The source, Singing City, Pechacan, Empire of Songs
The song is mine, my will and creation, my duty and my glory. I craft my greatness into music. My flesh and mind, my soul and intentions. My divinity.
I know the song’s needs; I know the Empire’s needs. None may gainsay me or stand against my will.
My magic drives all hearts and stirs all souls, music that resonates through every mind and from every pyramid in this great Empire. Which I have made. Empire and music both.
I am the Singer, glory incarnate. Song incarnate. Magic made flesh. My strength cannot be measured for I have come into my power like the Singers of old and I will raise the Empire to heights none have ever achieved.
I will wake the world spirit. I will do whatever is necessary for glory. The song is mine and it can never be undone, unsung, unheard.
The song is mine …
I am the song.
I am the song that beats in the blood of millions. I am the song that lulls them to sleep and rouses them to war, that succours the fearful and strengthens the weak.
I am the song and the song is me. I know what it needs; I give it what it craves. I strengthen myself to strengthen the Empire.
To be without me is to be without hope, without faith, without will or might or cunning. To be without me is to betray, to lie and wail and know defeat. To be without me is to die.
I am the song and the song is me. I am unlike all others and my song shall be the lasting melody of the world. I am the sum and pinnacle of all life.
It is my song that raises us up. It is me. My will. My divinity.
My blade.
For I am the song. And the song is me.