The Abolition of Man (Lewis), 51, 7778, 158, 16667, 180

The Allegory of Love (Lewis), 15

Allen, E. L., 6364

America, Christianity in. See evangelicals, American; mainline Protestants in America; responses to Lewis in America

America (Jesuit magazine), 70, 71

American Ecclesiastical Review, 7172

analogy, Lewis’s use of, 42, 47, 55, 56, 144, 172, 17678, 180, 185

Anderson, George C., 7374

Anglican faith: of British literary figures, 11; British membership as of 1940, 26, 201n13; of Dorothy Sayers, 50; of Lewis, 13, 93, 94; of Lewis’s confessor, 45, 164; of Lewis’s upbringing, 6; mediating spirit of, 183; modern scholarship and, 62; radio talks checked with clergyman of, 4041

Anglican Theological Journal, 73

Anscombe, Elizabeth, 8789, 90, 213n7, 214n9

The Anvil, 52, 53, 206n40

Aquinas, Thomas, 126, 161. See also neo-Thomism; Thomism

argument from desire, 17172, 231n8, 234n27

Ascension, 53

Athanasius, St., 91, 139

atheism: of Alister McGrath’s early life, 123; in British public, 201n11; of Francis Collins’s early life, 121; of the Freethinker, 5859; Lewis’s argument against, 8990; of Lewis’s early life, 6, 8, 9, 16, 154, 170; Lewis’s journey from, 12, 114 (see also Lewis’s conversion to Christianity); of protesters against BBC, 26; Reppert on Lewis’s use of reason and, 142; trilemma and, 147, 149

Atlantic Monthly, 78

Atonement, 34, 75

Auden, W. H., 73, 80, 81

Augustine: idealism and, 241n43; popularity among American evangelicals, 124; as a source for Lewis, 63, 139, 233n17; trilemma traced back to, 145

The Average Man: Broadcast Talk (Wright), 49

Babbage, Stuart Barton, 31, 32

Bacon, Leonard, 66, 67

Barfield, Owen: on chronological snobbery, 10, 154; Lewis’s charitable donations and, 39, 164, 239n18; on Lewis’s self-knowledge, 164; on Lewis’s sense of the universe, 180; Marion E. Wade Center and, 113; meeting with The Inklings, 15; told by Lewis that his fame would quickly pass, 1078

Barth, Karl, 74, 77

Basic Christianity (Stott), 107

Battle of Britain, 31. See also the Blitz; Royal Air Force (RAF); World War II

Baxter, Richard, 9192

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation): banning pacifists after fall of France, 26; censor of, 34; challenge of religious broadcasting on, 2327; Dorothy Sayers’s radio play on, 50; The Listener published by, 40, 57, 207nn5051. See also radio talks for BBC

Beckwith, Francis, 129

Between Heaven and Hell (Kreeft), 128, 148

Beversluis, John, 14043, 144, 148, 169, 230n6, 230nn23, 231n8

“Beyond Personality” (fourth set of talks), 5257; audience reaction to, 57, 207n51; Fenn’s response to, 238n8; surviving recording of, 56, 138

Beyond Personality (third paperback), 50, 56; American Catholic reviews of, 7172; American edition of, 66; American evangelical reviews of, 7677; becoming part of Mere Christianity, 9091, 96; British Catholic view of, 61, 71, 208n8; latest printing as separate volume, 215n1; modern Christian critique of, 64; preface to, 93; reviewed by NYTBR, 68; reviewed by TLS, 60; reviewed in New York Herald Tribune Book Review, 210n28; ridiculed by Orwell, 59

biblical inerrancy: conservative evangelicals and, 112, 115; fundamentalist belief in, 99, 100, 105; not held by Lewis, 83, 99, 105, 112, 220n34; Packer’s affirmation of, 107; progressive Protestants alarmed about, 6263

biblical scholarship: Lewis’s lack of interest in, 6364, 1023, 112, 146; modern standards of, 6264, 1023, 146; of N. T. Wright, 122; trilemma and, 146; working-class people’s skepticism and, 33

Bles, Geoffrey, 40, 49, 90, 215n1

the Blitz, 1921, 23, 34. See also Battle of Britain; Royal Air Force (RAF)

Bob Jones University, 129, 217n13

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 124, 185

Bono, 149

born again, 119

Born Again (Colson), 119

Bright, Bill, 219n30

Britain, Christianity in: competing beliefs and, 3233; evangelicals and, 1067, 12122, 123, 170; largely nominal, 2425, 26, 2829; membership of major denominations in 1940, 201n13; moral sensibilities despite lack of, 34; revival of religious interest in 1950s, 9899. See also Anglican faith; responses to Lewis in Britain

