
First and foremost, I must thank Leon Botstein, whose leadership of the Bard Music Festival is masterful; indeed, this series is the direct result of his vision. I am grateful for the support of Irene Zedlacher and indebted to the encouragement proffered by Christopher H. Gibbs. As with all the volumes in this series, the production schedule for Edward Elgar and His World came with inviolable deadlines, and so I must express my gratitude to the fine scholars who have contributed to this volume. All the contributors have been cooperative, alert, erudite, and much to my relief, good-humored. I commend my editorial assistant, Eric N. Peterson, for his alacrity, meticulousness, and willingness to work through the night if necessary. I offer thanks to my student Brennon Bortz, who patiently initiated me into the mysteries of editing at the computer. I am grateful to Lauren Cowdery for her tactful but expert advice. I owe a debt of gratitude to Gary Mick, Brett Banducci, and, especially, Marcus Desmond Harmon, all of whom helped me to correct the proofs. It has been a privilege to work with Paul De Angelis and Natalie Kelly, and with Ginger Shore of the Bard Publications Office, as well as with that paragon of copy editors, Erin Clermont.

Among the many archives consulted by the contributors to this volume, I want especially to acknowledge the British Library, the Bodleian Library at Oxford, The Worcester County Records Office, the Faculty of Music Library at Oxford, and the Elgar Birthplace Museum; thanks to other such institutions are scattered throughout. I thank the Academic Senate of the University of California, Riverside, for their practical support of this project, as well as my colleagues and students in the Department of Music who have assisted me in innumerable ways.