Chapter 47

Early morning. A small one-bedroom house. Fairly well kept.

Reading from her Book:


The Book of Grace, Chapter 47: Aliens.

Vet, working on his speech, recites while watching the tv and ironing his green uniform. He finishes one and begins ironing another.


“Aliens. That’s what we’re up against. Aliens. Not the ones from outer space although they might be. Although they could be. From another planet. From another land. Their land might as well be another planet. Because they’re strange. They’re not like us. That’s why we’ve got to keep them out. And a Border alone won’t do it. That’s why the Fence, the Border Fence, that’s why it’s a miracle. The Border Fence is a modern miracle.”


Yeah. That’s it. Keep it simple. It’s a speech. Talk about something they can all understand.


“This here. This is a crease. They see these creases and they know they’re done for. We all wear the uniform. And we wear it proudly. Sometimes I even sleep in mine.”


No, don’t tell them that.


“This crease makes a Fence all its own.”



“I caught those Illegals and their truckload of drugs and I did it single-handedly. So now I’m getting a medal for it. And I thank you.”


“Aliens. Sometimes the Alien is right in your own home. Sometimes right in your own blood. And you’ve got to build a wall around it.”


Maybe not that part but the first part. Yeah. Ok. Lead with Aliens then keep it down to earth. All right.

He continues ironing.