In Chapter 17, “Designing New Terrain,” you experienced a few examples of using the AutoCAD® Civil 3D® software to design new terrain in the form of lot grading and pond design. With more time, you would have completed the shaping of all the lots, resulting in a grading design for the entire project. Now that all the major grading design components are complete (roads, lots, and a pond in this example), it’s time to combine them into one complete design. Once you have done this, you can analyze the design to ensure that it meets several additional design and construction requirements. This analysis may result in the need for an adjustment to the design, at which time you’ll begin an iterative process: design, analyze, adjust, design, analyze, adjust, and so on. You’ll repeat this cycle until the design is the best that time and resources permit. When the design is optimized, you can then provide annotation that provides the necessary information for the contractor to build your design for the land’s new shape.
In this chapter, you’ll learn to
In Chapter 17, you created a pond design that resulted in a surface representing the shape of the pond. You also performed some lot grading; and if you had continued working on the lot grading for a few hours, you eventually would have finished all the lots, creating a surface that covered nearly the entire project. In Chapter 9, “Designing in 3D Using Corridors,” you created a corridor surface to represent the model of the roads. This approach of designing the shape of the terrain in parts is common and recommended. For even the most talented designer, it’s difficult to design all aspects of a project at once. It’s easier, and often more efficient, to divide the design into “mini-designs” such as the road, lots, and pond that you experienced for yourself.
Once the parts are in place, it’s then time to combine them into one master surface. To accomplish this, you use a simple but very powerful capability of surfaces in Civil 3D: pasting. Just as you’re able to paste a paragraph of text into a document, you can paste one surface into another. The similarities between surfaces and documents end there, however. For example, when you paste one surface into another, the pasted version is a live copy of the original, meaning if the original is modified, the pasted version is also modified. To find the command to paste surfaces, right-click Edits in a surface in Prospector or choose the Surfaces ribbon tab (see Figure 18-1).
When you’re working with multiple pasted surfaces, you can use the order in which they are pasted to achieve a desired result. The way this works is that when two overlapping surfaces are pasted, the second one overwrites the first in the area where they overlap. You can control the order in which surfaces are pasted on the Definition tab of the Surface Properties dialog box (see Figure 18-2). Here you can rearrange the order of operations not just for pasting surfaces, but for other operations as well.
In this exercise, you’ll create an FG Final surface by combining surfaces representing lot grading, road elevations, pond grading, and a small area of daylighting.
Combining Surfaces.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.
In this drawing, the lot grading design is complete, as shown by the blue, red, and green feature lines. There is also a small area between lots 73 and 76 where a grading group was used to calculate daylighting.
The new FG Final surface is listed in Prospector.
In the road areas, the contours you saw in step 5 are replaced with contours that accurately represent the road elevations. In the 3D model, the roads are accurately represented; and if you zoom in, you can see the curb and the crown of the road clearly. The interior lot area is empty because this area has a hide boundary applied to it in the Road FG surface.
This moves the Lots – Interior surface above the Pond surface in the paste order.
The lot grading contours and the correct pond contours are now shown. This is an example of the importance of managing the order of pasted surfaces to achieve the desired result.
Contours are now shown in the area between lots 73 and 76, and all design grading for the project is represented as one surface (see Figure 18-4).
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Combining Surfaces - Complete.dwg
You can do many more things with a Civil 3D surface than just display contours. Unfortunately, I can’t discuss them all in a single chapter, let alone a section in a chapter; but I will cover several of the most commonly used surface-analysis features available in Civil 3D. I’ve grouped these features into three categories: surface analysis, hydrology tools, and quick profiles.
In the context of this category, surface analysis refers to the functions that appear on the Analysis tab of the Surface Properties dialog box. Here you can perform detailed analyses relating to elevations, slopes, contours, and watersheds (see Figure 18-5). The results of an analysis are shown graphically in the drawing and, depending on the type of analysis, can appear as shaded areas, arrows, contours lines, or even 3D areas—all color-coded for the identification of different ranges of data. In addition, you can create a legend to help convey the meaning of each color.
