Uncle John likes to play tag. Do you? Here are a few different ways to decide who’s “It.”

Ibbidy, zibbidy thig

Dorey, dorey, dominig

On chee, pon chee, dom in non chee

Alaka, balaka, boo-boo-boo

All are out but Y-O-U.

Icka bicka soda cracker

Icka bicka boo;

Icka bicka soda cracker

Out goes Y-O-U.

Eeny meeny popsakeeny

Ah bah oobaleeny

Achy katchy Liberace

Say the magic word.

A peach, a plum,

Half a stick of chewing gum,

And if you want the other half,

This is what you say:

A man, a man

A mandiego San Diego

Hocus pocus diamondocus

Y-O-U are it.

Inka binka bottle of ink,

The cork fell off and you stink,

Not because you’re dirty,

Not because you’re clean,

Just because ya kissed a (boy or girl)

Behind a magazine.

And you are it.

Am stram gram,

Peekay peekay kalay ram

Booray booray rat ta tam

Am stram gram

All are out by Y-O-U.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers make him pay

Fifty dollars every day.

My mother told me to choose the very best one,

And you are not IT.

Folk remedy for hiccups: suck on a lemon.