
Sincere Gratitude


To the king of my heart, my gossip partner and my honey-boo of 22years, our journey has been incredibly exciting and our best years are still to come by God’s grace. My love for you will last a lifetime and more.

To our precious blessings from God, our grown-up children, I love you two forever. May you be blessed and highly-favoured always in Jesus name.

To my supporters who share and promote my books, I’m truly honoured. May God give you joy.

Readers, thank you for buying my previous book, Longing for You, an Amazon #1 Bestseller in the US & UK & the paperback was also a #1 New Release!

Thank you also buying my last book, Choose Me. It was also #1 Amazon New Release! I was ecstatic.

If you wrote reviews for my books, thank you. When you leave a review, I get butterflies in my stomach. Every reader of Flirty & Feisty Romance Novels across the world is valuable to me. I love you all.

I pray you love reading, Hot Chase as much as I loved writing every word on these pages.

If you want to read more from my characters juicy dairies, or get a sneak peek into scenes from my upcoming books, sign up for my Newsletter and join Stella’s Readers Island.