
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

abandonment, fear of, 96

academic performance, 204–7, 218

aches, 43

adaptation, 15, 33–34


anger addiction, 143

and dopamine levels, 64, 117, 181

to external stimulation, 49, 123, 136

and limbic brain, 28–29

as maladaptive habit, 74

neurochemical basis of, 61–62

sexual addiction, 116–19

adrenal glands, 62, 197

adversity, 183–85

advertising, 89–90, 124–25, 126

aggression, 60

agitance, 43–50

and advertising, 124

and alignment/misalignment, 49–50

causes of, 50

checklist for, 44–46

and conditioning, 102

and external stimulation, 122

and hunger, 112

and maladaptive habits, 82, 83, 84

management of, 49–50, 132 (see also strategies for managing agitance)

nature of, 46–47, 48, 132–33

neurochemical basis of, 63

origins of, 57

physical consequences of, 55

and sexual stimuli, 117

stress as related to, 50–51, 132

symptoms of, 53

unawareness of, 55

Agus, David, 145

alcohol consumption, 96, 97, 101–2, 117

alignment/misalignment, 47–50, 63, 165–67

ambiguity, tolerance for, 120


and aggression, 60

and anger management, 143

and decision making, 199

and dopamine levels, 199

and fear, 62

and labeling fear responses, 172

and meditation, 66

and PTSD, 67

and social networks, 164, 177

and Survivalist Strategy, 164


and agitance checklist, 45

and limbic system, 28, 30, 60

and strategies for managing agitance, 143–44

antibodies, 103

Anwar, Yasmin, 180–81

Aron, Arthur, 181–82

association, 102

athletic performance, 207–9

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 42

audition experience, 209–11

autoimmune diseases, 41, 103

autonomic nervous system, 60

avoidance, 74–75, 76–77

balance, 41–42, 47–50, 57

Bale, Robert, 68

basal ganglia, 60

beauty standards, 125

Bechara, Antoine, 198

bedtime routines, 137–39, 144. See also sleep issues

Beilock, Sian, 172

beta blockers, 70

boredom, 121–23

brain, 58–60

brain community, 163, 174, 182, 213

brain fog, 43

brain stem, 58, 177

breathing techniques, 149, 150–52, 167, 170–71

Bryant, Kobe, 212

Camerer, Colin, 199

cellular conditioning, 102–6

cerebellum, 58

cerebral cortex

anatomy of, 64

and duality, 170, 171–72

evolution of, 58–60

and fractionation, 160, 164

and gratitude, 174, 176

and labeling, 172–73, 174, 176

limbic brain vs., 29–30, 59–60, 64–65, 67–68, 78–79, 160–61, 197

and PTSD, 67

retraining of, 162–63, 164, 165, 166, 167

and strategies for managing discomfort, 156–57

challenges, 212–13

change, fear of, 46

Chartrand, Tanya L., 94


child abuse, 71

and discomfort tolerance, 228

and lack of unstructured time, 227

and prescription drugs, 20

and risk management, 217

and technology management, 134

chocolate, 61

chronic conditions, 8–9, 38

classes, expressions of compassion in, 180–81

Clemens, Samuel, 40

cognitive approach to behavioral changes, 29, 161

comfort-zone management, 146–47

communication technologies, 119–121

compassion, 179–183

compulsiveness, 74, 183–85

computers, 119–121

concentration, issues with, 43

conditioning, 85–107

and advertising, 89–90, 124–25

association, 102

at cellular level, 102–6

Conditioned Powerlessness, 86

conditioned response/conditional reflex, 88

defined, 86

generalization, 90–92

operant or instrumental conditioning, 88

pairing, 89–90

power of, 106–7

state-dependent learning, 97–102

subliminal conditioning, 92–97, 124, 126–27

confidence, 172, 201

control, fear of losing, 33, 38, 138

corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), 62, 64

cortisol, 62

Cozy Paradox, 21, 131

cytokines, 105

danger, 164

decision making under pressure, 197–200

depression, 21

DeVoe, Sanford E., 94–95, 112

dieting, 24–28


avoidance of, 37–38

benefits of, 226, 230

changing your relationship with, 37–38

chronic discomfort, 40–41, 42–43, 52

and conditioning, 102

and Cozy Paradox, 21, 131

discomfort threshold, 12–13, 20, 38, 51, 123

early stages of, 41, 43

effects of, 7

and emotional health, 38

and externalization, 125

and fear, 64, 77

and genetic expression, 71

individual variation in management of, 51–52

and instant gratification, 114–15

labeling, 172–73

and limbic system, 63–64

management of (see Survivalist Strategies)