Performing an analysis can be thought of as a two-step process. The first step is to create the analysis ranges in the Surface Properties dialog box. This step doesn’t produce anything visible in the drawing, but it creates the data that will be used to generate graphical output. To create something visible in the drawing, you must perform the second step, which is to assign a style to the surface that displays the components of that analysis. For example, to display the slope arrows for a surface, you must first create the slope ranges and then apply a surface style that has slope arrow display turned on.
In this exercise, you’ll perform a slope analysis to identify steep-slope areas in the project. You’ll then adjust one of the lots to demonstrate how an analysis can be used as a design tool.
Analyzing Surfaces.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.
Four ranges are listed in the Range Details section of the dialog box.
As shown in Figure 18-6, the drawing displays colored areas indicating excessively flat slopes (0%–2%) in yellow, moderate slopes (2%–10%) in green, steep slopes (10%–34%) in orange, and excessively steep slopes (>34%) in red.
After a pause, the surface rebuilds, and the red area in lot 70 is removed. The front yard is still green, which means it’s in the slope range to install a driveway (see Figure 18-7).
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Analyzing Surfaces - Complete.dwg
Civil 3D provides two very useful tools to help you analyze the drainage performance of your surface: Water Drop and Catchments. The Water Drop tool shows you the theoretical path of a drop of rain as it flows downhill from a location you specify. By analyzing this path, you can determine the direction of flow and find low spots where water will stop flowing and begin to accumulate. A catchment shows you the area that drains to a point you specify. This is helpful for stormwater-management design, such as determining how large an inlet opening needs to be based on the size of the area contributing runoff to it.
In this exercise, you’ll use the Water Drop tool to analyze the flow of runoff to two inlets. Then you’ll use one of the Catchment tools to determine the area contributing runoff to that inlet.
Using Hydrology Tools.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.
In the left viewport, click a point in lot 29 near the road. A blue water-drop path is drawn from lot 29, down the curb line, to the inlet near station 2+50 (0+080). You can see the path in the lower-right 3D viewport as well.
Select point:
prompt still active, click a point near the southeast corner of lot 23.
A blue outline indicates the shape of the catchment area that drains to the inlet at the location you selected.
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Using Hydrology Tools - Complete.dwg
In Chapter 7, “Designing Vertically Using Profiles,” you learned how to create surface profiles using alignments and surfaces. You also learned that a profile is a useful tool that enables you to slice through your design and view it from a different perspective. Well, what if you could create a profile from a whole list of entities that are readily available in your drawing? You can, and the command that does it is called Quick Profile.
The Quick Profile command creates a temporary profile along the path of a line, an arc, a polyline, a parcel line, a feature line, a survey figure, or a selected series of points. Once you have selected the object to represent the path, you’re presented with a dialog box that enables you to select any surface in the drawing that you would like to display in the temporary profile view. If you have selected a 3D object such as a 3D polyline or feature line, you’re also given the option to represent that object as a profile.
If you modify the object you used to define the path of the profile, the quick profile view updates automatically. This is a great tool for viewing slices of your design at many different locations very efficiently. Quick profiles are intended to be temporary, and they disappear whenever you save the drawing.
In this exercise, you’ll use quick profiles to study the interaction between existing ground and proposed ground in the pond area and in the area between the interior lots.
Using a Quick Profile.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.
In this drawing, a heavy red polyline in the left viewport crosses through the entire project at the location of the pond.
A new profile view shows existing ground in red and proposed ground in black. As you study the profile, you should be able to identify the shape of the road in two locations and the shape of the pond in between (see Figure 18-8).
A new profile view is created that shows existing ground in red and a profile of the feature line in black. Notice how the feature line matches existing ground except for a certain length at either end where it ties into the finished ground elevations (see Figure 18-9).
