A great alternative to a traditional flower crown, this faux flower headband is an elegant accessory that’s easy to wear.
5–7 faux flowers (ranunculus shown here)
1–2 feet of florist tape
2–3 feet of florist wire
a headband that matches your hair color
1: Clip the stems off of each faux flower and cut a 4- to 6-inch piece of florist wire for each one.
2: Begin creating a pliable wire stem for your first faux bloom by threading a 4- to 6-inch piece of florist wire through the center.
3: Fold the piece of florist wire in half, pulling the end toward the base of the bloom.
4: Bring the two ends of the florist wire together.
5: Twist the two strands of florist wire tightly together, ultimately creating a wire stem for the bloom.
6: Repeat steps 2–5 for each flower until they are all on wire stems.
7: Place the base of the first flower against the top and center of the headband.
8: Begin securing the flower to your headpiece by twisting the wire stem around the headband from left to right.
9: Place a second flower next to the first and repeat step 8.
10: Continue placing each flower on the headband, securing it with the wire stem.
11: The inside of your headband should look like this once all of the flowers are attached.
12: To conceal the messy florist wire and prevent it from pulling the hair, cover the base of the headband with florist tape by wrapping it around the section where the flowers have been placed.