and misalignment, 48

neurochemical basis of, 63

past experiences with, 55

as precursor to comfort, 146

self-manufacturing of, 40, 159

set point for, 131

as source of power, 34, 161

symptoms of, 41, 43

triggers of, 40

types of, 40

varying levels of, 55–56

distractions, 74, 170

DNA, 70–72

dopamine, 60–64

and addictions, 64, 117, 181

and decision making, 198–99

and external stimulation, 123

and maladaptive habits, 61–62, 160, 199

and sexual stimuli, 117

drinking, 96, 97, 101–2

drug abuse, 117

duality, 163, 168–172, 173, 175–76

Dutton, Donald, 181–82

dysregulation, 160

eating habits. See food and eating behaviors

eczema, 91–92

e-mail, 44–45, 121, 133

empathy, 179–183

encoding of trauma and fear, 69–70

endocrine system, 60

The End of Illness (Agus), 145

endorphins, 60–61, 181

epigenetics, 70–72

epinephrine, 62

Esch, Tobias, 179

exercise, 156

expectations management

in personal productivity, 141–42, 193

in relationships, 134, 136

externalization, 109–27

defined, 109–10

demand for external stimulation, 121–23, 125

and discomfort, 125

insidious sources of, 123–27

instant gratification, 112–13, 114–15

and scholastic performance, 205

and sexual stimuli and addiction, 116–19

and technology, 119–121

failure, fear of, 204–5, 214, 216

familiarity, 144–45

fast food, 111

fatigue, 43


of abandonment, 96

of change, 46

and Cozy Paradox, 21

and decision making, 197–200

and discomfort, 63–64, 77

encoding of, 69–70

external mitigators of, 78–79

of failure, 204–5, 214, 216

of flying, 75–76

and genetic expression, 71

labeling fear responses, 172

and limbic system, 28, 30, 60, 63–64

of losing control, 33, 38, 138

and loss aversion, 198

and maladaptive habits, 74–84, 83, 88

medications that mitigate, 70

neurochemical basis of, 62

and performance under pressure, 192–94, 195–97

of rejection, 32, 96

and risk aversion, 199, 214–17

and Special Forces soldiers, 195–96

and survival instinct, 39, 164

triggers of, 48, 53–54

fight-or-flight response, 62, 71, 82, 164

films, 122, 124

Fitzsimons, Gavan J., 94

Fitzsimons, Grainne M., 94

flying, fear of, 75–76

food and eating behaviors, 24–28

and agitance checklist, 45

and comfort-zone management, 146

and conditioning, 94–97

and delaying gratification, 153

and dopamine levels, 61–62, 63, 64

fast food, 111

and impatience, 111–12

and limbic vs. cerebral brains, 26, 30, 66

overeating, 61–62, 79

and risk aversion, 216

and strategies for managing agitance, 145, 153

fractionation, 160, 164

frustration, managing, 113

generalization, 90–92

genetic expression, 70–72

Gladiator exercise, 185–86, 213

glucocorticoids (stress hormones), 62

Google, 114

gratification management, 152–53

gratitude, 135–36, 173–77

growth, personal, 37–38

gut reactions, 65. See also limbic brain

habits, maladaptive, 73–84

and conditioning, 88

development of, 74–75, 83

and dopamine levels, 61–62, 160, 199

effectiveness of, 85

examples of, 75–78, 79–84

fear basis of, 74–84, 83, 88

function of, 78, 159–160

and limbic system, 28–29

role of, 73

types of, 74–75


and discomfort, 38

and fast-food symbols, 96, 112–13

happiness scale, 23

and instant gratification, 96, 112–13

set point for, 131

hardiness, 183–84

hardship, 39, 183–85. See also discomfort

The Healing Power of Emotion (Siegel), 225

health and health problems

and anger, 143

chronic conditions, 8–9, 38

health-related habits, 74

irritable bowels, 82–84

Let Down Effect, 99–101

Resistance to Health, 215

of U.S. population, 23

Hebb, Donald, 69

hiccups, 3–7

hippocampus, 60, 164–65

homeostasis, 47

hunger, 28–29, 45

hypnosis, 3–6, 11, 148–49, 221–22

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis), 62, 71, 197

hypothalamus, 60, 62, 164–65, 197

impatience, 45, 110, 111–12

imperfection, approach to, 134–36

