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Scarlet met Graham at the entrance to the courtyard, her phone with the text she’d just sent in her hand. Sunrise was staining the sky.
“Graham, thank you for coming so quickly. I need an emergency staff meeting. All the senior and secondary staff, please, within the hour. We’ll meet at the event hall; there isn’t space for everyone in our usual room.”
Graham cleared his throat. “Ah, Scarlet?” he asked, gesturing behind her.
Scarlet turned, to find that the courtyard behind her had erupted into bloom. Every plant that ever put out a flower had done so, and in many cases, glorious clusters of them. Some of the plants had changed colors, showing off their most flamboyant hues, regardless of the season.
“Oh, hmm,” Scarlet said, looking over the blossom-crowded room. Oops.
A swollen bud gave an audible little pop as it burst into flower and a vine unfurled a whole flurry of folded up leaves and fresh buds.
“This is new,” Graham observed.
Scarlet blushed.
Graham’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“I’ll keep it under control,” Scarlet promised. Another flower unfolded petals and the hedge leading down into the resort was rather suddenly peppered with white blossoms.
“This have to do with Beehag’s lawyer?” Graham guessed.
My mate, Scarlet thought, for a moment so giddy and full of tangled emotion that she almost forgot he had come to destroy her resort.
Graham was still looking at her dubiously and Scarlet realized that she was smiling foolishly at him. “It’s complicated,” she said, in vast understatement. “Please get everyone ready as quickly as you can.”
After he left, Scarlet closed her eyes and tried to center herself. It felt so unreal, to feel so happy, to know that so much was at risk.
Mal seemed confident he—that they—could find a solution to the wyrm problem that didn’t involve the destruction her tree, but she could see the fear and worry beneath that.
Together, together, they would be able to make it work. They were both strong and clever, and with their combined might, there must be a way to overcome the wyrm.
She went into her office to see if the printer needed more paper and to gather the rest of the notes she had taken.
First, she had to make certain that the people who trusted her with their safety were taken care of. She knew they weren’t going to like what she had to tell them.
# # #
SCARLET DIDN’T HAVE to wait for the staff to grow quiet; they were already poised in anxious expectation. So many dear faces, so many people she had come to consider friends and closer.
She didn’t try to soften the blow. “The island has come under an emergency storm evacuation warning. We will be closing indefinitely. We need to safely and calmly evacuate all guests and staff as quickly as possible.”
There was stunned silence. Whatever they had expected, this was not it.
“I have already contacted the charter and they will be able to get a plane here three times today in total, which should be sufficient to clear out the guests and about two-thirds of the staff in coordination with using our boat to take trips to the mainland; Travis, that will be your focus today. I’ve started negotiations with hotels along the coast to take our clients. The restaurant will remain open with full services as long as possible, if you are willing, Chef. The spa is to be closed and all activities will be canceled. We’ll leave the bar open unless it proves problematic. Tex, please use your best judgment.”
She calmly called off the remainder of the assignments:
“Lydia, I’d like your staff to assist with letting the guests know about our predicament and prioritizing the ones who should be evacuated first.” Lydia had a quiet manner suited to keeping people from panic and her beauty team was well-trained in deflecting drama. “I have printed out a letter of explanation to be distributed that should answer most of their questions and explain the evacuation procedure.”
“Liam, I want you and the elders on the first flight out. I’ve got housing reserved for you in San Jose. It’s just a warehouse with some bunk beds, I’m afraid. There wasn’t time to find anything more suitable but I hope to have something more long term in place by the end of today so you shouldn’t have to stay there long.” Liam ran a modest shifter retirement home and, among other complications, needed a place where an elderly mammoth shifter with poor shifting control could have ‘accidents.’
“Wrench, Graham, I’m not expecting any major trouble, but I’d like you to keep order. The perceived pinch point will be the shuttle to the airstrip, so I’d like you to maintain a presence there and respond to other incidents as needed. You’ll want to keep an eye on the dock as well, keep in touch with Travis about his schedule.”
She put down her clipboard. “Please pack everything you need and do not assume that return to the resort will be possible. This is not a drill. The storm shouldn’t hit for several days yet, so anyone willing to stay through to tomorrow and help buckle down the resort will be very appreciated; the last group will go by boat to the mainland. There are sign up sheets by the kitchen for each of the charters.”
Whispers of speculation and surprise rose as she paused. Scarlet watched some of them surreptitiously check with their smartphones, muttering about the poor data connection. They swiftly found the confirmation that Mal had promised in dire articles with splashy, threatening headlines.
She cleared her throat and they all fell silent again. “Jenny, I would like you to cancel the resort sale, return any collected funds, and sever outstanding contracts. You will each be receiving a severance package based on longevity that I hope you will find an ample cushion for this blow. Please double-check the contact address I have on file so that follow-up paperwork can be sent to you in a timely way. I have enjoyed working with every one of you and am grateful for your efforts and work ethic. That is all.”
She didn’t linger, but she wasn’t surprised when she heard urgent footsteps behind her as she left the hall to start in on the list of guests she wanted to inform personally.
“What the hell?”
She turned to find that Graham had beat the others out. She could hear loud conversation in the event hall behind them and kept walking.
“Between the return of Alice’s money and your severance pay, you should be able to retire to your own private island if you wanted to,” she said conversationally. “Find a place with good soil and plant a new garden. Take some starts, if you want. We have some plants you can’t find elsewhere.”
Graham took her boldly by the arm. “I don’t give a damn about the money,” he growled, pulling her to a stop. “Or the plants. What the hell is going on with the island? What about you? If the storm is severe enough to evacuate the resort, what happens to your... to you?”
Sometimes she saw more of his grandfather in him than she should. “I will be fine,” she said, resisting the urge to pat his cheek. “But I can’t protect myself and everyone else who is here at the same time.”
“This has everything to do with that lawyer,” Graham snarled. “What has he done? What lies is he telling you now?”
“Mal is not our enemy,” Scarlet said firmly.
“You’re certainly on a first name basis now.” Graham’s eyes were narrow and accusatory.
Scarlet wanted to explain, badly. She wanted to tell Graham every part of it, from the heady dawning certainty that Mal really, truly was her mate, to the danger that lurked beneath the island. “You have to trust me,” she said simply. “I will tell you everything when I have a moment to breathe. But we have to get the innocent people off of this island as soon as possible, now. We don’t have much time, and I need your help with that.”
Graham opened his mouth to continue his protest, then snapped it shut as there was a sudden, rolling rumble and the ground beneath them gave a wild leap. Graham staggered, while Scarlet swayed in place. Someone screamed and there was the sound of shattering glass from the bar. Gravel danced at their feet and finally—after much longer than most of their usual small quakes—the earth stilled again.
Scarlet stared down, wondering if she should be concerned. Had the wyrm woken? But it was quiet now and the upheaval she was braced for never happened. She raised her gaze to Graham’s concerned blue eyes. “That may make our evacuation job a little easier. Please go help Tex clean up the bar. I’m going to see Conall and work on getting Gizelle to safety.”
He didn’t follow her again when she resumed her swift travel across the resort.