Broadcast Talks (first paperback), 40, 49; American evangelicals and, 76; American title for, 65; becoming part of Mere Christianity, 9091; modern Christian critique of, 64; passage eliminated from Mere Christianity, 8990; predicted decline of interest in, 109; preface to, 93; reviewed in TLS, 60. See also Case for Christianity (Lewis)

C. S. Lewis: A Biography (Wilson), 231n10

C. S. Lewis: A Critical Essay (Kreeft), 128

C. S. Lewis: Apostle to the Skeptics (Walsh), 8283

C. S. Lewis: The Shape of His Faith and Thought (Holmer), 11011

C. S. Lewis and the Church of Rome (Derrick), 130

C. S. Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion (Beversluis), 140

C. S. Lewis Foundation, 133

C. S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea (Reppert), 14243

C. S. Lewis societies, 133

A Call to the Unconverted (Baxter), 92

Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, 107

Cambridge University: Billy Graham’s campaign at, 101, 107; Lewis’s professorship at, 98

Campus Crusade for Christ, 219n30. See also college students

canon law, on reading theology, 7172

cardinal virtues, 48

Carter, Jimmy, 119

The Case for Christianity (Lewis), 4950, 65; American Catholic reviews of, 7071; American evangelicals’ response to, 75, 76, 1045, 11314; American Protestant reviews of, 7273; as American title for Broadcast Talks, 65; becoming part of Mere Christianity, 214n13; changes to, in combined edition, 95; Holmer’s reference to, 110;

preface to, 93; published as separate volume in 1996, 215n1; Quaker theologian Trueblood on, 79; Universalist pastor’s review of, 210n28. See also Broadcast Talks

Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church

Catholic World, 7071

chastity: Lewis on, 47, 9596; Lewis’s early life and, 8; working-class understanding of, 33. See also sexual morality, Lewis on

cheap grace, 18587

Cheshire, Leonard, 126

Chesterton, G. K., 11, 113, 127, 145

Chimes, Larry, 235n31

China, 13536

Christian Behaviour (second paperback), 48, 50; Alistair Cooke’s criticism of, 6970, 73; American edition of, 6566; American evangelical reviews of, 75, 76; American mainline Protestant reviews of, 73; argument from desire in, 17172; becoming part of Mere Christianity, 9091; changes to, in combined edition, 9596; latest printing as separate volume, 215n1; NYTBR review of, 6768; on psychoanalysis, 156; on social morality, 15960; successful sales of, 62; Time review of, 6667

“Christian Behaviour” (third set of talks), 4344, 4549

Christian Century, 72, 7374, 1013, 1056, 110, 216n11

Christian Herald, 72

Christianity and the Social Order (Temple), 27

Christianity Today, 1, 105, 1067, 115, 219n32

The Christian World of C. S. Lewis (Kilby), 112

chronological snobbery, 1011, 154

Churchill, R. C., 64

Churchill, Winston, 2021

Church of England. See Anglican faith

Clergy Review, 61, 71

Coghill, Nevill, 15

Cohen, Chapmen, 59

college students: attitudes of, during 1960s, 109; campus evangelism and, 76, 107, 219n30; chaplains to, 100; Mere Christianity assigned to, 116. See also InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Collins, Francis, 12021

Collins publishers, 98, 10910, 215n1

Colson, Chuck, 11719, 149, 225n35

common human nature, 111, 144, 16068

Commonweal, 71

Como, James, 17576

confession, Lewis’s weekly, 45, 126, 164

conversions to Christianity: of Lewis’s brother Warnie, 17; Mere Christianity’s role in, 11621, 221n8; of prominent British literary figures, 11. See also Lewis’s conversion to Christianity

Cooke, Alistair, 6870, 73

Cromwell, Oliver, 92

The Daily Mirror, 47

Davidman, Joy, 99, 137, 151, 152, 231n8

Derrick, Christopher, 130, 230n3

Derrick, Stephanie, 49, 136, 205n34

desire, argument from, 17172, 231n8, 234n27

Devil: Lewis’s argument for reality of, 64. See also Screwtape Letters

dissenters, 40

divinity of Christ: fundamentalists’ praise for Lewis and, 75; Lewis’s early disbelief in, 13; modernist Christian critics of Lewis and, 6365; Stott’s basic apologetic on, 107. See also Incarnation; Jesus as God

