chapter 25




It’s dark and the stars are out. Pan the sky slowly, showing the stars. The sky is big here. Somehow demonstrate how the sky is bigger here than in other places. Show the sky in Vancouver for contrast. There are no stars. The stars are there, but you cannot see them.

There is a difference between something being absent and something being invisible. Take note of that. It could make a difference.

Show how the corn makes shadows in the dark.

Let the silence play. No soundtrack. Then the sound of breathing and shuffling feet. Then giggling.

Definitely giggling.

Pull the camera out far and then farther and then farther still. Use some kind of a crane. Get so far up you can see the house at the end with the lights glowing. From far away, you can’t see the cracked windows and moss on the roof.

Zoom in to show that.

Zoom out again. Make it so silent you can hear the camera buttons being pressed.

If there were buttons.

Which there aren’t.

All you have to do is follow the map in your hand.

But how does it make sense? Our footsteps are all different sizes.

This isn’t going to work. I can’t do this.

You have to do this. We agreed.

If I go to jail, I blow my scholarship.

Todd, don’t be an asshole.

I don’t know, Tan. This seems…far-fetched.

Everything is far-fetched. Just do it, okay?

Go back to silence.

Zoom in on Dex Pratt. Dex thinks he is alone in a cornfield. Somehow show that he thinks he is alone. Show that Dex is high.

What the fuck?

Show the crisscrossing of headlights, passing over Dex. Show Dex rolling to avoid being crushed. Show that.

Add a soundtrack. It needs to be the kind of music you get lost in, loud, thrashing music that negates your ability to think anything else.

Show the cornstalks in the moonlight.

Show the stillness.

Zoom the camera out and show the crop circle, perfectly formed.

Show how the pattern is a Celtic knot with no beginning or no end.


Show Dex and Tanis. Show that they are naked. Zoom in tight on the tattoo on Tanis’s back.

A Celtic knot.

With no beginning and no end.


Dex Pratt running through the corn. The soundtrack so loud now, it’s impossible to make out what song is playing.



Delete scene.

It doesn’t make sense.

Undelete the scene. Wait until you can think of a way to make it come together.

Delete it.

You will never know.



Add a voice-over. Have Captain Obvious announce the obvious thing that Dex Pratt cannot seem to…

Show Dex Pratt trying to reach something and hold on to it. Show how the thing is a fish. Show how it’s slippery. Show how it’s really a bird. Show how it flies away. Show how it’s actually a joint as big as his thumb and show how he is choking to death. And then don’t show that at all.