1 Thucydides: Bk. Ill, ch. 82.

1 Burkitt, F. C: Jewish and Christian Apocalypses, p. 12.

1 Ps. cxxxvii. 5-6.

2 Ps. cxxxvii. i.

1 It is a controversial question, which perhaps can never be conclusively answered, whether the Buddhist philosophy—described in the following passage from the work of a Russian scholar—against which the. Mahayana was in revolt, was a replica or a misrepresentation of the personal teaching of Siddhartha Gautama himself. Some scholars hold that, so far as we can catch glimpses of the Buddha’s own personal teaching beneath the overlay of a systematized philosophy that is presented to us in the Hinayanian scriptures, we can divine that the Buddha himself did not disbelieve in the reality and permanence of the soul, and that the Nirvana which was the objective of his spiritual exercises was a condition of absolute extinction, not of life itself, but of the dross of passion which, so long as it clings to life, prevents life from being lived to the full.— A. J. T.

2 Stcherbatsky, Th.: The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana, p. 36.

1 Juvenal, describing the influx of semi-Hellenized Syrian Orientals into the Rome of his day (early in the second century after Christ), wrote in Tiberim? defluxit Orontes: The Orontes has flowed into the Tiber.

1 It will perhaps have occurred to the reader that the intelligentsia, in Mr. Toynbee’s use of the term, is the social equivalent of the political animal described as a ‘quisling’ during the General War of 1939-45.—EDITOR.

1 A classic exposition of the optimism and the pessimism alike will be found in Macaulay’s Essay on Southey’s Colloquies (1830 ).—Editor.

1 Abraham pleading with Yahweh for the sparing of Sodom: Genesis xviii. 24..

1 John iii. 4-5.

1 In the volumes not yet published.

2 The Times , 14th August 1936, and Hides, J. G.: Papuan Wonderland.

1 When we say ‘in it’, we do not mean geographically within it—for that, being ‘external’, they obviously are not—but “in it’ inasmuch as they continue willy-nilly to be in a state of active relationship with it.

1 In the volumes not yet published.

1 St. Augustine: De Civitate Dei, Bk. I, ch. 7.

1 Orosius, P.: Advermm Paganos, Bk. VII, ch. 43.

1 Lewis, Q. S.: A Preface to Paradise Lost, p. 2a.

2 In his Study Mr. Toynbee deals, so far as historical evidence enables him, with the external proletariats of all the civilizations. I have omitted all these others, and proceed straight to the concluding section on the external proletariats of our Western Society. I need not say, nor apologize for the fact, that I have elsewhere, though less drastically, followed a similar plan. For example, in his chapter on the internal proletariats, Mr. Toynbee examines them all. I have omitted about half of them, retaining the half which seemed to present most features of interest.—Editor.

1 There is an obvious parallel here with the swadeshi movement in India.— EDITOR.

1 Meredith, G.: Love’s Grave.

2 Inge, W. R.: The Idea of Progress, p. 13.

1 Mussolini in an interview given to the French publicist M. de Kerillis quoted in The Times, ist August, 1935.

2 ‘Theodore P. K.’: La Mfnagerie.

1 In the volumes not yet published.

1 Translation by R. A. Knox, in The Making of Western Europe, by C. R. L. Fletcher, p. 3.