1 It will be seen that the term ‘Galloway’, which we have employed in the paragraph heading, is not an entirely adequate description of the homeland area from which the Ulster colonists were drawn.—EDITOR .

1 In the following chapter we shall come across yet another and different group: the ‘arrested civilizations’. These will be found to be victims, not of ‘infant mortality’, but of ‘infantile paralysis’. They are civilizations which came to birth, but failed, like certain children of fairyland (Peter Pan, for example), to grow up.

1 The ‘La Tene culture’, so named from the site at the outflow of the Lake of Neuchatel where the first striking remains of it were discovered.

1 Moribus et lingua, quoscumque venire videbant, Informant propria, gens efficiatur ut una. William of Apulia, De Gestis Normanorum, in Muratori, Scriptores Rerum Italicarum.

2 Gibbon, E.: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ch. lv.

1 For the philosophic ideals of invulnerability and imperturbability, see p. 438 below.