Yodeling originated in the Austrian mountains. Neighbors communicated with short yells, each with special meaning. Standing atop a mountain peak, the yodelers sound their call through the clear air. Yodeling is most effective when it echoes against rocks or mountains.

“The Echo Yodel” was a favorite in von Trapp concerts. Mother announced: “We bring our own echo from Vermont.” The echo was Hedwig. She left the stage to provide the echo. When Martina made the first “call,” Hedwig “echoed” in reply.

Children today learn “The Lonely Goatherd” from The Sound of Music. “La-de lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo” is a yodeling phrase from the song. It is fun to yodel, as Austrian mountain folk do.

Echoes of the original Trapp Family Singers are still heard. We can listen to their recordings, made long ago.

Y is for Yodel, sung from peak to peak.

A mountain call, to share the news: “Dinner’s ready!” “Baby’s born!”

Or “Just whose cow is whose?”
