Whimsical Fresh Flower Crown

Perfect for the whimsical bride, this flower crown made with textured flowers and greenery is formed into two layers for added volume.

What you will need

       greenery such as rose leaves and seeded eucalyptus

       white medium-sized blooms such as ranunculus

       scissors and garden shears

       a 30- to 35-inch strand of grapevine

       4–6 feet of florist wire

1: Gather 2–3 small sprigs of greenery, cutting and the stems so they are no longer than 3–4 inches. Along with the grapevine, pinch the bunch together with your thumb and index finger. Begin forming your crown by wrapping florist wire around this bunch to secure.

2: Add one of your white flowers to the base of the greenery, covering the wrapped wire with the bloom and preparing to wrap it into the growing strand.

3: Secure the white flower to the bundle with florist wire by wrapping them together in a downward spiral motion two to three times around.

4: Add more greenery and secure it to the bundle by wrapping the stem to the growing strand with florist wire.

5: Continue adding the white flowers in one by one and wrapping them to the bundle in a pattern of your choice.

6: Once you have created a floral chain that is approximately 28–30 inches long, pull one end toward the center of the strand to form a circle.

7: Secure the end to the middle of the chain by wrapping the two together with a new piece of florist wire, covering the wire with greenery where possible.

8: Prepare to connect the other end of the chain to the circle to form a double layer.

9: Connect the second end of the chain to the other side of the circle, allowing the second layer to sit on top of the first for added volume.

10: Once both ends are connected to the circle, the finished crown should look like this.