Donnelly, Malachi J., 7172

Dorsett, Lyle, 153

Douthat, Ross, 12627

Dowell, Joseph, 40

Driberg, Tom, 9899

Dunkirk, 21

Dyson, Hugo, 13, 15, 143

Eastern Europe, 13435, 227nn4142

Eastern Orthodox Christians, 131, 134

ecumenism, 130, 132, 181, 18283. See also nonsectarianism of Lewis

Edwards, Jonathan, 222n12, 241n43

Eliot, T. S., 11, 80, 81, 9798

Elliott, Elisabeth, 128

The Emperor’s Clothes (Nott), 9798, 215n2

English Literature in the Seventeenth Century, Excluding Drama (Lewis), 155, 161

Eppinga, Jacob Dirk, 7677

evangelicals: building international networks, 1067; influenced by Lewis’s writings, 12124. See also fundamentalists

evangelicals, American: making a comeback by later 1950s, 100101; nondenominational tendencies of, 18283; responses to Lewis, 7477, 1045, 11115. See also Graham, Billy

evangelicals, British, 1067, 12122, 123, 170

Evangelical Theological Society, 129

evangelistic appeal of last broadcast, 5657

The Everlasting Man (Chesterton), 11, 145

evil, 37. See also Devil; Problem of Pain (Lewis); Screwtape Letters (Lewis)

evolution, biological, 83, 105

existentialism, 74, 109

An Experiment in Criticism (Lewis), 162

faith, Christian: Chinese reader’s comment on, 136; in “Christian Behaviour” talks, 47, 48; Lewis on work of an apologist and, 85; salvation and, 185

Farrer, Austin, 41, 169

Fenn, Eric: first set of talks and, 30, 34, 35; fourth set of talks and, 5154; on Lewis’s individualistic approach, 238n8; one-time broadcast suggestions of, 52; recruiting Dorothy Sayers, 50; responses to Lewis’s talks and, 58; second set of talks and, 3839, 40, 4142, 43; theological background of, 30; third set of talks and, 43, 46, 47

Ferry, Patrick T., 184

Fiddes, Paul, 242n56

Flewett, Jill, 45

forgiveness: Lewis on, 28, 47; of sins by Jesus, 95

Forman, Henry James, 68

Frazer, James George, 6, 59

Freethinker, 5859

Fremantle, Anne, 71

Freud, Sigmund, 156

Fryling, Bob, 114

Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Packer), 107

fundamentalists: American conservative evangelicals designated as, 75, 101; BBC policy excluding, 26; biblical literalism and, 83, 99, 100, 105 (see also biblical inerrancy); Lewis compared with, 82, 83, 100; Nott’s critique of Lewis and Sayers as, 98; welcoming Lewis as an ally, 100, 11415, 217n13; Wheaton College and, 1045. See also evangelicals

gender and women, 48, 14952, 237n41

Gibbon, Edward, 12

God, Lewis on belief in, 22, 8990

God and the Reach of Reason (Wielenberg), 232n13

God in the Dock (Lewis), 110

God Is Not Great (Hitchens), 13637

Golden, Edward A., 66

The Golden Bough (Frazer), 6, 59

grace, cheap, 18587

Graham, Billy, 9899, 100102; building international evangelical networks, 1067; in launch of Christianity Today, 105; Lewis’s encounter with, 101, 107, 217n14; Lewis’s perceived link to, 9899, 1012; Tom Phillips’s conversion and, 117; Wheaton College and, 104, 113

The Great Divorce (Lewis), 7778, 213n2

Great Sin of pride: Christian Behavior on, 47, 11718; Chuck Colson’s conversion and, 118; giving up the self and, 186; Lewis’s comment about women and, 150; Monaghan’s life changed by passage on, 127; Mormons’ in harmony with Lewis on, 133; punk rocker Larry Chimes and, 235n31

