“I can’t ask you to take on the care of two very lively—”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering. It’s important that you finish school.”
“Be that as it may, you will have enough on your hands taking care of your grandmother. I don’t want anyone’s pity.” Amber’s cheeks pinked. “You have no idea how humiliating it is to always be on the receiving end of charity.”
Something tore in Ethan’s heart. Then inspiration struck. He leaned forward. “What if we were to make a mutually beneficial deal?”
She gave him a look. “You and your deals.”
“What if we could do each other a favor?”
Her forehead creased. “I don’t understand.”
“Grandma is going to need more care than I can provide. What if you helped her? In turn, I could watch the girls so you can finish school.”
“You’re proposing an exchange of services?”
“Exactly. No charity involved.”
She studied him for a long moment. “I guess there’s no harm in giving it a try.”