Fresh Flower Crown from the Garden
The ingredients in this crown are not only great for cooking but also smell fresh and amazing when woven together. Here’s a new reason to play with your food…
a variety of 3–5 herb garden staples such as mint rosemary lavender and brassica (e.g., kale)
4–6 feet of florist wire
a 20- to 24-inch strand of moss-covered wire
scissors or garden shears
2 yards of ribbon
1: Create the base of your flower crown using a piece of fresh rosemary approximately 3–4 inches long.
2: Wrap the rosemary to the moss-covered wire strand with florist wire, moving in a downward spiral motion.
3: Add a pinch of lavender and mint and prepare to twist them in with the rosemary and moss-covered wire using a new piece of florist wire.
4: Continue building the crown by placing a piece of the brassica at the end of the growing strand and using the florist wire to wrap it to the moss-covered wire strand.
5: Add a second piece of rosemary and mint once you have reached the end of the first and prepare to add it to the growing flower chain.
6: Continue wrapping in pieces of mint, lavender, brassica, and rosemary to the moss-covered wire with florist wire in the pattern of your choice.
7: Once you have reached your ideal crown length, finish the end of the strand by adding a final piece of rosemary and wrapping it to the moss-covered wire.
8: Once the rosemary is attached, clip away any excess wire.
9: Prepare to secure the two ends of the crown together by crossing the two moss-covered wire ends.
10: Wrap the ends together in a spiral motion to secure and finish the back of the flower crown.