Greene, Graham, 11, 81

Greeves, Arthur, 1314, 20, 30, 50, 143, 200n14

A Grief Observed (Lewis), 151

Griffiths, Dom Bede, 41

The Guardian, 30, 39

guilt, Lewis’s effort to cultivate, 28, 166, 168

Hamilton, Clive, 7

Hannay, Margaret P., 139

HarperOne, 177

Havard, Robert E., 15, 2122

He, Guanghu, 135

Henry, Carl F. H., 105, 106, 217n14

Henry, Leland B., 212n46

His magazine, 76, 114, 212n39

Hitchens, Christopher, 13637

Holmer, Paul, 11011, 16970, 243n58

Holmes, John Haynes, 210n28

Home Guard, 22; compulsory church parades for, 207n51

Hooper, Walter, 10910, 129

Hopkins, Anthony, 137

Horner, David A., 148

Howard, Thomas, 128

humanism: Lewis’s rejection of, 14, 74; Nott’s defense of, 9798

human nature, Lewis’s sense of, 111, 144, 16068

Huxley, Aldous, 128

Huxley, T. H., 59

Iceland, and the war effort, 30

idealist philosophy, 12, 14, 241n43

imagination: Lewis on modern limitations of, 17980; Mere Christianity appealing to, 16871, 175, 176

imagination of Lewis: about people unlike himself, 33, 163; discovery of George MacDonald and, 10; Narnia books and, 89, 163; to picture diverse radio audience, 33; role in his life and apologetics, 143, 14445, 163, 18081. See also poetry

Incarnation, 43, 52, 55, 60, 143. See also divinity of Christ; Jesus as God; trilemma

The Incarnation of the Word of God (Saint Athanasius), 91

individualistic message, Lewis criticized for, 99, 159, 238n8

inerrancy of Scripture. See biblical inerrancy

inference to the best explanation, 172

The Inklings, 15, 22, 51

The Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis (McGrath), 123, 234n18

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, 76, 11314, 124

Jack, 5. See also Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)

Jacobs, Alan, 8889, 151, 214n9

Jesuits, American, 7072, 76, 77

Jesus: Lewis on giving up the self and, 16263, 18687; Sayers’s radio play on life of, 50

Jesus as God: Chinese reader’s comment on, 13536; Lewis on salvation and, 37; Lewis’s argument for, 4243, 6465 (see also trilemma); Lewis’s coming to believe in, 1314; Pittenger on Lewis’s argument for, 103. See also divinity of Christ; Incarnation

Jesus as great moral teacher but not God: Colson’s rejection of, 118; Lewis’s argument against, 4243, 95; Lewis’s early belief in, 13; modern Christian assertion of, 65; Trueblood’s rejection of, 79. See also trilemma

Joeckel, Stanley, 233n17

John Paul II, Pope, 129

Johnson, Bruce L., 4849

Johnson, Samuel, 161

Jones, Bob, II, 217n13

Joy: Lewis’s quest for, 10, 14. See also Surprised by Joy (Lewis)

Judd, Daniel K., 226n37

Keller, Timothy, 12223

Kennedy, John F., 128

Kenney, Anthony, 234n27

Kerr, Ian, 130

Kierkegaard, Søren, 63, 74

Kilby, Clyde, 104, 1056, 11213, 128, 222n12

The Kilns, 17, 133

Kirkpatrick, William Thompson, 6, 170

Kreeft, Peter, 110, 12728, 140, 148, 230n2

The Language of God (Collins), 121

lasting vitality of Mere Christianity, 14, 139, 15354; cheap grace and, 18587; common human nature and, 16068; context of reason and, 16876; luminosity of Gospel message and, 18788; mere Christianity and, 18185; poetic qualities and, 17681; timeless truths and, 15460

Law of Nature, 28, 3637. See also right and wrong, objective; Tao

“Learning in Wartime” (Lewis), 155, 159, 160

Lee, E. George, 62

letters from listeners and readers: in America, 99; as burden, 3940, 50, 8485, 163; sent to The Listener, 57, 207n51; willingness to answer, 163

Lewis, Albert James (father), 56, 8

Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples): biography of, 518 (see also Lewis’s conversion to Christianity); donating fees to charity, 39, 164, 239n18; end of writing popular apologetics, 8486, 87, 89, 105; expecting his work to be forgotten, 1078, 137, 153; as formidable debater, 88, 103; later Christian writings of, 108; lecturing for the RAF, 3132, 40, 51, 55, 84; marriage of, 99 (see also Davidman, Joy); and Military Intelligence, 30; military service of, 67, 22; as poet, 7, 910, 180; predictions of declining reputation of, 10710, 218n23; relationship with Minto, 79, 17, 4445, 8687; self-reflection of, 16364, 168. See also imagination of Lewis; letters from listeners and readers; literary scholarship of Lewis; Oxford University, Lewis at; rhetoric of Lewis

Lewis, Flora Hamilton (mother), 5, 8

Lewis, Jack, 5. See also Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)

