Birthday Fresh Flower Crown

This bright and colorful fresh flower crown is perfect for a birthday celebration—or any celebration!

What you will need

       8–12 fresh flowers (I used ranunculus, but spray roses, daisies, mums, and many other seasonal varieties are great replacements)

       6–8 feet of florist wire

       20–24 inches of moss-covered wire

       scissors or garden shears

       2 yards of ribbon

1: Cut off the stem of each ranunculus bloom about 1/4 inch away from the flower.

2: Cut one 4-inch piece of florist wire for each ranunculus bloom.

3: Feed a 4-inch piece of florist wire through the center of the remaining stem and completely through the flower.

4: Create a small hook with the end of the florist wire and carefully pull it into the bloom, securing the wire to the center of the flower without ripping through it.

5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each flower you plan to incorporate into the crown, ultimately creating new wire stems for each of the flowers.

6: Place the bottom of the ranunculus bloom against the moss-covered wire and bend its wire stem up to the right. Wrap the florist wire from the bottom of the bloom around the moss-covered wire several times, moving in a spiral motion from left to right.

7: Repeat step 6 for each bloom, placing them about 1 inch apart (the distance between each flower will depend on the size of the bloom). The moss-covered wire will serve as the base for your crown with each bloom secured to it with florist wire.

TIP: This is what the bottom of your crown should begin to look like as you add in each bloom.

8: Continue adding in ranunculus until you have reached the desired crown length.

9: Create a loop with the end of the moss-covered wire and cut off the excess. Repeat on other side.

10: Wrap the excess of the moss-covered wire around the ends of the stems to secure, ultimately creating a loop at each end of the crown that ribbon can be strung through. If you choose not to use ribbon, these loops also provide a great base for securing the crown to the head with bobby pins or hair clips.