This handy guide may get you through the day.

GETTING OUT OF BED. When you woke up, did you get out of bed on the same side you got in the night before? It’s bad luck if you didn’t.

AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE. Did you spill some salt at breakfast? It is said that for every grain scattered, a tear will fall. Toss a pinch of the spilled salt over your left shoulder; otherwise, bad luck will follow.

ON YOUR WAY TO SCHOOL. Was a black cat walking toward you this morning? If so, it was bringing good luck. If it was walking the other way… well, too bad for you. All your good luck just walked away.

IN SCHOOL. When you took that math test, did you use the same pencil that you used to study with? If so, you’re in luck—the pencil remembered the answers.

ON YOUR WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL. Did you see an ambulance? That’s very unlucky…unless you remembered to pinch your nose or hold your breath until you saw a brown or black dog.

DOING CHORES. Did you sweep the dirt out the door…after dark? If you did, a stranger is bound to visit.

GOING TO BED. Did you trip up the stairs on your way to bed? Guess what? You’re going to fall in love soon!

Start your engines: The average house cat spends 10,950 hours purring in its lifetime.