1 Plato: Republic, 473 o.

1 Plutarch: De Stoicorum Repugnantiis, chs. 2 and 20.

1 Plato: Republic, 502 A-B.

2 Machiavelli: The Prince, ch. 6.

1 Verrall, A. W.: Euripides the Rationalist, p. 138. The quotation in the last sentence of the passage is from Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae, 11. 450-1.

2 Isa. liii. 2.

3 In fact man ensures that the god shall die by taking his life in order that man himself may live. The spirit of the pagan vegetation cult is caught inRobert Burns’s poem John Barleycorn perhaps better than in any other piece ofEnglish literature.

4 Isa. liii. 5.

1 Plato’s Letters, VII, 341 c-D.

2 Elegy on the Death of Orpheus by Antipater of Sidon (circa 00 B.C.).

3 Shelley: Adonais, lii.

4 Isa. liii. 10-11