The source, Singing City, Pechacan, Empire of Songs

The song and the Empire that lives within its embrace are mine. It is my will that shapes the song and so it is my will that shapes the Empire. And my will cannot be denied.

The song is brought into being by my flesh and mind, my spirit and intentions. It is my duty to the people of the Empire, my greatest gift, my deepest honour. And the honouring of the song and its Singer is the Empire’s own duty. It is my right and the Empire’s truth. Inviolable.

Reverence is my due.

The song sings in their blood and bones as it does in mine, drawing us together into one nation. The song binds us in joy and harmony, restoring the balance when it falters, bringing peace where there is strife. The song is the question and the answer, the bringer of life and the bringer of death – of balance. Harmony.

The song guides and supports all who hear it. It can never be undone, unsung, unheard. My will cannot be denied. Will not be denied.

The song beats in the blood of a million people, lulling them to sleep and rousing them to the defence of their homes, succouring the fearful and strengthening the weak. When all the world is brought beneath its harmony, there will be peace.

When all the world shows the Singer and the song the reverence we are due, there will be glory.

The song is all. The song is good.

And I am its Singer.