impulsive behavior, 95

inflammatory responses, 103–5, 138, 148–49

Inner Core State of Balance, 169–170

insomnia. See sleep issues

instant gratification

and happiness, 96, 112–13

and sexual stimuli and addiction, 116–19

and strategies for managing agitance, 149

and technology, 114–15

insular cortex, 66

interleukin-6, 138

Internet, 114, 133

irritability, 43

irritable bowels, 82–84

Job, Veronika, 226

journaling, 172

Kahneman, Daniel, 197–98

Kanigan, Rachele, 184

Khoshaba, Deborah, 184

Kornfield, Jack, 161

labeling, 172–73, 174, 176

Let Down Effect, 8, 74, 99–100, 156

Lieberman, Matthew, 172

life expectancy in the U.S., 23

limbic brain

anatomy of, 60–61

cerebral brain vs., 29–30, 59–60, 64–65, 67–68, 78–79, 160–61, 197

and chronic conditions, 9

and decision making, 199

and dopamine levels, 199

and duality, 170

and eating habits, 26

and emotions, 28, 30, 58, 59, 60, 63–64, 143

encoding process of, 69–70

evolution of, 58

and fractionation, 160, 164

and gratitude, 174, 176

and habits, 28–29

and labeling reactions, 172–73

love and compassion’s effect on, 179–181

management of, 66

and neurochemical reactions, 61–62

pleasure/pain drives of, 63–64, 97

and PTSD, 67

retraining of, 28–29, 162–63, 164, 165, 166, 167, 174

role of, 28–29, 60

and sexual stimuli, 117

and strategies for managing discomfort, 156–57

and survival instinct, 63

loss aversion, 198, 199

love, 179–183

Maddi, Salvatore, 183–84

Master, Sara, 180

Mazar, Nina, 94

Meaney, Michael, 71

medicine, 20, 42

meditation, 66, 161–62

microwaves, 111

migraines, 101

mind-body medicine, 5–6, 11–12

mindfulness, 161–62

mismanagement/misalignment, 41

Morgan, Charles A., III, 195

movies, 122, 124

multitasking, 136–37, 139, 155

music, 134

National Sleep Foundation, 138

Native Americans, 229

negativity bias, 198, 199

neuromarketing, 126

neuropeptide Y (NPY), 195–96

norepinephrine, 62

nucleus accumbens, 60, 66

overeating behaviors. See food and eating behaviors

oxytocin, 177–78


avoidance of, 37–38

changing your relationship with, 37–38

emotional pain, 229–230

and limbic system, 28, 30

medical management of, 161

as rite of passage, 229

pairing, 89–90

panic attacks, 30–32, 63, 69–70

parasympathetic system, 82–83

parenting, 227–28

past experiences with discomfort, 55

Pavlov, Ivan, 88

pedophilia, 118

perfectionism, 46, 134–36, 141–42

performance, 191–219

academic and test performance, 204–7

audition experience, 209–11

and decision making, 197–200

and fear, 192–94, 195–97

sports performance, 207–9

strategies for success, 211–18

workplace performance, 200–203

pharmaceuticals, 20, 42

Phelps, Elizabeth, 199

phobias, 74–75

phone calls, 139

pituitary glands, 62, 197


and eating and drinking, 97

external sources of, 48

and limbic system, 28, 30, 60, 61, 63, 66, 97

and prefrontal cortex, 64

pornography, 116, 117, 118–19

postholiday illnesses, 100

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 66–68, 160, 196

power, 34, 161

predictability, 144–45

prefrontal cortex

function of, 64

and hunger response, 66

and PTSD, 67, 160

procrastination management, 139–141

productivity management, 141–42, 193

protective habits, 74

psoriasis, 92

public speaking, 67

Ramirez, Gerardo, 172

R-complex, 58

rejection, fear of, 32, 96

relationships, 188–190

and amygdala, 164

and dopamine surges, 61

expectation management in, 134, 136

and fear of rejection, 32, 96

and oxytocin, 177–78

and secret sharing, 178–79

and social support recruitment, 177–79, 213

relaxation techniques, 149

resilience, 183–85

Resistance to Health, 215

resonance, 47–50

restraint, exercising, 27–28

Richards, Robin, 200–202, 214

risk aversion and management, 199, 214–17

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 195

routines, maintaining, 144–45

sadomasochism, 118

