Monday 30 December

Today in Donetsk, there was, in spite of everything, a gathering of pro-Europeans. They even organised a march through the city centre. They were watched every step of the way, of course, by Party of Regions members and a few plain-clothes policemen. At one point, a simple bystander, who was filming the procession’s arrival, accidentally recorded a man giving orders into his mobile phone. The man said, ‘Send our girls to meet them!’ and ten minutes later a group of old, retired ladies rushed up to confront the Euromaidan supporters, yelling God knows what kind of pro-Russian bullshit. Others, who had gone around the procession, began throwing eggs at the protesters. I suppose we should be thankful they weren’t stones. There was nothing very impressive about the protest: only about three hundred people took part. In a city with a million inhabitants, that is far too few to be taken seriously.