About the authors

Mr. Ivan Vrbanic of APOSS, Croatia, has thirty years of experience in conducting probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs) for internal and external initiating events and hazards in nuclear power plants (NPPs). He has been a leader and participant in many projects on risk and safety analyses, their applications and reviews to enhance nuclear safety in many countries. Dr. Vrbanic is a scientific collaborator in the field of electrical engineering to the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and is a consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He received his Ph. D. in Technical Sciences in the field of Electrical Engineering from University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Mr. Pranab K. Samanta is a scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, USA. His research interest includes probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), risk-informed regulations, and operational safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs). He has led many projects for US Nuclear Regulatory Commission on methods, tools, and reviews, and is involved in development of regulations, guidance documents, and standards relating to PRAs and their applications. Dr. Samanta supported regulatory authorities in many countries in improving operational safety in NPPs and is a consultant to the IAEA. He received his Ph. D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.

Mr. Ivica Basic of APOSS, Croatia, has an experience spanning three decades in nuclear safety analyses, evaluations and verifications. His specialization includes deterministic analyses and simulations in support of design-basis evaluations and demonstrations as well as assessments of risk from severe accidents in NPPs. He has been a leader and participant in many projects aimed at enhancing nuclear safety in a number of countries. He was a member of the international effort in development of plant-specific symptom-oriented emergency operating procedures and severe accident management guidelines. Mr. Basic is a consultant to the IAEA and received his M. Sc. degree in Technical Sciences in the field of Electrical Engineering from University of Zagreb, Croatia.