Lewis, Warnie (brother), 5, 15, 17, 39, 4445

Lewis’s conversion to Christianity, 914; imagination and, 143; mentioned in radio talk, 41; Minto’s resentment of, 8; Screwtape Letters and, 29

liberal theologies: Americans who were discontent with, 100; Lewis’s critiques of, 78, 83, 112. See also modern Christians of Lewis’s time

Lindsay, D. Michael, 124

Lindsell, Harold, 115

Lindskoog, Kathryn, 237n41

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Lewis), 13, 87, 113

The Listener, 40, 57, 207nn5051

literary scholarship of Lewis: assumptions of different eras and, 155; Cambridge appointment based on, 98; Christian writers analyzed in, 12; respected by colleagues, 8081; tutoring of students and, 15; understanding common human experience and, 111, 16062, 165; wide study in, 10. See also analogy, Lewis’s use of; metaphor, Lewis’s use of

logic: Beversluis’s criticism of Lewis based on, 14041, 143, 230n6; Lewis’s skill in, 88; Wielenberg on Lewis’s arguments and, 232n13. See also reason

Longenecker, Dwight D., 12829, 13031

Lord Haw-Haw, 34

The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 15, 51, 137

Los Angeles Times, 81

Lowell, Virginia, 212n39

Luce, Henry, 80

Lu Xun, 135

MacDonald, George, 10, 113

Macmillan (American publisher), 4950, 6566, 90, 215n1

The Magician’s Nephew (Lewis), 173

mainline Protestants, American: battled by fundamentalists, 75; fundamentalist embrace of Lewis and, 11415; Holmer’s late interest in Lewis, 11011; “new evangelicals” seeking cooperation with, 101; Pittenger’s response to Lewis in 1950s, 1016, 216n11; responses to Lewis in 1940s, 7274, 82. See also liberal theologies; modern Christians of Lewis’s time

making vs. begetting, 77, 242n56

“The Man Born to Be King” (Sayers), 50

Marion E. Wade Center, 113, 120, 153

marriage, Lewis’s chapter on, 48, 9596, 14950

materialism, 12, 32, 75, 89, 17071, 173

Maudlin, Mickey, 17778, 18485

McDowell, Josh, 235n30

McGrath, Alister, 123, 14748, 15051, 17172, 234n18

Meconi, David, 186

Mere Apologetics (McGrath), 123

mere Christianity: Catholic resistance to, 132, 224n28; double meaning of, 18182; Kreeft’s exposition of, 128; lasting vitality of Mere Christianity and, 18185; Lewis on meaning of, 4041, 9193; meaning unity despite differences, 13132, 225n35; not minimal Christianity, 185. See also traditional Christianity of Lewis

Mere Christianity (Lewis): Beversluis’s sustained attack on, 13943, 144, 148, 169, 230n6, 230nn23, 231n8; changes compared to original three books, 9596, 18991; conversions influenced by, 11621, 221n8; editions and printings of, 9091, 97, 9899, 215n1, 219n32; influence among evangelicals, 11112, 114, 115; italics for emphasis removed from, 70; on moral principles common to cultures, 167; new preface to, 91, 9395, 111; nonsectarian message of, 125, 182, 184; Pittenger’s progressive critique of, 1023; The Problem of Pain as anticipation of, 1617; as repackaging of three earlier books, 2, 9091; roadblocks to, for postmoderns, 237n2; sales of, 1, 2, 97, 108, 116, 135, 215n1, 217n19, 220n1; Stott’s praise for, 107; translations of, 1, 13436, 227n42; unobtrusive among author’s works, 97. See also lasting vitality of Mere Christianity; responses to Lewis in America; responses to Lewis in Britain

metaphor, Lewis’s use of, 176, 178, 179, 180, 186, 242n56

Millet, Robert, 133

Mind of the Maker (Sayers), 50

Minto (Janie Moore), 79, 17, 4445, 8687

Miracles (Lewis), 78, 8586, 8889, 90, 172, 231n8

modern Christians of Lewis’s time: beliefs of, 13; Lewis’s stance in relation to, 83, 9192; reacting to the radio talks, 61, 6265. See also liberal theologies; mainline Protestants, American

Modern Churchman, 6365

modern thought: of Lewis’s radio audience, 16566; subverted hopes of, 157. See also science

modern thought, Lewis’s critique of, 15455; loss of imagination and, 17980; materialism and, 75, 89, 17071, 17273; moral education and, 51, 158; worldliness and, 174

Monaghan, Thomas S., 127

Moody Monthly, 75

Moore, Janie. See Minto (Janie Moore)

