“Such a Lonely, Lovely Road is at once fascinating and unforgettable. Set in the new South Africa slowly recovering from decades of apartheid, it tells the complex story of Kabelo and Sediba, two men finding love and navigating the difficult terrain of race, homophobia in the black community and family ties. Molope writes a riveting tale of finding self and finding love in this gripping story of men in love in post-independence South Africa.”
—JUDE DIBIA, author of Blackbird
Such a Lonely, Lovely Road
©2018 Kagiso Lesego Molope
Except for purposes of review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior permission of the publisher.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts for our publishing program. We also acknowledge support from the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Arts Council.
Cover design by JD&J Design LLC
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Molope, Kagiso Lesego, 1976-, author
Such a lonely, lovely road : a novel / Kagiso Lesego Molope.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-988449-44-9 (softcover).--ISBN 978-1-988449-45-6 (HTML).--ISBN 978-1-988449-64-7(PDF)
I. Title.
PS8576.O45165S83 2018 C813’.6 C2018-904117-X
Mawenzi House Publishers Ltd.
39 Woburn Avenue (B)
Toronto, Ontario M5M 1K5
For Motsumi: Be anything. Be everything. Be the best of you.