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Copyright © 1988, 1990 by Edward Abbey

All rights reserved.

Parts of this novel first appeared, in different form, in City Magazine, New Times, Confessions of a Barbarian (Capra Press), and Slumgullion Stew: A Reader (E. P. Dutton).

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Abbey, Edward.
The fool’s progress.
p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-4668-0629-0

I. Title.
PS3551.B2F6 1988


Originally published in hardcover in 1988 by Henry Holt and Company

The Fool’s Progress is a work of fiction. Although based, as any earnest novel must be, upon the author’s experience, understanding, and vision of human life, he has made no attempt to portray actual persons or to depict actual events; each and all are totally imaginary, any resemblances accidental, any likeness a coincidence.—E. A.