Moore, Maureen, 7, 8, 17

Moore, Paddy, 78

moral principles: Abolition of Man and, 51, 78, 158, 16667; in “Christian Behaviour” radio talks, 4648; of Quaker Trueblood, 79; sensibilities of radio audience and, 34. See also right and wrong, objective; sexual morality, Lewis on

More Christianity (Longenecker), 131

Mormon interest in Lewis, 13233, 226nn3738

Morrison, Charles Clayton, 72

Morrison, Terry, 114

Moyle, Marsh, 227n41

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 161

Murrow, Edward R., 23

Myers, Edward D., 73

Narnia books: Anscombe debate and, 214n9; as argument against naturalism, 89; confrontation with guilt in, 168; imagination and, 163; Lewis’s reputation and, 108, 137; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, 13, 87, 113; modern scientific assumptions and, 173; Pittenger’s mention of, 102; reality of evil and, 37; writing of, 8687

Narnia films, 137

National Association of Evangelicals, 77

naturalism: biblical scholarship and, 146; dominating contemporary thought, 157; Lewis’s critique of, 156, 234n27; Lewis’s early uncritical acceptance of, 11; Lewis’s supernaturalism and, 86, 88, 112; Narnia books as argument against, 89; trust in reason and, 231n8. See also science; supernaturalism of Lewis

NBC, presenting one radio talk, 5556

neo-Thomism, 82

new evangelicals, 101, 105. See also Graham, Billy

New Republic, 6870

New Statesman and Nation, 99

New Testament: historicity of, 112; Wright’s scholarship on, 122. See also biblical inerrancy

New York Times Book Review (NYTBR): on Beyond Personality, 68; on Christian Behaviour, 6768; on mid-twentieth century religious writing, 81; on Screwtape Letters, 66

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 74

Nixon, Richard, 117

Noll, Mark, 13132

nonsectarianism of Lewis, 105, 125, 182, 184; Catholic criticism of, 13031. See also ecumenism

Nott, Kathleen, 9798, 215n2

“Oh Hell,” 84, 86

Olford, Stephen F., 120, 221n8

Orthodox Christians, 131, 134

Orwell, George, 29, 5960

Ostling, Richard, 13233

Out of the Silent Planet (Lewis), 1516, 29, 34, 65, 156

Oxford History of English Literature (OHEL), 84, 86, 155, 161

Oxford University, Lewis at: elected don, 7; as popular lecturer, 15, 30; resentments among colleagues of, 51, 86; scorn among colleagues of, 58, 8081, 98, 157; as student, 67; workload at, 29, 86

Packer, J. I., 1067, 121, 170

pantheism, 60, 75

Paradise Lost (Milton), 51, 52

Pauline writings, 63

Penelope, Sister, 32, 3334, 44, 45, 86, 91

Percy, Walker, 126

Perelandra (Lewis), 51, 67, 70, 156

“The Personal Heresy in Criticism” (Lewis), 187

Phantastes (MacDonald), 10

Phillips, Justin, 35

Phillips, Tom, 11718

Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan), 14, 161

The Pilgrim’s Regress (Lewis), 14, 22, 161

Piper, John, 222n12

Pittenger, Norman, 1016, 216n11

Planet Narnia (Ward), 89, 214n9

Plato, 12, 241n43

poetry: Lewis on loss of sensibilities of, 180; Lewis on personal heresy in criticism of, 187; Lewis’s apologetic style and, 176, 178; published by Lewis, 7, 180; written by Lewis during World War I, 910

Poling, Daniel A., 7273

politics: Lewis’s attitude toward, 27, 15860, 238n7; Orwell’s critique of Lewis’s talks and, 5960; religious programming on BBC and, 27. See also individualistic message; social morality

prayer: of evangelical commitment, 118; Lewis on, 40, 56, 95

preconditionalism, 233n17

A Preface to Paradise Lost (Lewis), 51

pride. See Great Sin of pride

The Problem of Pain (Lewis), 1617; American edition of, 65; Beversluis’s criticism of, 231n8; personal remarks in, 8, 16; sales of, 217n19; Welch’s response to, 23, 27

progress: myth of, exploded by war, 10; scientism and, 78, 155

Protestants, American. See evangelicals, American; mainline Protestants, American