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Using a Quick Profile - Complete.dwg
. Note that the “Complete” version of the file isn’t much different from the original, because quick profiles are removed when the drawing is saved.
Moving earth is one of the most expensive construction activities in a land development project. For this reason, there are two important questions you’ll need to answer about nearly every grading design you do:
As a designer or an engineer, one of your most important tasks is to answer these questions with the smallest values possible. The less soil that is required to be moved for a project, the more money you save the client and/or owner. Transporting soil to or from the site is also a very costly construction activity, so it’s also one you should minimize.
When talking about earthmoving, you’ll often use the terms cut and fill. Cut is soil material that is removed from the ground, and fill is soil material that is added to it. When an excavator takes a scoop of soil out of the ground, that soil is called cut. When that scoop is carried to another location on the site and dumped, the soil becomes fill. Grading the site is nothing more than a complex series of scoops and dumps—that is, cuts and fills. At the end of the project, all the scoops added together represent the cut value, and all the dumps added together represent the fill value. If these values are equal, then no soil needs to be transported to or from the site, thus reducing the cost of construction (not to mention the environmental impact). When cut and fill are equal, the condition is referred to as a balanced site. As a designer, you should strive to balance the earthwork of your designs whenever possible.
Although you can use several methods to calculate earthwork volumes in Civil 3D, I’ll cover only one of them in this book in detail: the Volumes Dashboard. The Volumes Dashboard command is found on the Analyze tab of the ribbon. Clicking this opens Panorama, which displays the Volumes Dashboard tab. Here, you can add or create one or more TIN volume surfaces, and the cut and fill results are shown. You can also create bounded volumes, which are smaller areas within a volume surface that might represent individual lots or project phases. You can even generate detailed reports that are displayed in a browser or in Civil 3D, as shown in Figure 18-10.
In this exercise, you’ll use the Volumes Dashboard to analyze the cut and fill for the entire project as well as three individual lots.
Calculating Volumes.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.The cut and fill results are shown in Panorama. Here, you see that the Cut Volume value is much smaller than the Fill Volume value. The project isn’t balanced, and the requirement for extra fill means soil will have to be delivered to the project site. The design should be adjusted to bring it closer to balance. This can be accomplished by lowering the profiles and building pad feature lines to create more cut while eliminating the need for fill.
Your browser should open, displaying a detailed cut-and-fill report for the overall earthwork as well as the three individual lots.
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Calculating Volumes - Complete.dwg
. Although there is no change to the drawing itself, you can open the Volumes Dashboard and view the volume calculations.
As you have done with every other type of design in this book, you need to annotate your surface design. Like all annotation, the information you convey here is almost as important as the design itself, particularly with regard to grading.
From a strictly documentation standpoint, the primary final product of a grading design is a set of design contours. By themselves, the contours aren’t very useful for construction. Once they are labeled, however, they begin to show the contractor exactly how to shape the land to meet its desired function. In some areas, contours alone don’t provide enough detail and must be supplemented with labels that call out specific elevations and slopes. Labels that refer to the elevation of a single point on a drawing are often referred to as spot elevations or spot grades.
Although it was some time ago, you learned how to create contour, spot, and slope labels in Chapter 4. You’ll apply those skills once again, but this time you’ll label proposed elevations rather than existing elevations.
In this exercise, you’ll create contour, spot elevation, and slope labels for lot 2. You’ll use these labels to adjust the design of lot 2.
Labeling Design Surfaces.dwg
located in the Chapter 18
class data folder.
The slope label indicates that the grade here is greater than the allowable 10%. This is something you’ll address at the end of this exercise.
After a pause while the software rebuilds the surface, the contour labels, slope label, and spot-elevation labels all update to reflect the change (see Figure 18-12). The slope in the front yard of lot 2 is now less than the maximum of 10%.
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Labeling Design Surfaces - Complete.dwg