08 Inaja Memorial Trail
LENGTH: 0.6 miles round-trip
CONFIGURATION: Balloon and string
SCENERY: Views of Santa Ysabel Valley, surrounding landmarks
EXPOSURE: Open to sun
TRAFFIC: Light on weekdays, moderate to heavy on weekends
HIKING TIME: 20–30 minutes
MAPS: None known. Find a printable online guide to the plants marked by numbered poles at: www.fs.fed.us/r5/cleveland/recreation/trails/inaja.shtml
FACILITIES: Vault-style restrooms, picnic sites with bench tables and barbecues
SPECIAL COMMENTS: An easy stop-off point for travelers, the trail is heavily used on weekends, often by dog-walkers (leashed allowed). Steeper points may be slippery, so appropriately soled shoes and a walking stick are useful.
Beauty surrounds you on every foot of this short trail. Oaks, birds, hulking lichen-speckled boulders, and sweeping views exist at every turn. Birdsong, a gentle breeze, and the scents of spring flowers and pines engage the senses.
From the parking lot, walk east toward the kiosk and onto the narrow asphalt path that leads past the stone memorial on the right, and into several picnic spots among the trees. This site was dedicated to 11 men who lost their lives fighting a 1956 Inaja forest fire. The paved path curves right, past the restrooms, and then the pavement ends, opening to an earthen trail.
Immediately upon stepping onto the leaf-littered course, enchantment abounds. Particularly in the moderate seasons, the area is alive with color, scent, and sound. Lichen forms elaborate patterns on boulders as you head up the gradual slope. In spring, monkey flowers greet you with coral-colored faces, and salvia provides splashes of blooming purple. To your left, the forest opens into a golden valley. A red-tailed hawk may soar on gentle breezes. Quail may run in the underbrush. If you love birds, binoculars aid in spotting and identifying many species you’re likely to see here. Steller’s Jays, California towhees, and gnatcatchers are just a few possibilities.
After a few short steps the path curves sharply right and moves uphill. You’ll pass by a left-hand trail (which you’ll emerge from later having made the loop) and continue uphill. The trail bears left and opens to sweeping westerly views between the lush foliage of mature oaks. Look for native chamise dripping in creamy spring blooms. Golden yarrow and the purple bell-like blooms of penstemon line the trail, which climbs upward, bearing left through a rocky section to the viewpoint.
Be sure to step atop the platform rock and look through the viewing tube for area landmarks marked on a steel plate. On cloudy days, the valleys surrounding this point are shrouded in a rolling fog, but on clear days the proverbial “forever” is within sight.
From this high point, the trail continues bending left to create the loop back down. The path can be a bit slippery on a couple of short steep areas. Stay safe with the help of a walking stick, and take care with footing. The path intersects with the one you started on at half a mile. Turn right and head back onto the asphalt path, through the picnic area and past the memorial monument. Back at the kiosk near the parking lot, you’ll have traveled 0.6 miles, refreshed from a gentle sample of the Cleveland National Forest.
Head back into the town of Julian and stop to stroll the peaceful streets, poke your head into some of the quaint shops and eateries, or enjoy a horse and carriage ride on Main Street. On weekends, tourists sometimes jam the town, but quiet weekdays foster a slower pace of yesteryear.
Take I-8 East to CA 79 and travel north past Lake Cuyamaca (about 10 miles) into the town of Julian, then head west through the town for just a short distance. Where Main Street intersects CA 78, turn left. Drive approximately 5 miles. Inaja Memorial Park is on the left, with ample parking.