Protestants, British: response to radio talks, 6165

psychoanalysis, 47, 156

Purgatory, 126

Quaker theologian Trueblood, 79

radio talks for BBC, 2; charitable donations of fees from, 39, 164; final series of, 5257; first series of, 3538; initial arrangements for, 23, 2728, 30; number of listeners for, 4849, 205n33; preparing for the audience of, 3234; of religious broadcasters other then Lewis, 49; second series of, 38, 4043; third series of, 4344, 4549

radio talks for NBC, 5556

rationalism: college students of 1960s and, 109; Lewis’s early conflicts about, 11, 17071; Orwell’s critique of Beyond Personality and, 59. See also reason; science

reality: Lewis’s use of metaphor and, 178, 242n56; modern disenchantment of, 17273, 174, 179; spiritual, 11, 173

reason: Beversluis’s criticism of Lewis based on, 14041, 143; consensus on Lewis’s use of, 14344; context of, 16876; criticism of Lewis’s view of, 90, 233n17; faith and, 85, 136; Lewis’s conversion based on, 14; Lewis’s rhetoric and, 64, 149, 176. See also rationalism

The Reason for God (Keller), 123

Reith, John, 24

Reppert, Victor, 14243

responses to Lewis in America, 136

responses to Lewis in America of 1940s, 6583; Alistair Cooke’s denunciation, 6870, 73; by Catholic publications, 7072; by conservative evangelicals, 7477; by mainline Protestants, 7274, 82; in mainstream press, 6568, 7783, 210n28; not polarized as in Great Britain, 8182; by Quaker theologian Trueblood, 79

responses to Lewis in America of 1950s, 99107

responses to Lewis in America of 1960s and beyond, 10815

responses to Lewis in Britain, 13638; of 1940s, 3940, 47, 4850, 57, 5865; of 1950s, 9799

Resurrection, 53, 143

revivalism: in America of 1940s, 75; of Billy Graham, 98, 101; Lewis and, 104, 105

rhetoric of Lewis: reason and, 64, 149, 176; skill in, 88, 141, 144

right and wrong, objective, 28, 3637, 38, 14142, 16668. See also moral principles

Roman Catholic Church: American Protestants with prejudices against, 82; Bob Jones University’s opposition to, 129; British population belonging to, 26, 201n13; Lewis’s sending drafts to representative of, 4041; Lewis’s theological difference from, 61, 208n8

Roman Catholics: American admirers of Lewis among, 100; Colson’s initiative between evangelicals and, 225n35; converts influenced by Lewis, 12529; criticism of Mere Christianity by, 13031, 132, 224n28, 225n30; influenced by Lewis, 12531; Lewis’s friendships with, 18384; literary figures influencing Lewis, 11; reviews of Lewis’s work in 1940s by, 61, 7072, 76, 77. See also Kreeft, Peter; Tolkien, J. R. R.

Royal Air Force (RAF): Leonard Cheshire of, 126; traveling lectures for, 3132, 40, 51, 55, 84

Russell, Bertrand, 59

The Saints’ Everlasting Rest (Baxter), 92

salvation: Lewis’s doctrine not the Catholic view of, 61, 208n8; Lewis’s early view of, 13; in Lewis’s individualistic message, 99; Lewis’s use of analogy about, 185; Stott on, 107

Saturday Review, 66, 67

Sayers, Dorothy: American evangelical embrace of, 113; becoming friend of Lewis, 50; on controversial reputation of Lewis, 65; Lewis’s domestic issues and, 45; Lewis’s RAF lectures and, 32; on Lewis’s views about women, 150; as religious writer, 50, 81, 9798; suggesting the writing of Miracles, 85

Sayers, George, 36

schools, British, Lewis’s cultural critique of, 78, 158, 16667, 180

Schumacher, E. F., 126

science: anti-Christian elements in the press and, 59; blinding people to moral realities, 168; British public’s rejection of Christianity and, 29; humanism and cultivation of, 98. See also modern thought; naturalism

science, Lewis’s disillusionment with, 15657; “Great Myth” of modernity and, 15455; after his conversion, 14; as not capturing meaningful experience, 17879; as roadblock to spiritual reality, 11, 173; after World War I, 10, 16

scientism: Lewis’s criticism of, 78, 83; Lewis’s novelistic critique of, 1516, 156

Scopes “Monkey Trial,” 101

The Screwtape Letters (Lewis): American evangelicals and, 75, 104, 212n39; charitable donation of payments for, 39; complimented by Dorothy Sayers, 50; conception and publication of, 2930; Driberg’s critique citing, 99; first American edition of, 65; lauded by American mainstream press, 66; Lewis’s personal struggles and, 16364; Lewis typically known as author of, 97; “mere Christianity” mentioned in, 91; modern Christian critique of, 64; moral rationalizations and, 168; motion picture rights for, 66, 209n20; partisan politics tied to religion and, 158, 238n7; Quaker theologian Trueblood on, 79; sales of, 67, 108, 116, 210n21, 217n19; science and scientism in, 15657; success of, 49, 50, 6162

