him shortly.” Mac turned to Rick and said, “Director would you accompany me?”

Rick was sure that Hobbs would want to talk to him. Mac seemed to understand that. Rick followed the Captain to his quarters.

As Mac opened the hatch he said, “Screen on.”

“We are putting the CEO through now.”

“Good Mac,” said Hobbs as he came on the screen. “I see you have Director Thompson with you.” That was Hobbs way of being polite and transferring the conversation to Rick.

“Yes Sir,”

“Rick I’m going to guess that your mission was a success?”

“There were a few bumps along the way, but yes it was.”

“Yeah, so I gathered. Do you have the prisoner with you?”

“Yes I do, but unfortunately it is no secret. Rossom knows that we have him. It seems like they will stop at nothing to get him.”

“What did you find out?”

“Not much yet. But what I did find out should not be discussed over an open channel. Not even a secured channel like this one. The other thing I need to ask. Can we send Mac back to get Jennings? I feel bad just leaving him like that.”

“Captain get the Director and his prisoner down to the planet as fast as you can. I’ll give you all the clearances you need. As soon as that’s done Jump back and do whatever you can for Jennings. Hobbs out” And with that the screen winked out.

Rick turned to Mac. “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done, Captain.”

“It’s my job.”

“Yes it is but thank you anyway. Now get the prisoner ready for transportation. I’ll met him on the flight deck. I have to go get my assistant.”

Rick went back to where he left Bannic and pressed the buzzer for his room. Bannic opened the hatch, “Come on and get your stuff, we are going home.” Bannic grabbed his bag and followed Rick out of the room.

The guards were just taking Collier out of the room. Rick realized that he didn’t know where the flight deck was located so he just followed them.

As they walked down the corridor Bannic said, “Sir, would you please do me a favor?”

“What’s that,” said Rick with a smile.

“The next time I ask you to come along on one of your little adventures, please say no.”

Rick had to laugh. “A little more excitement than you expected?”

“I never wanted to get caught in the middle of a war.”

“Neither did I my friend, neither did I.” The last was said as they turned into the flight deck. The shuttle was in front of them ready for takeoff.