Book 6

Business Plans

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Profit-Volume-Cost Analysis
    1. Seeing How Profit-Volume-Cost Analysis Works
    2. Calculating Break-Even Points
    3. Using Real QuickBooks Data for Profit-Volume-Cost Analysis
    4. Recognizing the Downside of the Profit-Volume-Cost Model
    5. Using the Profit-Volume-Cost Analysis Workbook
  2. Chapter 2: Creating a Business Plan Forecast
    1. Reviewing Financial Statements and Ratios
    2. Using the Business Plan Workbook
    3. Understanding the Workbook Calculations
    4. Customizing the Starter Workbook
  3. Chapter 3: Writing a Business Plan
    1. What the Term “Business Plan” Means
    2. A Few Words about Strategic Plans
    3. Look, Ma: No Strategy
    4. A White-Paper Business Plan
    5. A New-Venture Plan