A Severe Mercy (Vanauken), 126

sexual morality, Lewis on: Cooke’s criticism of, 70; in Mere Christianity, 9596, 19091; in radio broadcast, 47, 49. See also chastity

Shadowlands (film), 137, 175

Shaw, George Bernard, 12

Simply Christian (Wright), 122

sin: Lewis’s image of “rats in the cellar” and, 226n37; Mormon interest in Lewis and, 133, 226n37; radio audience’s absence of sense of, 33, 34. See also Great Sin of pride

Smith, G. D., 61, 71, 208n8

social morality, 47, 15960. See also individualistic message; politics

Socratic Club at Oxford, 88

spiritual realities, 11, 173

Stott, John R., 107

supernaturalism of Lewis, 79, 86, 88, 105, 112. See also Miracles (Lewis)

Surprised by Joy (Lewis), 9, 12, 86

A Sword between the Sexes? (Van Leeuwen), 152

Tao, 51, 167

Temple, William, 2627

That Hideous Strength (Lewis), 156

Theology Today, 73

Thomas, Gene, 113

Thomism, Lewis associated with, 109

Time, 1, 6667, 8081, 84, 86

Times Literary Supplement (TLS), 6061, 161

Tolkien, J. R. R.: American evangelical embrace of, 113; in The Inklings, 15; on Lewis’s attitude toward Catholicism, 12526; Lewis’s conversion and, 1112, 13, 143, 183; Lewis’s reputation enhanced by association with, 137; Lord of the Rings by, 15, 51, 137; wishing a professorship for Lewis, 86

Toynbee, Arnold, 81

traditional Christianity of Lewis: in radio talks, 37; types of people attracted to, 6162, 100. See also mere Christianity

translations of Mere Christianity, 1, 13436, 227n42

translator, apologist as, 33, 85, 104, 165, 216n11

Tribune, Orwell’s column in, 59

trilemma, 14549, 235nn3031; Beversluis’s argument against, 142; Campus Crusade for Christ and, 219n30; Kenney’s dismissal of, 234n27; Kreeft’s presentation of, 128; Wilson’s argument against, 231n10. See also divinity of Christ; Incarnation; Jesus as God

Trinity: Lewis on being drawn into the life of, 186, 242n56; Lewis’s “Beyond Personality” on, 52, 55, 60, 96; Pittenger’s critique of Lewis on, 1034

Trueblood, Elton, 79

true myth, 13, 14, 143

United Evangelical Action, 77

Vanauken, Sheldon, 126

Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart, 152

Van Til, Cornelius, 77

Voltaire, 12

The Voyage of the “Dawn Treader” (Lewis), 168

Wade Center at Wheaton College, 113, 120, 153

Walker, Andrew, 131

Walsh, Chad, 78, 80, 8283, 99100, 1089, 11415, 178

Ward, Michael, 89, 14345, 169, 17677, 178, 214n9

Ware, Kallistos, 131

Waters, Wendell W., 18990

Waugh, Evelyn, 11, 81

“The Weight of Glory” (Lewis), 163, 17374

Welch, James W.: asking Lewis to appear on BBC, 23, 27, 30, 52; challenges of BBC programming and, 2426; recruiting Dorothy Sayers, 50

Wells, H. G., 12, 59

Westminster Abbey, 138

Westminster Theological Journal, 7677

Westminster Theological Seminary, 76, 77

“What Christians Believe” (second set of talks), 38, 4043, 60

Wheaton College, 1045, 11213. See also Kilby, Clyde; Marion E. Wade Center

Wielenberg, Erik J., 232n13

Willard, Dallas, 18788

Williams, Charles, 15, 81, 113

Williams, Donald T., 148

Wilson, A. N., 231n10

Wilson, P. W., 68

Winger, Debra, 175

Winner, Lauren, 237n2

women and gender, 48, 14952, 237n41

Wood, Ralph, 233n17

Woolley, Paul, 76

World War I: Lewis’s experience of, 78, 910, 16

World War II: effect on Lewis, 2122; entered by England and France, 1718; fighting for Christian civilization and, 28, 38; traumatic to the British people, 1922; United States drawn into, 44. See also Battle of Britain; the Blitz

Wright, N. T., 122, 147, 148

Wright, Ronald Selby, 49, 205n34