I would first like to thank my wife Cindi for her love and support and for encouraging me to write this book. I also thank her for typing the manuscript and for putting up with me during all our barbecue escapades.

Thanks to all who furnished recipes: Michele and Tom Perelka of the Lo’-N-Slo’ Competition BBQ Team, Wendy and Tim Boucher of the Feeding Friendz Competition BBQ Team, Mike “Sully” Sullivan from the lunchmeat Competition BBQ Team, Nancy and Chuck Helwig of the Smokin’ Aces Competition BBQ Team, fellow Eggheads Kim and Ginny Youngblood and Julie Matison, my daughter Rebecca, my mother Madeline, Aunt Bette, Aunt Dottie and my cousins Karen and Tim.

Thank you to Ken Goodman for his beautiful photography, which makes the recipes look as good as they taste.

Special thanks to Tim and Wendy Boucher and Bill and Shaune Gillespie for helping with the photo shoot.

Thank you to Sharry Morse for keeping my manuscript organized. Thanks also to Will Kiester and Marissa Giambelluca and everyone at Page Street Publishing.

And lastly, thank you to all who have judged my food: family, friends and strangers.