safety, feelings of

and discomfort, 38

and duality, 171–72

external sources of, 78–79

limbic brain’s emphasis on, 199

and limbic system, 28–29

schedule management, 144–45

Schoen Breath Technique, 149, 150–52, 167, 170–71

scholastic performance, 204–7, 218

seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 99

secret sharing, 178–79

self-esteem, 135

self-manufactured discomfort, 40

sensory-input management, 136–37

set point for discomfort, 131

sexual stimuli and addiction, 116–19

Shapiro, Evan, 135

Shin, Lisa, 67

Siebert, Al, 184

Siegel, Daniel, 225

Skinner, B. F., 88

sleep issues, 33–34

and agitance checklist, 46

and bedtime routines, 137–39, 144

and conditioning, 96

and fear of losing control, 33, 138

insomnia, 33–34, 74, 80, 82

and journaling, 172

as maladaptive habit, 74, 80–82

medications for, 80–82

and strategies for managing agitance, 137–39, 144

and technology management, 133

Slovic, Paul, 225–26

slowing down, 139

smartphones, 154

smiling, 143–44

smoking, 98–99

social support recruitment, 177–79, 213. See also relationships

Sokol-Hessner, Peter, 199

Special Forces soldiers, 195–96

sports performance, 207–9

state-dependent learning, 97–102

Stefano, George, 179

Stellar, Jennifer, 180–81

stimulation, 121–23

addiction to, 49, 123, 136

and strategies for managing agitance, 136–37

See also externalization

strategies for managing agitance, 131–157

anger management, 143–44

comfort-zone management, 146–47

exercise, 156

gratification management, 152–53

imperfection, approach to, 134–36

internal-balance management, 147–152

procrastination management, 139–141

productivity and expectations management, 141–42

schedule management, 144–45

sensory input management, 136–37

sleep management, 137–39

slowing down, 139

technology management, 133–34

uncertainty management, 142

unstructured-time management, 153–55

stress, 50–55

agitance as related to, 50–51, 132

effects of, 195–96

illness following, 99–101

and the Let Down Effect, 99–100

neurochemical basis of, 62

stress hormones (glucocorticoids), 62

subliminal conditioning, 92–97, 124, 126–27

success, measures of, 135

suffering, 39. See also discomfort

suicide, 71

survival instinct

neurochemical basis of, 63, 65

patterns dictated by, 10

role of, 10–11

triggers of, 11, 28, 51, 164

Survivalist Strategies, 162–65

creating alignment, 165–67

duality emphasis, 163, 168–172, 173

embracing challenges, 183–85

empathy and love emphasis, 179–183

Gladiator/Warrior exercise, 185–86

gratitude emphasis, 173–77

and Inner Core State of Balance, 169–170

labeling discomfort, 172–73

social support recruitment, 177–79

sympathetic nervous system

activation of, 62, 164, 197

medications that mitigate, 70

and parasympathetic system, 82–83

and physical reactions, 65

symptoms of discomfort, 22, 41

Szyf, Moshe, 71

teams, heterogenous, 203, 214

technology, 119–121

and expectations of perfection, 134–35

and strategies for managing agitance, 133–34, 154

and unstructured-time management, 154

television, 124

telomeres, 143

temper, issues with, 43

test performance, 204–7, 218

texts, 44–45, 121, 133, 139

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 198

thirst, 28–29

time management, 144–45

trauma, encoding of, 69–70

Twain, Mark, 40

uncertainty management, 142

United States, public health in, 23

unstructured-time management, 153–55

Vaccaro, Christian, 196, 208

ventral striatum, 60

vulnerability, 32, 224, 230

Warrior exercise, 185–86

website, 15, 137, 139, 149, 167

weight issues, 24–28, 125, 216. See also food and eating behaviors

When Relaxation Is Hazardous to Your Health (Schoen), 99–100, 149

white-coat syndrome, 97

willpower, 27–28, 226

Wood, Alex, 173–74

workloads, 193

workplace performance, 200–203, 218

Zhong, Chen-Bo, 94–95, 112