20 Lake Dixon: Shore View Trail


LENGTH: 3 miles


SCENERY: Lake, birds, chaparral, wildflowers

EXPOSURE: Mostly sunny

TRAFFIC: Heavy on weekends; light on weekdays

TRAIL SURFACE: Packed dirt

HIKING TIME: 1.5 hours

ACCESS: $3 parking fee on weekends and holidays; seniors age 60 and over free

MAPS: Free at the Ranger Station

FACILITIES: Public restrooms at the parking lot near picnic area; portable toilets along the trail

SPECIAL COMMENTS: Open daily, 6 a.m.–sunset; weekends and weekdays are like night and day. For a peaceful commune with nature, hike this easy, family-friendly trail on non-holiday weekdays. As always when near water, be alert and supervise children.


There’s something about ambling along a large body of water that calms the spirit. Unbelievably peaceful on weekdays, Dixon Lake is a slice of inland paradise: sage scrub, wildflowers, birds, and water all combine to make this an easy, rewarding hike.



From the parking area, proceed northeast and find the trail marker near the vehicle road. The rock-edged path heads south, just above the grassy picnic area, and continues a short distance past some small pines and acacias where scrub jays flutter. The trail gets a little rocky as it gradually descends, bringing the northwestern edge of the lake into view. A wooden footbridge crosses Jack’s Creek, which slows to a trickle in summer and fall.

Past the footbridge, the trail heads around the cattail-filled Jack’s Creek Cove and bends to the left toward the pier. A breathtaking view of the entire lake stretches out to the east, making it feel as if you’ve stumbled into paradise. The brilliant blue-green water is alive with squabbling American coots. The ducklike birds hunt for a meal alongside the anglers, who pose like statues in their boats. The lively coots are fun to watch. Tread lightly, though. The ash-dark birds with bright-white bills glide away in a V of gentle breakwater as you near. If you’re quiet and catch one unaware, you may see a bird dive through the clear water to the lake bottom, grab a tasty crustacean, and paddle to the surface to eat.

You can walk out onto the first pier to see anglers hanging their poles out for a catch. Continuing on the trail, you will find lots of areas where you can easily get closer to the water and sit on large rocks along the shore. You’ll find a second pier just past Catfish Cove. There is a portable toilet in the parking area, a few short steps from the trail.

The sage scrub thins and you’ll come to a drier section where the trail is higher above the water. The coots like to hang out here, near Bass Cove, where they’re hidden from view of the path. You’ll hear them, though. With a series of short clicks, they warn of your presence; the birds pass the signal from one to the next. These sounds intersperse with longer, higher notes. Close your eyes and the birds’ more excited squabbling may conjure the image of a child’s bicycle horn.

Head on around to Whisker Bay, where people fish from the shore. When you reach the bench at a fork in the path, go right. You’ll pass through a cool, shady area where ferns cascade down the decomposing granite alongside the trail, and willows and overgrown laurel sumac tangle with wild berry and wild cucumber vines. Sage and mint grow in abundance on this stretch as well, pleasantly scenting the air.

The trail widens into an open rock face approaching the buoy line, which marks the end of the hike. Dusky-brown cormorants balance on the cable line and atop the oblong red buoys, drying their not-quite-waterproof wings in the sun. With their long necks outstretched, they keep a cautious eye on anyone watching them. It’s difficult to get a photograph of these ultrawary birds. They will fly away even as you aim your camera. Enjoy the cormorants for the time you can—they serve as a good reminder to enjoy every moment, a mentality that will serve you well while hiking.

As you head back, focus on the vegetation. Mesmerized by the water, you may have missed it on the way. From early spring through late summer, you will likely see skullcap, with its upright, dark-purple flowers. California fuchsia, sometimes called honeysuckle trumpet, blooms in profusion here. I’ve seen the narrow, orange-red flowers right into fall here at the lake. California lilac offers delicate clusters of pale blue–lilac flowers that contrast with the dark-green leaves of the shrub. When you reach the bench at the trail fork, you can turn right and head west up to the vehicle road. The trail ends here, where there are two portable toilets, and you can walk along the vehicle road if you choose.


Take I-15 to the El Norte Parkway exit. Travel east on El Norte for about 4 miles to La Honda Drive, then turn left. Follow the road to the top, and turn right into the gate for Lake Dixon. Make an immediate right and park in the lot.